

Ever heard of "the more you see, the less you understand" well, "the less He believes the more beautiful and dangerous she becomes" He fell in love with inferiority and she became his nightmare, his love for her made her bigger, stronger and scary but he can't help himself, his love was his demise!!!!

Hyacinth_Godwin · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


"An explosion just happened few minutes ago at the major highway bridge, thie has claimed the lives of many car users and we are yet to know if there are any survivors, High-level news, Nacious city".

"Inspector, are you seeing what has just happened, switch on your TV now.

{Inspector Michael switch on his Tv}

WHAT THE...….!!!!!!!

"Report to the office immediately, the IGP continued as he ends the call.

What happened mike? favour asked as Michael points the Tv news highlight, this is no longer child play mike, this terrorist mean business. Michael rushes to the bathroom, brushes his teeth and washed his face as he quickly dress up in his uniform. "Please inform me when you hear from Kelvin, Now is the time we have to be cautious of the people around us, Michael added as he enters his car driving out with speed.

John: What is wrong with Kelvin, I have been dialing his number all through last night and even now, but it is not going through.

{ He dials it again; The number you dial is switched off} huuughrrrrrr.....! John screamedout of anger and frustration, please calm down bro, just leave it for now, I sent voice calls , when he puts on his phone he will surely contact us, favour intervened trying to calm him down.

"I love you baby" Kelvin whispers in the ears of Inferiority as she holds him tightly to herself on the bed, opening her eyes and smiles to him "I love you more darling, can we go more" she said massaging his fingers, I'm sorry babe but I need to go now, I'm late for work, he kisses her head went into the bathroom.

Inferiority picks up her phone, switching on her data she sees that the explosion that her group has caused was the trending news, YES!!!! She exclaimed jumping out of the bed in joy, she quickly sends a text message to them.

"Well-done guys, we can now begin preparation to implent stage two of our plans, the whole of Nacious city is already in confusion but they are yet to see" she sends the message with joy and an uncontrollable smile, "Babe please switch on my phone, my friends must have tried calling" Kelvin asked, inferiority switches on the phone and sees the numerous text messages from his friends including his boss, she deletes them all and replied back to him "Well seems you were wrong about your friends, no one sent a message not even to drop a invoice message.

"That's unlike them" Kelvin said as he comes out of the bathroom feeling bad, "Or should I call them" He asked, "Call them for what honey, I am here for you always, come let me take you to cloud nine" she said as she puts his phone on flight mood and pulls him over to herself; he follows her like a sheep and sleeps with her again.

Have any of you been able to reach out to Kelvin" Kelvins boss asked everyone in the office, NO SIR! NO SIR! Everyone said, his boss becomes more angry, "I LITERALLY SENT A TEXT TO HIM LAST NIGHT THAT HE SHOULD NOT FORGET TODAY'S CONTRACT SIGHNING WITH THE CHINESE INVESTORS, WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM" He shouted "you know what Catherine prepare and let's go, but quickly write a message on a piece of paper and drop it on Kelvin's table, write that he has been suspended indefinitely" the boss added, Ok sir! Catherine replied as she quickly arranged her table and dropped the letter of suspension on Kelvin's table, I'm ready sir, she said as they left for the contract signing.

An hour later, Kelvin rushes into the office and headed straight to the office of his boss, but it was locked. "Oh God! he said. "Where is Catherine?" he asked one of his colleagues, "She went with the boss, since he thought you have decided to give yourself a break, and I over-heard him asking Catherine to drop a letter for you on your table, go to your office and check it out" his colleague replied, Kelvin stares at him angrily and left to his office.

Kelvin sees the letter on the table, he reads it and he shouted "FOR WHAT!!!!! Just because I came late today, he did not even wait to hear from, to why I came this late and what must have held me" Kelvin said angrily, "in-fact I quit, what nonsense!" He added as he writes a letter of resignation drops it on Catherine's desk and leaves the company angrily. "Taxi" he said, stopping a taxi and going straight to Favour's restaurant, few minutes later he got there, as he enters the restaurant, Favour sighted him and goes quickly to welcome him.

"Sit down bro, please you there get him a drink quickly" he ordered one of his workers, what happened you look so angry and frustrated" Favour asked, "My boss had the audacity to give me an indefinite suspension just because I was late to follow him for the contract signing, without hearing from me, to know if I was okay or not" Kelvin said trying to calm himself, "Ah ah! That even reminds me, what happened to you, where did you go yesterday, that we did not hear from you at all and now you went to work late, what's happening to you?" "I am fine bro, I was with Inferiority" Kelvin said , "are you serious bro, firstly you have no right to be angry, just try and apologize to your boss, secondly can't you see that this girl is destroying your life, Mike was right after-all, that girl is no good for you, look at you man" Favour replied, Kelvin stands up looking at Favour angrily, "don't you ever in your life talk ill of my girlfriend, so this is what you guys discuss behind me right, thank you for the drink" Kelvin said as he leaves the restaurant. Kelv! Kelv! Favour called out but Kelvin ignores him and calls a taxi, Favour followed him carefully as he also stopped a taxi to follow Kelvin.

Favour picks up his phone and calls Michael, "Hello Mike, Kelvin just left my restaurant angrily, that Inferiority of a lady is making this guy destroy himself, he has been with him all this while, in-fact I am following him so that I can talk sense to that lady" Alright bro" Michael replied, "but please be careful, we suspect that she is connected to the terrorist, call me when u get there, so that I can come as well" Michael added {as he was currently busy investigating the highway bridge explosion}alright, I will" Favour replied as he ended the call.

"Stop right there!!" Inferiority said pointing a gun at the back of Favour's head, "What have you done to my friend you witch?

"TERRORIST!!!! Favour shouted as he turns quickly and tries to collect the gun from her hand, Kelvin hears a noise in the sitting and rushes out of the bedroom.

"Favour what are you doing here, leave my girlfriend alone" Kelvin said. He is trying to kill me babe, please do something babe, he is with a gun" Inferiority said, faking her tears and crying, "LIAR! Favour replied.

"Leave her alone!!! Kelvin said as he picks up a golden stature in the sitting room and hits it on Favour's head. Favour falls to the ground and Kelvin rushed to hold his girlfriend. Are you okay baby? He said holding her, she begins to breath hard. "Your best friend almost killed me, what have I done to him; am I wrong to have fallen in love with you?.

"NO! NO! NO! Kelvin answered as he turns and sees blood on the ground, "OH NO! That is Favour's blood, he rushes and pick Favour up, "I am sorry brother I did not mean it, please don't die" he cried out. "I think he is dead babe" Inferiority said smiling behind him.

"Oh no, but I didn't mean it" he said crying, "I know dear, let's just bury him before anyone comes to find out, it will be our secret baby" Inferiority said as he rest his head on her body crying.

Earlier before then, Favour has called Michael when he got to the house and sent the location to him, Michael kept trying reach favour but no one was picking and later it was switched off.

"Please permit me i need to check up on my friend I'm afraid he is in danger right now" Michael requested from his team, you can, please hurry" they replied him as he rushes out to Inferiority's house.


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