
One Innate Boundary After Another! I

The True Emperor of Quintessence stretched his hands into the Aeonic Annals of Extremity as he utilized his identity as the Quintessential Aeonic Curator to change his very own future Recorded History!

The power of his Aeonic Soul burned as it surged towards the stellar Obsidian scrolls under the Chrysalis section.

His soul was currently undergoing Quintessential changes as his Boundaries surged towards greater levels, his Aeonic Soul Values continuing to increase as after crossing the 2,000 threshold, they now reached out towards 3,000 as this constant transformation was also replenishing used up Aeonic Soul Values.

The incandescent glow of Quintessence burned as he felt hundreds of Aeonic Values flow towards the simple action of changing the character {Obsidian} to {Crimson} for a single Innate Boundary of Blood.



