
Infinite Source Mage

In the mystical realm where power reigns supreme, a once-mighty mage finds himself stripped of his greatness. Reincarnated as a young boy just after 7 years of his unknown cause of death, and then in a humble village, his path to glory begins in the most unlikely of places. With no parents to guide him and only an orphanage to call home, he sets on a goal to find the mysterious journey to reclaim his rightful place as the most powerful mage. ~~~~~ gender: male age: 9 (will age through chapters) hair colour: White (might change) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ajwoohin · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
48 Chs


❞𝒊𝒎 𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒅𝒔❞

Bell: "Pft, what a fool she was to trust them. Hah... She's an absolute idiot... Hahaha..."

Tears welled up in Bell's eyes, his laughter laced with bitterness. He clenched his teeth, a surge of dark energy emanating from his body. The desire to exact revenge consumed him, the word "𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍" echoing through his mind. In a moment of darkness, he unleashed a powerful surge of dark mana, but with immense effort, he managed to regain control.

Taking a deep breath, Bell composed himself. Without hesitation, he channeled his dark mana into the skill known as Dark Claw, shattering the weakened cell bars. His gaze swept across the empty cell, realizing that his captors had underestimated his strength due to he was just a kid. With a heavy heart, he acknowledged that he couldn't save Jenny in time.

Guilt washed over Bell as he cursed his own helplessness. If only he still possessed his former power, things might have turned out differently. Pushing aside his regrets, he refocused his energy on finding a way out and bring revenge to those responsible.

As bell was looking around he noticed a door, as he opened the door he was meet with a forest.

As Bell meandered through the forest, his eyes were drawn to a window that revealed a world beyond the trees. "So, they imprison people here," Bell muttered to himself, exhaling a heavy sigh. He racked his brain, devising plans to find his way back and locate Gohn.

With newfound freedom, Bell embarked on an exploration of the forest, cautiously navigating through the dense forest. Suddenly, a venomous threat appeared a black widow snake, begun to strike. Bell's reflexes kicked in, allowing him to quickly dodge the creature's attack. Intrigued by the snake, Bell turned to the system for more information.

"The Black Widow Snake," informed the system, "is a common creature found near its nest. Its most notable ability is the spewing of acid a corrosive substance capable of dissolving wood and even bronze. Its distinctive back pattern resembles that of a spider, thus earning it its name."

Bell, using his dark claw skill, climb a nearby tree, perching himself above the venomous serpent. Contemplating the snake's potential usefulness, he begun to brainstorm.

Bell let out a weary sigh as he swiftly leaped off the tree, employing the skill "Dark Claw" in mid-air. Dark mana formed into claw-like appendages on Bell's hand, swiftly dispatching the black widow snake without hesitation. He continued to sprint forward, his footsteps fueled by determination. As he ran, Bell stumbled upon a cave, thanks to the information provided by the system.

Deep inside that cave lay the mother of the black widow snake, a formidable threat. Recognizing the danger within, Bell decided to retreat for now, knowing that his family needed him more urgently.

Curiosity gnawing at him, Bell sought answers from the system once again, questioning the duration of his unconsciousness. The response came swiftly " two hours had passed." Widen eyes, Bell picked up his pace, guided by the map on the system. He knew the location of Ishka Village, memories of joyous moments with the village children flooding his mind. However, he quickly warn himself, reluctant to invite any negative premonitions.


Marc: he's.... taking a while..... more than an hour has pass..... ugh...

Mai and may: brother... is brother bell gonna come back...

marc: huh? what... oh Mai,May why are you two still up don't worry bell will come back....


Realizing that running alone would take long on his journey, Bell decided to kill off any easy creatures he encountered along the way, absorbing their corpses.

After a few minutes, Bell skillfully employed Dark Claw to cling to a tree, using it as leverage to leap to the next one. Employing the skill "Mana Leap" repeatedly, he swiftly moved from tree to tree, propelling himself forward through the forest. Even the presence of spiked trees failed to deter him. Whenever he sustained injuries, Bell relied on Dark Regeneration to heal himself swiftly, refusing to let anything hinder his progress. Determined to reach his destination, he pushed his legs to their limits, determined to reach his destination. In the middle of his leaps, Bell's attention was captivated by the three enormous moons that illuminated the night sky. Glaring at them momentarily, he refocused his gaze forward.

After an hour and thirty-four minutes of relentless travel, Bell finally arrived at the outskirts of the village. However, he had only made it to the outer wall of Ishka Village. Fatigue coursed through his body, begging him to rest. Yet, the words

"I'm sorry, kids"

resounded in his mind, and a surge of dark mana revitalized his leg muscles. Bell managed to stand once more, although weariness still weighed him down. He pressed forward, sprinting toward the village with a plan. His destination was the house of the village chief. "I need to report this first before... taking any further action," Bell muttered to himself.

To his surprise, as he peered through the window of the Chief's house, Bell witnessed an unexpected sight. The village chief stood before someone, receiving coins. Though Bell couldn't clearly see the person's face, he noticed the figure adorned in a magnificent golden armor, embellished with red ruby stripes on the shoulder pads.

His gaze shifted to the village chief's mouth, causing his eyes to widen and bloodlust to course through his veins. However, his attention was abruptly snapped back to reality when a drunken man bonk him on the head with a bottle of alcohol.

Bell muttered in frustration, "Ugh." As he looked up, a surge of adrenaline propelled him into a sprint. The realization that the village chief may have spotted him caused his heart to race, and he gritted he's teeth. When Bell had glanced at the village chief's mouth, he could discern the word "Gohn" forming on his lips, fueling his anger. Countless thoughts raced through his mind, but his utmost concern remained his family.

Returning quickly, he reached the orphanage and, just as he was about to open the door, it swung open on its own, revealing Marc. Bell's eyes widened, relief flooding over him, knowing that everyone inside was safe. Collapsing onto the floor, he finally let himself breathe.

Marc: Ehhh? Bell!! Σ(°д°ノ)ノ

After a few minutes, Bell regained consciousness, though he still felt a lingering fatigue and a dull headache. He glanced around, observing the sleeping children, and released a breath of relief. Suddenly, Marc's voice broke the silence.

Marc: You're finally awake. Now, tell me what happened.

Bell hesitated for a moment but ultimately sighed and got to his feet. He and Marc engaged in a conversation that lasted for thirty minutes, during which Bell told the events concerning Jenny.

As Bell lowered his gaze, a surge of guilt washed over him. "I'm sorry—" he began to apologize, but before the words could fully escape his lips, he looked up and met Marc's frustrated gaze. The mana emanating from Marc was overwhelming, enough to shake Bell to his core. Yet, it wasn't the sheer magnitude of the mana that surprised him the most; it was the expression on Marc's face.


Gohn: ! hm?

village chief: is something wrong?

Gohn: ...hm no it's nothing.








Name - Bell Aize

Age - 9

Gender - Male

Race - Human

Attribute - Mix mana

Title - Rock Frog Absorber

Old Title - The Greatest Mage




Strength: 25

Speed: 20

Vitality: 28

Intelligence: 70 (+1)







(Dark Regeneration)


(Dark Claw)

(Mix Mana Regeneration)

(Mana Leap)



(Ishka Village) Population: 200+

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