
Chapter 15 This Is Insane!

Somewhere in Atlantis.

Roy, Cyril's father was having a buisness meating in a bank to make them some new equipment to protect the facility. When suddenly a huge flame was seen out side burning along with about 100 children.

The boy in the front had eyes blue like ice and pale blue hair. It contrasted well against the flames he was emitting.

But everyone was in a panic to what he did next. He threw a big fireball at the top of the bank. Everyone didn't know what was going on but they ran outside of the bank in fear and away from the group of children.

Some of the children though seamed to have guns others spear. Some had weird pocket monsters next to them. While others had swords and weird canes.

02 had matched them with Cyril's school for one reason and one reason only. It was because the school had the same composition of powers with a little discrepancies. For example the people in their school could either be a Wave Controller or a Spear Bearer while in Cyril's school their were only Wave Controllers and Fisherman.

Soon though the guards came and shot at the burning boy but the bullets only went through him. The guards were burnt to a crisp.

Not all hope was lost though cause soon a flash of light came. Inside were the children from Cerasus Secondary. Just as they pulled their triggers and the bullets shot out a wall of sand was formed and blocked them all.

"F*ck so you have guns? Where did you rob to get those you scum." the irregular known as Aaron said. "They seemed to have done a purge among themselves. Look they only number to around 100." the magic swordsman Adamaris said as she got ready for battle.

"So it's seems we're a team now? Well GO CHARMELEON!" Quinn the pokemon master said.

"Ya, after this I am going to eat some sushi, man I am hungry." Era the uzumaki said while rubbing her stomach.

"SHUT UP! We're not ready for this yet it's going to be a slaughter. You clearly do not know the true power of Fire Fist Ace or devil fruit in general that kid can kill us all right now if he has gained proper control of his fruit." Cyril said while flying up to the sky on a tornado of sand.

"Oh so there's someone knowledgeable among you. Indeed I can wipe out most of the people here but what about you? Suna Suna no mi right? Well that would be quite powerful in a desert." the pale blue haired boy said.

"I forgot to introduce my self by the way. I am Maxwell Unkillable Flaming Fist a Stage 2 lifeform." Maxwell introduced him self while bowing and flying up into the sky on a flaming tornado.

While this was happening though all the civillians looked in amazement and confusion. Especially Roy who looked at the boy on the sand tornado. "Huh Cyril!" he cried while looking at him.

Cyril looked back to see his father but looked forward immediately and said "EVACUATE ALL OF YOU! Now let's get into buisness." Cyril turned into sand as he sent sand bullets to destroy all of their guns. Somehow he luckily suceeded but soon was in dismay as the Spear Bearers through their spears towards the students.

The top 5 weren't their for nothing though the blocked them all.

Things weren't looking so good though as a huge flaming fist was casted towards Maxwell and he absorbed it and threw his own flaming fist which had a radius of 40 meters.

It flew towards them some of them panicked and fled the scene while others decided to give their all. An explosive bullet shot out while a gigantic red bang flew and a huge water bird flew towards the fist.

But it only half it's size and Cyril didn't have enough time to protect everyone soon 300 of their classmates burnt to death as they weren't strong enough.





Everyone was infuriated and scared but they had to avenge their classmates. Only the top 20 of each class lives as the rest weren't powerful enough


Most of the civillians had already fled while the others were either dead or hiding. The helicopter was still left in the sky. This wasn't happening only in this city though. This was happening all around the world just they weren't as flashy or were easily handled by one side. Like one boy had about 10 suits of armour that just beat up all the criminals.

While somewhere else there was someone who was immune to bullets and decimated them in a few punches. Somewhere else though the criminals won with a simple laser beam from a pale looking boy.

Only in Atlantis were there 2 sides of semi-comparable power with high skill.

"You monster. We don't know what is yet to come yet you act like this are you even sane?" Cyril said while looking at Maxwell.

"I am sane it's just that unlike you I know to care for myself only unlike you who seems to care about these Stage 1 trash." Maxwell said while looking towards the burnt corpses.

"Oh then I must belong with them." Cyril said while gazing sadly at himself for not training once during the weekend.

"FUFUFUFU! YOU'RE STILL STAGE 1? I TOOK YOU TOO SERIOUSLY!" Maxwell said while gazing at Cyril. Although Maxwell was strong though due to fear he had eliminated the other top 5 in his school.

Even without them though he could defeat most schools single handedly.

Hope was not lost though. If the top 5 joined hand in hand they could defeat Maxwell although it would be difficult. As well since some of the top 5's friends died they were burning in rage.

Soon the battle began again the top 100 against the top 100. It was a slaughter but Cerasus Secondary had the edge due to Drake and Jack joining the fray. Each time Drake shot a lead bullet 10 of them would explode and every time Jack swung his swords 6 would lose their heads.

Although there were some bad apples in Cerasus Secondary most of them were regular kids. Although killing the other students would impact them mentally most of them were so clouded by rage that it would take time before they calmed down and came to the realization.

Now it was the top 5 against Maxwell this would decide the fate of both schools. Were they to be destroyed or rise from the ashes and become some of the strongest?

Eyyy! Two chapters see guys I don't do you dirty. I know I know this novel's getting a bit fast paced but after this I swear I'll slow it down a bit and maybe make some side chapters for some fun and slice of life for those of you who like that. Well till next time bye!

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts