
Infinite Mana In The Oasis

Meet Eren Idril, just your average Joe trying to navigate a world that's gone full sci-fi bonkers. We're talking flying cars, holographic pets, the whole shebang. But here's the kicker: amidst all the flashy gadgets and mind-bending tech, there's something even more mind-blowing going on—mana. Now, this ain't your run-of-the-mill magic trick. Nope, mana's the real deal, and only the elite, the cream of the crop, the Rankers, get to play with it. They're basically like the cool kids in high school, but with superpowers and a really fancy title. But here's where things get spicy. While everyone's busy flexing their mana muscles and living it up in this brave new world, there's trouble brewing on the horizon. Like, end-of-humanity kind of trouble. Turns out, Earth ain't the safe haven it used to be, and now folks are scrambling to find a new place to call home. Enter Eren Idril, the ultimate underdog in a world full of heroes and villains. He's not your typical protagonist, more like the guy you'd find chilling in the background, minding his own business. But when he stumbles upon a power that everyone else thinks is busted, well, let's just say things are about to get interesting. - Grayback

Grayback · Kỳ huyễn
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Eren's words echoed through the tense air, his voice laced with determination.

"In order to taste my cup of water, you first need to empty your cup," he declared, his eyes burning with resolve as he assumed a defensive stance.

Every fiber of his being screamed with pain, but he pushed it aside, channeling his focus into the martial art that he had digested the memories of

Jeet Kune Do.

Ignoring the torment coursing through his body, Eren planted his right leg forward and positioned his left leg behind him. His left hand rose, guarding his chest, while his right hand extended outward, ready for action. The agony he experienced seemed to awaken something within him, a twisted sense of liberation.

It was as if the barriers of his humanity, the restraints that held him back from taking a life, were shedding away. His vision blurred with the influence of bloodlust, the only conscious boundary he had set for himself fading into the background.

Using no way as a way. Having no limitations as limitations.

Eren embraced the principles of Jeet Kune Do, allowing his instincts and emotions to guide his movements. In this martial art, there were no rigid patterns or predetermined responses—only direct, non-complex actions. He immersed himself in the present moment, shedding concerns of victory and defeat, pride and pain.

A ripple of thought surged through Eren's mind as he settled into the stance that felt most natural in his current state. In that instant, a portion of his pain seemed to dissipate, as if swept away by the sheer intensity of his focus. Simultaneously, he sensed a tempest of mana brewing within him, a mysterious force tugging at his core.

It felt as if a cosmic star was being birthed within his belly, or an insatiable black hole without boundaries.

Yet, Eren compartmentalized these sensations, honing his awareness solely on his surroundings. His concentration sharpened to such a degree that he began to discern the rhythmic thumping of his enemies' heartbeats, even those standing at a considerable distance. It was as if the world around him had slowed, granting him an uncanny insight into the life forces pulsating in his vicinity.

At that moment, a distinct pulse of mana radiated from Eren, causing Jayce and Ralph to snap their attention toward him. Their honed senses instinctively reached out, probing Eren's energy and comprehending the monumental change unfolding within him.

However, they were not the sole witnesses to this transformation.

Stan's voice trembled with urgency as he interjected, his fear palpable. "This...this bastard is entering the official rank. Jayce, Ralph, we can't afford any complications. Just kill him before..."

Jayce, his irritation evident, interrupted Stan for the first time in his life, his voice cutting through the air with authority. "Stan, we know damn well what's happening. You don't need to tell us what we should do, because we'll do it regardless."

With those resolute words, Jayce vanished from his position, employing his formidable movement spell to appear instantly by Eren's side. His fists were encased in earth-element mana, turning his skin into an uncanny stone-like texture.

Jayce made a controversial choice, employing his spell against a non-ranker—an action deemed taboo within the rankers' communities. But in this critical moment, Jayce's concern for such rules faded away.

Charging his reinforced hand with his go-to spell, he unleashed a ferocious punch toward Eren's face, pouring every ounce of his might into the strike.

The events that followed unfolded in a blur of motion.

"Empty your mind. Be formless," Eren whispered to himself, his senses heightened as he witnessed Jayce's devastating blow hurtling toward him. Time seemed to warp and stretch, elongating each passing second, granting Eren an extraordinary perception of the impending impact. He observed Jayce's skin transforming into an increasingly stony surface, a consequence of his spell.

Within this fleeting moment, Eren ascended into a state of profound realization—an epiphany that allowed him to perceive time in a wholly different manner. It crawled forward at an agonizing pace, as if counting to 100 would still not bring Jayce's punch crashing into his face.

Eren found himself egulfed in an enigmatic transformation, the true nature of which eluded him. Yet, he paid it no heed, for his singular objective in that moment was to outmaneuver Jayce and Ralph, who loomed ready to strike him from behind.

'Formless. Shapeless. Like water,' Eren's inner voice echoed, granting him a newfound clarity. He understood that he need not engage in direct confrontation or defense against their oncoming attacks. Instead, he must redirect their assaults toward alternative targets—a fluidity akin to water. Never stagnant, forever flowing.

Ralph, his feet wreathed in dancing flames after executing his movement spell, closed in on Eren from behind. Observing that Eren was preoccupied with Jayce's frontal assault, Ralph perceived an easy opportunity, akin to a lost sheep awaiting slaughter.

With his own affinity for fire, Ralph's fists burned with dark orange flames, distinct from Stan's fiery nature. A chilling ruthlessness possessed him as he launched his punch at Eren. He was well aware that his actions veered from the path of righteousness, yet the cruel reality of life in the Numbered Oasis had left him jaded.

Morality had become irrelevant, his sole concern being personal gains and losses. Eliminating a non-ranker held its own rewards—a callous mindset that guided Ralph's intentions.

Ralph's strike aimed true, targeting Eren's back where his vulnerable heart lay, unguarded by a proper mana defense. It appeared to be a cleaner, less gruesome demise—an act he deemed merciful.

Both Jayce and Ralph kept Eren in their sights, their mana senses honed, meticulously tracking his every movement. Confidence swelled as their fists closed in on their intended mark, mere inches away.

Bzzt—a crackling bolt of lightning.

POW—a muffled thud of flesh meeting flesh.

Crackle—the sickening sound of bones shattering upon brutal impact.

The lightning blossomed first. Then, Eren seemed to vanish, his form ghostly, allowing his assailants to witness each other's incoming attacks and the shock etched upon their faces. It took a fleeting moment for Jayce and Ralph to comprehend that Eren had utilized Jayce's own body as a stepping-stone, ascending to perch upon his shoulders.

Balancing on Jayce's extended leg, Eren skillfully leveraged the arm raised to strike him as a foothold, defying gravity to land firmly on his shoulders. But he did not stop there. Swiftly spinning, he shifted his weight, as if poised to leap, and unleashed a lightning-charged kick upon Jayce's shoulders, propelling him forward.

For both Jayce and Ralph, this audacious maneuver was beyond comprehension. Eren, still a non-ranker and lacking combat experience, had defied all expectations. The result of this sudden, seamless action unfolded as one might envision.

Jayce, compelled by Eren's movements, inadvertently landed a punch on Ralph's face, while Ralph's attack found its mark on Jayce's left shoulder. Their strikes had become twisted in a cruel dance of friendly fire.

'Be water, my friend,' Eren's thoughts rippled within, resolute as he gracefully alighted a few meters from his previous position.