
Infinite Dragon God Can't Find Silence

"I want to find... the original silence..." In the dark night, Orpheus looked up at the starry sky and muttered to herself. "It's just..." Orpheus looked at the 'lock' in her hand that connected her to reality. Because of you... the entanglement...is getting more and more... Current experience: FGO Chapter 7--Fate Zero--God Slayer--No Game No Life Zero--High School--Hokuniwa (Problem Child)

Alvarez_Rbk · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 The King of Uruk

Around 2600 BC... In the Mesopotamian Basin, there was a city-state.

This city-state called Uruk was more prosperous than other cities with a large crowd of people thanks to the governance of several wise monarchs in the previous generation.

The palace, which represented the authority of the king, was extremely luxurious, with architectural techniques that were even better than those thousands of years later, and precious materials that could only be collected in the Age of Gods. The overall appearance was magnificent.

If there was a building that could rival it, it would probably be the temple that stood opposite this palace and demonstrated the power of the gods.

In such a magnificent palace, its hall was naturally extremely wide and magnificent, which made a figure sitting cross-legged in the center of the hall look extremely lonely.

She was a little girl who looked only fourteen years old.

The girl had a delicate face like an elf, and her ears were much sharper than those of ordinary people, which made people know at a glance that she was not a simple human. What slightly deducted points from her cute face was her pair of dark gray eyes that seemed to be half open and half closed, staring straight ahead without spirit, and it was obvious that her mind was completely out of reality.

Ophis... Perhaps she could be called Ophis, the King of Uruk at this time.

That's right, when Ophis came to his senses, she had replaced the original hero king and became the king of Uruk.

In the absence of her, she forced everyone to push her destiny to a fixed point, and then inserted her existence. This was Qi's explanation to her.

This must be quite difficult, right? Ophis felt so.

However, relying on Qi's so-called special energy, she still succeeded in doing this, and Ophis could only admire her for this.

Ophis had no idea about the specific mechanism, and Qi had completely lost contact after she arrived in this world, probably having fallen asleep.

If there is anything to be thankful for in a situation where nothing is clear, it is only the infinite energy that has not been reduced.

The body trembled slightly, and Ophis's dark gray eyes regained some spirit.

Slowly standing up, letting the long black hair like a waterfall casually scatter on the back, Ophis shook the loose black robe and looked at the door.

"What's the matter?"

"My king, today's treasures have been delivered, please take a look."

"Bring them in and put them aside."

The servants quickly brought in several weapons that exuded a faint sharp aura, and the girl wearing the priest costume of this era knelt in front of Ophis.

"My king, please don't immerse yourself in your own world, look more at your people! They need your wisdom and guidance!"

After giving advice as usual, the young priest looked at the girl who seemed to have not heard her words at all, and sighed.

This new king…although very cute, he can't just ignore things! ?

Moreover, he didn't look like a king in this plain black robe. At most, he added some gorgeous golden patterns to show his status under her constant advice. With that silly expression, he didn't look like a king at all.

But even so, he was still a king after all, and she was just an ordinary priest. Now that the high priest, who was her leader, didn't speak, she couldn't say much and could only leave quietly as usual.

Ophis watched his men leave, still expressionless.

She could only learn a little about the Hero King from her knowledge.

But no matter what, whether it was according to the history or the nature of the dragon race, it was always right to collect more treasures.

As for governing the country…

Although she did have a plan for governing the country in her mind, and with her understanding, she could come up with something if she really studied it seriously. After all, Uruk was just a small city.

But for her, this kind of thing that is not helpful to the "Crush the Great Red" is not worth spending time and energy on.

This is not ruthless... or rather, Ophis herself does not think it is ruthless, but she simply makes a judgment based on the current situation.

She gestured in the air with her fingers a few times, drawing a transparent ripple.

Ophis herself does not have the ability to manipulate space, but she was born in the gap between dimensions. As an Ouroboros, she has the talent to travel through various spaces and even the void. Combined with the magic secrets collected from this era, if she just wants to create a space dedicated to storing things, she can still do it.

After stuffing the newly collected treasures into the small hole one by one, Ophis sat down again.

Now the energy control practice can only be tested in the body...

Although she doesn't want to waste time governing the country, she at least knows her identity and will not destroy this city-state at will.

If the energy is released, Ophis has no confidence that it will not affect the surroundings.


The prosperity of a town is closely related to the actions of the ruler. Although the cohesion of the people in this era is better than that of later generations, when the king does not care about it at all, Uruk, which was originally the most powerful among all city-states, gradually weakened.

Under such circumstances, other city-states that were already jealous of Uruk's power naturally became restless, and one of them was the most impatient and directly sent troops to launch an attack.

Outside the palace's main hall, several priests and officials knelt on the ground.

"King, foreign enemies are invading, please give orders as soon as possible!"

The leading girl priest looked anxious, but still kept a respectful tone and bowed her head to ask.

In Uruk, only the king can mobilize the army...

But will the new king who doesn't care about anything really care about such things?

He should, right? After all, his own country has been attacked...

Just when everyone pleaded for a long time and the priest girl was considering whether to take the blame herself and send the army first to at least save the people from being slaughtered, the door of the main hall finally opened.

Is it really out! ?

The priestess finally put her mind at ease. As long as the king ordered the army to be dispatched, she would not have to worry for the time being...

"Where is the enemy?"


According to her experience, she originally thought that the king would just dispatch the army and then leave it alone. Didn't she expect that he would care about such things? Did the king also start to care about the affairs of this city-state? The priestess was a little touched for a moment.

"Well, according to the latest intelligence, the enemy's position is about tens of kilometers north of Uruk, and it will arrive soon. As long as the king... Huh?"

The priestess' mouth twitched.

Ophis... has disappeared.

"Master Priest..."

At this time, the official behind her spoke uncertainly.

"The king... just flew to the north..."


The priestess fell silent.

Does the king want to resist the enemy alone?

However, the priestess was not too worried. After all, the current king was appointed by God, and it would not be surprising that he had powerful power.


The north she mentioned is just an approximate direction! If you go directly due north, you will be off track and can't find it!!!

(End of this chapter)