
Chapter 675: [Blood Berserker]

Before Olaf personally stepped into battle, the Sovereign guild had occupied the peak of the mountain for six hours and twenty minutes. Olaf's team encountered Milim, Lu Zhen and the others at the sixth hour mark, but from the time Lupin departed till the end of the battle between his squad and Milim's, twenty minutes had gone by.

In those twenty minutes, Olaf led the other members of his team up the mountain and faced off with the victorious Milim and the others.

Now, fifteen minutes have gone by since Milim kicked off a new confrontation with Olaf, but those fifteen minutes happened to be some of the most horrific ones of his life.

A monster ranked player was no joke and Milim understood the difference even more clearly with this battle.

"This is boring."

Olaf lifted his halberd with one arm and he coldly glanced at Milim.

"It might be boring for you, but it's an honour for me for having lasted this long."