
Chapter 7 The Dorm Battle

As I opened my door I shouted "LEAVE OR GET HURT!" No one listened to me though and 5 children charged at my room. 'Hehehe well 02 never said I had to fight them all I just have to occupy the room till midnight and by now it's already about 6pm.' I thought as I moved the sofa to block the door.

"BANG! BANG!" The door moved with all the children pounding on it. "HEHEHE! You underestimate sofa-san!" I said while laughing with joy.

While they were pounding on the door more and more I sorted out what I had to fight. 'So I have like 10 stones which were in my pockets from the trials but nothing much apart from that.' I thought in dismay.

Luckily though the kids soon gave up and headed for the other rooms. "Whew!" I sighed with relief as I relaxed on the floor.

Sadly it didn't last long "CHARGE!" they screamed as they managed to open the door a jar. "Keep pushing steadily." one of them commanded the others as I got my stones ready.

Bit by bit they opened the door further and further till the gap was big enough for them to get through. "Come at me b*tch." I said while moving my fingers like Bruce Lee. To that one of them ran at me but fumbled a bit as the opening in the door was too small.

While he was doing that I chucked a stone at his head. "Gah! Not cool dude! Man that hurts you b*st*rd!" the boy shouted while clutching his head on the ground. "Oi mate I never said I'd fight fair, now back off!" I said while closing the door as much as I could while they were distracted by that boy.

Bit by bit though I was losing ground till one of them realized something. "Wait! Only one of us can get the room so I am going to go for the lower rooms with less people." one of them said as he stopped pushing and went to a lower floor.

"Man he's right!"

"Why're we wasting our time here?"

"I am gonna go you can all act dumb by yourselfs."

They all said in succesion as little by little they left and I regained some ground. Eventually the door closed shut and I moved the sofa back into position as I sat down to rest.

Seconds soon passed then they turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours. Finally after a long while of resting it was 11:55pm I was home free. Till I heard a voice that would soon begin an intense fight.

"All our preparations are complete! Now hurry up and get me this room or else when we're out of here I'll bully all of you to death!" someone shouted outside. 'F*CK! It's George!' I thought as my door began to pushed again, and soon more and more kids started pounding at my door.

'With his dad's money they're all so subservient. Along with the fact that he got a Special talent they all became his dogs.' I thought as I pushed the door back as much as I could.

Luckily for me though there was only 5 minutes left because that dumb*ss decided to wait till now to attack to act all cool.

While pushing the door though I came up with a plan. "Oi you all should stop pushing! I have a Rare talent and George wont protect you anyway and you know it!" I shouted. Althought they didn't stop pushing the didn't put as much force into it as before.

I continued to goad them on "As well think about it with this room even if you have low talent wouldn't you be able to get strong to the point where money wouldn't matter? So why don't one of you guys take it instead of George?" We didn't know if when we got out we could gain a lot of money or if we could become strong enough to the point where money wouldn't matter to us but with talents that are on in a galaxy and one in a universe it was highly likely.

Hearing this they let up a bit more. I managed to keep them at bay till there was a minute left and eventually their pushing became just as forceful as before as George reassured them that he wouldn't forsake them.

Once there was a minute left I made a drastic decision as I opened the door. By doing this the 4 people pushing the door started falling but before they could enter the room I pushed them all out and said "HEHEHE! Who will win? My stones or your numbers?"

To these words they all got on there feet and George who was at the back rushed forward to try take the room but before he was even a meter away from the door a stone hit him straight on the forehead "AHHH!" he screamed as he fell on the floor in pain.

"If you dont hurry up you guys are just gonna be left with the worst rooms." I said as they hesitated. Although they couldn't take a room with less that a minute left they could at least potentially get a better room than the bottom 5. But George shouted "ARE YOU BRAIN DEAD!?! WHAT HAVE WE BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST FEW HOURS!" To that they looked like they remembered something and they all got ready to charge at me

"No, we're committed!" One of them said as they charged at me. "Then get stoned." I said as a stone simultaneously hit him on the head. "Gahh!" he also screamed. "Two down three to go!" I said as I looked at the remaining 3.

They hesitated but eventually they ran towards me but there fates were the same as the others and they were all pelted with rocks and fell on the floor wailing in pain. 'There's only 10 seconds left and then I can rest.' I thought as I closed my door and moved the sofa back in place.'

Finally after the 10 seconds passed 02 said "Congratualtions on those who have the top rooms. The room placements are as follows Golden Room: Cyril Reeds, Silver Room 1: George Barnett..."

'F*CK I forgot he could claim a room then attack that's why he took so long. DAMNIT!' I thought as I face plamed and decided to head to bed.