
The Reified Wealdian Sources of Extremity! III

{The Reified Wealdian Source of Oraculum costs no resources to keep active apart from taking a portion of your soul.}

{The Reified Wealdian Source of Oraculum is capable of expressing 9x of your current statistical Quintessential Hyperversal Soul, Vitality, Defense, and Damage Values. This augmentation remains up until your Values undergo evolution when attaining Extremity. Hyperversal Extremity Values cannot yet be augmented as future modifications will be dependent on which concepts achieve Extremity.}

{When pondering on Extremity with the concepts it is made of, Oraculum's rate of progression towards higher Boundary Layers is increased by 10,000%}

A ridiculous being.

This was what the Reified Wealdian Source of Oraculum was as if everything else was stripped from it and only its grandiose capabilities of expressing 9x Noah's values were retained, it would still be a game changer similar to Noah's Quintessential Reified Source of Extremity!