
Chapter 4 Which Haki?

"Hmm so after reading this over it seems that I should train Busoshoku haki." He mumbled to him self while closing the manual. 'Man this is going to be a pain to train Kenbunshoku since it grows mostly in combat if I want to get the future sight while the enhanced sight is by spreading my will out of my body. Although that would be beneficial later on currently it's not really needed. While haoshoku must be trained through life experiences apart from that which is the same as the anime it doesn't say more since the average person can't even use it. But good for me that it says how to train Busoshoku. So I need to pull my vitality out from my heart and pull it through my skin to form an armour.' Cyril thought while getting into a cross legged position.

After doing this for about an hour he finally managed to pull out some of his vitality and he formed an invisible layer of Haki above his heart. Soon after though it vanished. "Damnit should I be surprised or disappointed? I mean it only lasts for 5 seconds and then goes back into my heart. Then again Busoshoku like Kenbunshoku does increase more during combat. As well with things like this normally after taking one step the following steps become much easier." Cyril mumbled while wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Although he didn't show it that took a lot out of Cyril so he rested for 30 minutes before beginning again.

This time it only took him 10 minutes to pull his vitality out and for the haki armour. Now instead of increasing the quantity Cyril tried to move it towards his right hand. He succeeded after about 20 minutes.

After that he started expanding the armour while sending more vitality towards his right hand with his body. It was much easier for him to do it this time as it was inside his body not outside. Once the armour reached his wrist he pulled back his vitality and rested. He had spent and hour expanding the haki towards his wrist.

Then he fainted and woke up after an hour to his mum yelling at him "CYRIL! Come down for dinner." Cyril rushed down and there he saw his father. His father was a man of above average height at about 1.8m with golden hair and green eyes. His mother though was about 1.65m also above the average height with brown hair and blue eyes.

"So how was school?" Cyril's father asked him while eating his chicken. "It was fine." Cyril replied while eating as well. Cyril's father was an engineer and he worked till late. In fact he had only arrived home about 10 minutes before Cyril had come down for dinner.

They chatted while eating and after Cyril headed back up to his room. Once he was there Cyril got ready for bed which took him about half an hour and then he trained for half an hour more, this time it took him barely a minute to extract the haki and not only that he didn't extract it out directly above his heart his did it above both hands while simultaneously increasing the area of the haki. Once it reach his left and right hand's wrists he stopped as he had gotten tired and wanted to wake up early the following day. So he switched off the lights and went to bed.

While he was dozing off he thought 'Although it was a bit slow at the start now I can keep haki across one of my hands indefinitely if I don't move around a lot. It sped up quite a bit as I trained more but soon I will probably hit a bottle neck once I try to simultaneousley expand and harden the haki further but that's for tomorrow.'

Soon he dozed off into the land of dreams.

Well I know this was a bit shorter but considering my update speed for the first day you can't blame me okay? As well it just felt right to end it there. Well I hope you enjoyed the chapter now that we are out of the big info dumps. See you next time bye.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts