
Prologue- Their Eyes

The forest breeze blew around me, whistling gently while pushing the hair away from my eyes. Chills ran down my back, whispering secrets only I could hear. I closed my eyes against the sound of rustling leaves, the noise gentle and soft.

Winter would unravel soon, frost covering every inch of the forest. It wouldn't take long for the chilly air to settle and nip at the exposed skin.

I hugged my jacket closer to my frail body, wishing it could stay fall all year round. But, the Earth must repeat its cycle as I must grow older like time.

"Always changing and never staying for long," I sighed to no one in particular. I kept there, basking in the moment of peace before I heard wailing.

It wasn't Kate telling me I had been out too long, it was a siren.

A police siren.

That only meant trouble if it were to come around these parts.

I waited for it to pass, but it stopped in front of the house.

I fluttered my eyelids open, seeing the forest before me.

It seemed to wave goodbye as the gusts of wind blew on them.

I turned to see a male officer stepping out of the car.

He took his hat off before looking around and noticing me.

My feet took small steps towards the man, my eyebrows seeming to furrow.

"Can I help you?" I asked, disgust evident in my voice.

The man couldn't help it, he was only carrying out his duty as an officer.

"Are you the eldest daughter of Mrs. and Mr. Wood?"

"Yes, yes I am. Why do my parents concern you?" I snarkily replied, the wind seeming to pick up with my voice.

The swirls blew against our bodies, but we both held our ground. Like any moment the other would fly off and the battle would be won.

He held my gaze, furrowing his brows in concentration.

He was thinking of what to say. Like there were many librettos to describe what he was to say.

He cleared his throat before continuing. "Ma'am, your parents were found dead in a car accident. We think they swerved because of a deer."

No tears came.

I wasn't surprised.

There wasn't a single lightbulb in my head that lit up.

Instead, I just stared at him.

The information spiraled through the cogs in my brain.


But how?

"Maybe if you had done your damn job, they wouldn't be dead-"


I jabbed my finger into his chest, words hurling from my mouth."You can quit with your act! The name is Ashlen or Miss Wood to you. You probably mistake them for my parents because they look like everyone else. Did you even confirm with anyone but me?!"

I felt tears perk up in the back of my mind, but they never threatened to spill over.

"Yes, Miss Wood, we confirmed it with your aunt. I am sorry for your loss."

He backed away from my angry finger.

He returned his cap back on his bald head before getting into his vehicle. I watched him leave, my eyes trailing the path he took to escape. I sighed heavily before turning my gaze to the front door.

Katelyn stood still, her body stiff under her play dress. Tears spilling over as she stared at me.

I moved slowly toward her, my eyebrows raising.

"Is it true...?" She pronounced each word slowly, letting them trickle out.

"Yes. I'm sorry, Kate." I stood looking down at her with pity. I kneeled before her small frame with arms held open.

When she hugged me I knew at that moment something watched us.

And I knew we could stay no longer.