
Inescapable: A match made in hell

"Do you know what you're getting yourself into?" He asked his cold hands caressing her thighs. Gulping heavily she forced a reply out of her quivering lips. "Yes, am aware" She replied without batting an eyelid even though she was a bit scared. "I rule not just here, but the underworld and hell" he whispered his cold hands moving further in her thighs. "You can't even stand my touch, you're shivering like a bunny." He gave a hearty chuckle. "Let's see how well you can please me. If you do well, we move to the next step" He whispered, his breath cold against her skin. ----------------------------------- Accidentally getting a ticket, she must contest to be the king's wife. Unknowingly to her and the other contestants, the king was in a disguise as a guard leaving his brother in the disguise of the king. What happens when Cecilia falls deeply for this guard ignoring her quest of winning the king's heart. She had always been a simple girl who wanted a simple marriage and a simple home which led to her ignoring her quest of becoming the king's wife. But fate uses that to bring her and the disguised guard together. ----------------------------------------- Nothing interested him for decades, all he did was to commit gruesome sins. Either by gruesomely taking advantage of anything on skirts, or destroying every thing that stood as an obstacle. He had only one aim, to get so much power to avenge his mother's death. But all that changed when he met her. She annoyed him yet intrigued him and soon she became his obsession. But fate wants to keep them apart, Cecilia has to die by the one person she'll ever love, and for Zach, he had to kill the only person he ever loved which was Cecilia. Will the saying love conquers all stand. Or will fate play it's keys by forcefully taking Cecilia away

Frostbite_ · Kỳ huyễn
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53 Chs

Help her out

"Good morning Vivian"

Cecilia said giving an awkward smile.

She normally didn't greet Vivian.

Vivian was taken aback by her sudden gesture.

"Do you need anything milady?"

Vivian asked tilting her head.

Cecilia bit her bottom lip, she had been caught.

"Yes, my shower's broken. I haven't even had my bath"

Cecilia said still biting her lip nervously.

"That's not a problem Milady, I'll be back"

Then Vivian left with a smile.

Cecilia heaved a sigh.

She went to the bathroom to wash her mouth and then devoured the food.


Vivian looked around for Zach but she couldn't find him.

She went to his quarters, still futile.

She decided to go send someone herself when she heard his voice.

"Vivian. Any problem?"

He asked her, raising his brows.

"Not really, your majesty"

She gave her bow, her head low in respect.

"Lady Cecilia's shower is broken. That is all your majesty"

She continued her head still bowed.

His brows twitched then he spoke.

"Get Ummi and Andrew to fix it"

He ordered.

"Yes your majesty"

She bowed her head and was about to leave when he spoke again.

"No, I'll go myself. Continue with your daily duties"

He ordered again.

"As you wish your majesty"

Then she left.

'Broken shower?'

His brows twitched, then he started heading to her quarters.


Cecilia was done with her food awaiting.

But it seemed like Vivian wasn't coming anytime soon.

She went to the bathroom, trying it again, but it was futile.

Frustrated, she pouted back to her room when she heard knocks.

"You took quite some time Viv..."

She was dumbstruck seeing who was at the door.

"We meet again"

Zach smirked

"The king asked me to come to fix it for you"

He said then started moving to her bathroom.

"But I don't see you with any equipment"

She blurted.

He smirked.

"I'll be checking the condition of the shower, so I'll know what equipment to bring."

He continued staring at her face.

He could see she wasn't convinced. But he ignored her and moved closer to the bathroom door.

"It'll be best if you wait for me bunny"

He added, her face twitched to that of irritation.

'Of all people, why must it be him sent to fix it'

She pressed her lips together.

His face changed to one of amusement, wondering what exactly was going on in her little skull.

He entered the bathroom to smell something unusual.

It smelt rotten, a normal human wouldn't be able to notice it, but because of his heightened senses as a vampire, he could detect the smallest smell.

He noticed a yellow liquid dripping from the shower.

His eyes narrowed.


Cecilia tiredly sat on her bed. He had been in there for up to fifteen minutes.

She was beginning to get worried.

She wanted to call to see if he was in there but didn't know the best way to do that.

She knew he was always flirting with his words, though she didn't know if he said them for fun or if he meant them.

She rehearsed in my mind but couldn't get the perfect way to ask if he was still in there.

'I'll wait for another five minutes'

She finally agreed. But her mind was nowhere near that decision.

She was beginning to get more worried about hearing not even a single sound from the bathroom.

Gathering up her courage, she finally spoke biting her lip.

"Are you still in there?"

She asked, her voice appearing soft and pleasing to the ear.

"Already missing me, Bunny?"

He asked and she could hear a slight chuckle from him.

She sighed.

'At least he's fine'

She assured herself.

"Give me a minute, I'll be there"

He continued.

By now Zach had already figured out what the liquid was.

It was a 'fast action hair removal'.

The exact moment it touched his hair, a chunk of it fell to the floor. Someone had tried to play dirty with her.

He had a hunch that it was Linda.

She was lucky that the water was disconnected, else, every single hair in her body would have dropped to the floor.

Imagining her baldness made him chuckle to himself.

But how come the water was disconnected that day, was it all a coincidence, or did someone try to help her out?