

Onyegbula_Peculiar · Thành thị
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20 Chs


I walked into my room so tired. Then went to the bathroom to have my bath. Got out of the bathroom with towel, then went to my drawer to get oil to apply allover my body. I got glimpse of some white stuff round my neck. I walked back to my drawer that had a mirror to get a proper look. "Oh my gosh. It was soap". I rushed back to my bathroom. Soon I came out, and the first place I visited was my drawer, to look at my mirror. Then I saw soap wasn't there anymore. I calmly walked and sat on my bed. Then started applying the oil on my body. When I was done I walked into my closet and wore one of my silk dresses for the night and jumped on the bed. As soon as I closed my eyes the image of a lips came to my sight. I snapped my eyes open. What was i thinking of? I closed my eyes to get back to sleep. A small nose then the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Back to his lips. "You are beautiful". My eyes snapped open and I sat on my bed. Of course it should be the position which I took to sleep. I turned to the other side.

"You don't look like a person with a big appetite". He smiles. My eyes snapped back open open. That smile. Why were the memories of the driver and my date disturbing me. "Bella. She should know at least something that I could do". I got off my bed to get my phone. "No. Bella is just going to laugh. She would probably be sleeping by now. What do I do?" I said and acted like a child throwing tantrums. "Chloe". She suddenly got into my brain. I dailed her number. It rang at least five times before she picked. "I've been busy the whole day, please let me have this night to rest". She dizzily said. "Chloe it's me, Stella". "Stella". I could hear she had awoken. "How was the date?". "Nice?". "Stella can't we talk tomorrow?". "I need you to help me cause I can't sleep". "Did you have your first kiss today?". "No". "Then what is troubling you after you after your date, when you didn't have your first kiss today?". "It's complicated". "If you can't make it simple then I'm going to bed, bye". "No wait let me try". "I'm waiting". "I think I have a thing for two guys that I met just this night". "Wait Stella that's so impossible. You just said you have a thing for two guys you met tonight? I hope at least you have positive thing for one". "I have for both". "That's not possible, Stella. You know the thing we are talking about here is love". "Yeah, it's quite confusing. Is love this complicated?". "It's more than that. You can only love a person the other might be infatuation". "How do I distinguish between love and infatuation". "You would prefer one to the other. You would let the other have way unlike the other. You would notice everything about one than the other. Try to look into this. Stella I have to sleep it's already 1'30". "Okay. Good night". "Good night". Then she hung up.

Infatuation. Love. Those two words kept playing in my head. My stomach groaned, but I had a huge not big, a huge dinner. How can I still be hungry? I walked out of my room. Opened the fridge searching for something to eat till I felt my hair being pulled painfully. "I caught you Phiona". It was Simon. I let him pull my hair till he saw my face, then he released it immediately. "Oh, it's you sis". He nervously scratches his head. I just stared at him neutrally. "I didn't mean to sis. I'm sorry". He finally said then I went back to the fridge and grabbed some chocolates. I gave him an angry look before I left for my room. I climbed my bed and sat and angrily ate the chocolate. I can't. Not now I needed another distraction. I opened my laptop and decided to work, as the only thing I could use to distract myself was work. Chloe would be so happy about what I'm about to do. As I was about to type on my laptop. My stomach made a noise. It wasn't hunger this time around, but the other thing that came up in my date. I rushed to the washroom and had another war with the W/C.

When I came out I felt all my energy drain out of me. Something definitely is wrong with the food from that restaurant. I wasn't going to eat there ever again. I struggled till I got to my bed. This was killing. My stomach ached even after I had visited the W/C and even fought with it. I tried and crawled out of my room and down the stairs. "Sis are you okay?". Simon was still out. "Can you drive?". "Yes. Why?". "Take me to the hospital". "What is wrong with you?". "No questions. Actions". "Okay". He lifted me and ran as fast as he could to one of the cars outside. He dropped me in the car. The pain took my strength that I couldn't even scream to express it. Soon, he was back in the car. I couldn't feel my environment. I couldn't even see. Was this how I was going to die? When my eyes opened, I found lights, nurses and a doctor. I looked at my left, Simon held pain and worry on his face. I couldn't hear a thing, but his mouth moved. I couldn't understand what he was saying or trying to say. The pain gripped me again and my eyes closed in defeat.


My eyes slowly opened and I saw myself in an empty room. Then the door opened and I looked to that direction and I saw Simon running to me along with mother and Phiona. "How are you feeling now?". Mother asked. "I'm okay". I managed to say. "Sis". Phiona called and I turned to look at her direction. "The doctor said you were poisoned, but it might not be intentional. Maybe you took something you are deadly allergic to". "Did you take shrimps?". "Mother asked stoically. Of course I did. It was part of the things on the menu. I shyly nodded. "You could have killed yourself, sis". Simon said sadly. "And after that you took chocolates". Mother predicted. I looked away. Meaning, yes. "Are you out of your mind Stella?". Mother yelled. "I'm sorry okay". I said to all. Including myself. I had totally forgotten about my deadly allergy. "Well, I have the saddest news for you. The doctor said you have to stay in the hospital for three days". "Three days?". I yelled. Mother knew how much I loved hospital. I meant that sarcastically. "Now we have to leave you to rest. The doctor said you need it, bye". They all bidded and left me alone in my favourite place .