
Ice-Cold Ambush

When Ervin reached about seventy meters away from this lone beast, he took his vial of Noble Mage blood and dripped one drop to the ground. 


The Crystal Ice Gorilla jumped, instantly swiveling around to stare at one spot in the ground. A greater crazed expression bloomed into its eyes; its massive body began to ferociously shake from tremendous eagerness. 

The enticing smell of Noble Mage blood was like a drug to the Demonic Beast, every chemical in its brain was stimulated. 

The Crystal Ice Gorilla's massive body didn't matter. Swift speeds soared out of the creature as it was seemingly upon the drop of blood in only a split-second. 

Ervin for sure couldn't see what happened, but there was no time to be surprised. 

In only a matter of seconds, the Ice Crystal Gorilla licked up the drop of blood. When its eyes turned up, another beautiful scent of Noble blood drifted into its nose. 
