

after trying so many times, a couple couldn't get a child. then they make a wish to a legendary dragon, and their wish is fulfilled. is that child, normal or not?

Utkarshuniyal · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
18 Chs


On a sunny day, a carriage is going to its destination, suddenly the atmosphere changes, thunder clouds appear, the driver stops and sees wild animals coming towards them. Before he could say anything, he lost consciousness. Wild animals surrounded the carriage.

In the carriage, a man and a woman looking outside wondered what was going on, as they had never seen or heard wild animals working together.

The woman said "What's going on? Are we both going to die today?"

The man replies "I don't think we will die today, if they wanted to kill us they would have already."

"So what do they want?"

"It looks like they are making a way for us towards the deep forest. I think they want us to follow them."

"follow them?"

"Let's open the door and see what happens."

When they open the door, all the beasts and animals become silent, they form a long chain showing them the way. Seeing many high level beasts and animals, both man and woman are on their guard.

Man is thinking ( "These high level beasts and animals live deep inside the forest. it is very rare for them to come outside of the forest, and in such large numbers it is impossible." )

The two go there where the chain takes them to a deep cave in the forest.

Where they see a wounded dragon. Both men and women are stunned to see a mythical creature.

The man is thinking ("this dragon is way bigger than the descriptions of the books")

The woman suddenly notices the dragon's injuries and uses the healing magic. after 15 minutes most of the dragon's injuries are healed.

The dragon regains consciousness and sees a human helping him and moved a little.

The man suddenly takes the woman back, and points his sword at the dragon. The dragon looked into the man's eyes and said

"You both have a clean heart.

Today is the time when humans lost their humanity to greed and power. I see greed in both of yours eyes but it seems pure. Greed with purity I haven't seen before."

dragon looked the women.

"For your help, I grant you a wish, so what you desire human."

Man and woman both look at each other. Then

The women said, "Can you make my wish come true?"

The dragon said "As long as your wish is under the law of nature and heaven, I can fulfill your wish."

The woman got emotional and said "CHILD, I want to be a mother, (with hope) even after trying many times, I did not have a child"

the man said "can you make us parents. we both have everything, I can get anything in this world but I didn't become a father. we both have everything but not the happiness of being a parent. that one wish, we both desire."

The dragon sees them and laughs out loud, both the man and the woman being shocked and wondering why he is laughing.

The dragon said "It is the destiny of both of you to meet me, it's destiny"

Women Said "So I Can Be A Mother"

the dragon said "come here" the dragon raised its wing and under its wing, is a human child.

The dragon said, "From now on this is your child, you are both his mother and father."

The woman looks at the child surrounded by golden light, then holds the child. Seeing her son's face brings tears to her eyes, she can't stop crying.

When the father touched the child, the same mark which was on his hand appeared on his son's hand.

The father asked the dragon about his real parents.

The dragon said "From now on both of you are his parents, forever"

Suddenly both wake up in their carriage, everything is back to normal, like it was all a dream.

But, it was not a dream as the child is looking at them with a smile in her hand.