
The Prologue

### Chapter: The Birth in the Void

In the beginning, there was only the Void, an endless expanse of nothingness. It was here that two beings of immense power clashed in a battle that would echo through the ages. Archon, the embodiment of creation, wielded forces that could forge stars and breathe life into the cosmos. Aerish, the essence of destruction, held powers that could unravel the very fabric of existence.

Their battle was fierce and unyielding, with neither side giving quarter. The Void around them trembled with the force of their conflict, as creation and destruction danced in a deadly embrace. Archon's light shone brilliantly, cutting through the darkness with rays of hope and life. Aerish's shadows crept and twisted, threatening to consume all in their path.

As the battle raged on, the powers of both Archon and Aerish began to wane. They had met their match in each other, and the strain of their endless conflict started to take its toll. With a final, desperate effort, they unleashed their remaining strength in a cataclysmic explosion of light and darkness.

The Void shook violently, and from the epicenter of the collision, a new form emerged. As the dust settled and the echoes of the battle faded, a baby girl lay cradled in the remnants of power that once belonged to Archon and Aerish. She was a child of both creation and destruction, a being of untold potential and power.

Her eyes opened, revealing orbs that swirled with both brilliant light and consuming darkness. She was the balance, the harmony of opposing forces. And with her birth, a new era began in the Void, one where life could flourish amidst the remnants of a battle that had almost torn everything apart.

The girl, named **Aria**, grew under the watchful eyes of the cosmos. She was the legacy of Archon and Aerish, the hope for a future where the cycle of creation and destruction could exist in equilibrium. And though the Void was her cradle, the universe would become her playground, a canvas for her to shape as she saw fit.

So this is end guys. I'm new so feel free to criticize.

Beingbehind4wallcreators' thoughts