
Dreams of death

Alone, in darkness,

Empty, sounds of silence

Death at the door,

It's might be her(death).

Her I say,

Don't allow to see her face, peace.

Peace of silence,

That she never wanted

Or maybe she wanted.

God or nothing,

Hope at least there

Will be something, to

Grand me nothing.

What can I ask?

I say,

Now it's death

So, next.

What if there isn't any next.

I had,

had meaningful or

I say,

meaningless life, one more time.

The end, your end.

Wait for the end of time.

Again but again

It was a dream to have a night of death.

If you come this far.

I thank you human, from the bottom of my dark heart as I fade away.

NipponRoycreators' thoughts