
Gaining The Arts

Before becoming Novice Mages, students only train their bodies to be as fit as possible. It was so that their physical flesh could withstand the power of Magical energy.

Early Stage Novice Mages haven't yet reached the level where they can use Mana to actively enhance the physical body. 

Against a force superior to a peak physical human, these two youths had no chance to resist! 

Tears pooled in the duo's eyes. So many emotions along with the pain flashed across their minds. 

Regret at this sudden attack taking their lives so early. Confusion on just who or why some decided to kill them. Mental pain at the fact right when their love life was about to begin, it was instantly taken away. 

All these thoughts crumbled Robert and Carlya's minds. They flop backward towards the ground, their bodies heavily hitting the cold metal floor. Their bodies continually twitched as blood trickled down their Mage robes. 

Everything in their gazes was becoming increasingly blurry. 

At the same time, Ervin, still in his Complete Invisibility state, quickly ran through Robert and Caryla's fallen bodies pockets. 

He found what he wanted all this time, their spatial pouches! 

On limited time, Ervin didn't think twice about rushing out of the abandoned facility. His Complete Invisibility carried him straight through the same door he came in. 

Left behind were the soon-to-be corpses of what could've been amazing Mage Enforcers. 


Many secluded alleys were in Lightwall City. Not many could be seen here, especially as it got close to nighttime. 

Inside one of these secluded alleys, a young man can be seen leaning on the wall, taking a moment to catch his breath. 

This young man looked to be completely normal, not too much to stand out from the crowd, but certainly not bad looking. 

Anyone would think he's another average Mage of society. 

But this young man was the same Ervin who had recently killed two graduates in cold blood. 

His reason for doing so? 

These two had the greatest Magical Arts among all graduates. Magical Arts he would need to spend fortunes to ever have the chance of receiving. 

Alone with his own thoughts, Ervin thought about that entire society.

Every action he took was something he would never regret. He wasn't excited over killing nor felt any kind of sadness for taking not just one, but two human lives. 

All he said to himself was, 'It was a bit of a rush, but I'm still fine. It's just too boring and dull to fit into this society or be some sort of good or better person. Never cared about it or really anyone else for that matter...and with this, exploring the true depths of Magic will actually be possible for me!' 

At the thought of the great Magical Arts he obtained, a true rush of excitement surged through Ervin's entire being. 

This is what he always cared about. Most others simply weren't interesting to him. But the mysteries of Magic could never bore him. 

So much untapped potential. So much possibility to get into situations and see the sides of untouchable figures one could only dream about. 

All of that was now at the hands of Ervin's fingertips. 

Ervin needed a few minutes to considerably rest up from his fatigue. He checked to see if the alleys were still secluded. 

When seeing nobody else around on the sidewalks, he calmly strolled right out. 

Ervin wasn't actually all too worried about being seen. Since he was in his Complete Invisibility state when coming here, nobody would be able to make the connection that he was just involved in recent murders. 

It was a calm and relaxing stroll towards Ervin's small, but comfortable apartment. He had a job while doing Light Mage Academy, allowing him to live on his own rather than having to resort to any other means. 

Making it past the front doors and instantly going into his apartment, Ervin's eyes were treated to his relatively clean apartment.

He had the basic essentials any single person would need when living on his own. There was even a decent enough TV inside his living room that could be used to decently pass the time or catch up on any noteworthy news. 

But Ervin ignored everything and directly sat on the floor in his living room. 

The spatial pouches were already in his hands. Untying the spatial pouches, two small brown sacks and two beautiful Magical Scrolls fell onto Ervin's palm. 

These brown sacks were known as cosmic sacks and have been reinforced with spatial magic to keep numerous items within them.

The cosmic sacks didn't look anything too special, just seemingly two small sack bags that actually had spatial magic infused in their interior. 

The Magical Scrolls were Ervin's real intrigue. 

One was coated in a beautiful red glow of magical light. Various magical insignias all exude an intense wave of heat rippled out of the fiery Magical Scroll. 

The sensation felt a bit otherworldly to Ervin. As if by unfolding this Magical Scroll, he would be able to wield the very power of Fire itself. 

The other Magical Scroll was drenched in a majestic, blue magical light. Its magical insignia rippled a momentum that seemed like nothing could ever escape its grasp. 

Using this Magical Scroll would allow anyone to take control of anything, even the entire sky itself. 

Legible words were inscribed on both Magical Scrolls. 

One of them said, Low-grade Noble Frantic Fire Storm Art. The other said it was Low-Grade Noble Telekinesis Control Art. 

Ervin's eyes brightly gleamed when reading their titles. 'Noble Arts! Far better than even the best Nascent Arts. With this, I will be able to eventually step into the Spirit Mage Realm.' 

Tingles were coursing through Ervin's entire body. His eagerness could barely be contained even with his own calm personality. 

Mage Arts are one of the ways any Mage can reach the higher realms of Magic. 

With a Mage Art, a Mage will experience an increase in their bodily absorption, enhancement of their Magical Senses perception, find the way to sense higher forms of Mana and how to control said Mana and absorb the Mana already inside the Art to also enhance the Magical Core. 

Ordinarily, for a Mage to advance to the next realm requires them to both comprehend the flow of Worldly Mana energy and their Magical Path so that their soul force can absorb it into their Magical Core. 

Worldly Mana energy is the general Mana that permeates the entire world. It's the foundational form of Mana that causes the Magical Space structure within any Mage's body to grow stronger, allowing them to intake more powerful forms of Mana and specific Mana Paths. 

Mana Paths are the special kinds of Magical Laws a Mage will practice to become a certain style of Mage.

Meaning if one goes on the Fire Mana Path, they will be studying Fire Magical Laws and will be known as a Fire Mage. 

Ervin can be called a Physical Mage by only using the most common Magical Arts that amplify his body. 

On his own, Ervin would need to wait until he completely fills Magical Core with Novice Worldly Mana and Physical Mana to breakthrough into the Adept Mana realm. 

Such a thing would take a red-talent like him years to achieve. Because his red Magical Core gives him a slow bodily absorption rate and limited Mana perception abilities. 

These Noble Arts when studying them will significantly increase the rate and all of these abilities. 

Simply going to the Middle Stage of the Novice realm can be achieved in just weeks instead of months now! 

Ervin made a critical decision at this moment. He swiftly read through the first layers of both Magical Arts and chose Telekinesis Control to study first. 

Frantic Fire Storm allows him to become a Fire Mage with extraordinary attack power. However, without sufficient control over his Mana, he could very well end up burning himself alive! 

And controlling higher forms of Fire Mana does not get easier in the slightest. There are only more ways one can ruin themselves when trying to control any form of Fire Mana, much less trying to create a massive storm of Fire.

Telekinesis Control on the other hand was exactly what Ervin needs at the beginning stages of the Mage Realms.