
Chapter 6 Living Quarters

As I opened my eyes yet again around me there were fields and in front of me stood a huge mettalic grey house. Around me one by one my class mates appeared, soon all of stood there in front of the house.

Once we were all there 02's voice rung out "So as I said before this will be your new living quarters. You may pick any room provided no one else has picked it. Apart from that lunch is behind the living quarters in the cafeteria. When you have all settled in your training shall begin."

When he finished I immediately ran into the living quarters. 'First pick is always the best.' I thought as I rushed down the hall. At the end of the hall there was an elevator. There were actually 17 floors on the list excluding floor 0.

As I rushed up each floor I noticed a pattern. 'As far as I can see there are 5 rooms to a floor and that includes floor 0. Now if we are about 80 students or less than all we'd need are 16 floors and 1 floor for the roof if there is one, but if we count floor 0 we have 18 floors in total. So the last floor must have the best room.' I thought as I rushed back to the elevator and picked the 16th floor.

'Better safe than sorry.' I thought as the elevator arrived at the 16th floor. On it there was only one room, room 78. "Jackpot!" I shouted as I clicked floor 17 to make sure that it was just the roof.

Once I was there I looked around but it was just a plain roof with metal railings around the edges and metallic floor tiles. "Off to floor 16 it is." I said as I clicked floor 16. To be clear there were steps and other people could use the elevator but I had been hogging it for so long that no one had the chance to use it.

As I made it back to the 16th floor I actually notice it was quite different apart from there only being 1 room. It had quartz flooring along with clear white walls. On the door the No.78 was done in gold and the door was made of coloured glass.

Inside the room there was living room with a black leather sofa and a tv along with a small bathroom and a bedroom. The bathroom was pretty standard as was the bed room but the bed had a golden pillow along with purple sheets.

Once I was done looking at everything I said "Claim room!" As I said that blue energy transmitted from me and flooded the entire room. When I went outside and looked at the door again it was now "Cyril Reed's Room." not No.78.

I started to enjoy my self in the room. The tv seemed to have normal channels and I put on the news "BREAKING NEW! Children all around the world have gone missing, a few hours ago in various school the children never came back while some children in their home suddenly disappeared. People are calling this a sign of an apocalypse or some other bad event." the reporter said in one breath.

'So that's what happened after we left.' I thought as I put on something else. While I was thinking that there wasn't anything bad that was going to happen for the rest of the day 02's voice chimed in like it was on cue "So you've seemed to all have picked your rooms and if you looked at all the floors you may have seen a difference in quality between the rooms and that is true. Not only do the higher floor rooms have better facilities but they also give you higher training speeds and also could increase your talent. For example if you were on the highest floor you could increase your talent from Mediocre to Special and if you were lucky you might be able to get close to Rare or get a Rare talent. Of course if you have Super Rare talent it wouldn't allow you to reach Legendary talent. Although if you have a Rare talent albeit low there is still a chance to increase your talent to Super Rare. Apart from that though just living there and training there would give you a 2 times training speed boost."

As some people were a bit annoyed at not getting a higher floor or giving up to early 02's voice sounded again "Now I understand that it must be unfair that I didn't tell you this before so now we'll hold a game. It's called the room game. Who ever occupies the room till midnight keeps it. Then you can sleep till 8am and then our training will begin."

When everyone heard this they were riled up. Everyone had now accepted some key facts, 1 they would have to grow stronger, although all trials were different they all pertained to one things a test of courage, strength, agility or intelligence in a fight or a situation. 2 with all the training speeds they could all understand that they had no time to dilly dally and had to train with all their might although they didn't know how to yet, and finally, 3 that those with higher talents had it better.

So for the chance to increase their talents they all wanted it. Soon there was massive army of kids heading towards my room. "Houston we have a problem." I said with worry as I braced for a fight.