
Indra's wrath

In the beginning, the Adi-Buddha created the six realms of existence. From his essence sprang twelve luminous beings, the Dvanaditya, who watched over each realm. But from the void came Mara, a chaotic entity. The Dvanaditya cleaved Mara in two, birthing Indra, the embodiment of destruction, and Asura-Raja, the embodiment of creation. For eons, Indra resided in Deva Loka, but endured scorn for his tempestuous nature. One day, his rage exploded, and he waged war on the gods. Only Shakyamuni, the Buddha, could subdue him. As punishment, Shakyamuni cursed Indra to be reborn, stripped of memory, forever teetering on the edge of power. Each awakening would be his death, until he learned to let go of the past. Thus began Indra's agonizing cycle. Now, reborn as Arun, a thirteen-year-old boy in a small village, he experiences glimpses of his past life – flashes of anger and betrayal. A surge of power awakens when he encounters a serpent threatening his sister, Maya. The echoes of Indra's wrath are stirring.

Arun540 · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Whispers Amongst the Celestials

Far beyond the mortal realm, in the celestial plane of Sukhavati, resided the benevolent Buddha Shakyamuni. This realm, unlike the turbulent heavens ruled by lesser deities, was a haven of tranquility. Lush gardens bloomed with ethereal flowers, and crystalline rivers flowed with the essence of enlightenment. Here, Shakyamuni sat upon a lotus throne, his expression one of serene contemplation.

Beside him stood Avalokitesvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion. Her beautiful features were etched with concern. "Shakyamuni," she said, her voice like the tinkling of wind chimes, "it is nearing the time."

Shakyamuni opened his eyes, their depths radiating wisdom. "Indeed," he replied, his voice a soothing rumble. "The cycle is due to turn once more."

He referred to the curse he had placed upon Indra, the embodiment of destruction. Bound to be reborn into the mortal realm, stripped of his memories, Indra was destined to reawaken his power each lifetime, only to be destroyed by its own fury. The purpose was to guide him towards compassion, the very antithesis of his destructive nature.

"Yet," Avalokitesvara continued, her voice laced with apprehension, "I sense no tremor in the fabric of existence. No ripple of divine energy announces Indra's return."

Shakyamuni remained silent for a moment, his eyes closed in deep meditation. Finally, he spoke, his voice carrying the weight of millennia. "It is curious. The pattern has always held true before. Perhaps… there is more at play than we initially perceived."

A figure materialized from thin air, his form radiating an aura of power and martial prowess. It was Ashura, Indra's brother, a powerful deity who resided in a neighboring celestial realm. He had witnessed Shakyamuni's struggle with Indra eons ago and held a complicated mix of loyalty and resentment towards his brother.

"Perhaps," Ashura said, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips, "the gods have simply overlooked your little experiment. Perhaps Indra walks the mortal realm undetected."

Avalokitesvara shot him a withering glance. "Your amusement is misplaced, Ashura. Indra's uncontrolled power is a threat to all realms."

Ashura chuckled, a sound devoid of humor. "Threat or not," he replied, "he is still my brother. And perhaps, after countless cycles of suffering, he deserves a reprieve."

Shakyamuni opened his eyes and fixed them on Ashura. "Do not mistake compassion for weakness, Ashura. The cycle continues not for Indra's suffering, but for his potential redemption."

Ashura's smirk faded, replaced by a grudging respect. He bowed his head slightly. "As you wish, Shakyamuni. But if Indra strays from the path, if he threatens the mortal realm… I will intervene."

With a final curt nod, Ashura vanished from the celestial plane. Shakyamuni remained silent, his gaze fixed upon the distant mortal realm. A single question echoed in the serene space: had something changed? Had something unforeseen disrupted the carefully orchestrated cycle of rebirth and suffering?

Meanwhile, in the bustling city of Chandrapore, Arun continued his journey of self-discovery. He trained diligently with Dharan and Akemi, honing his control over the mysterious power that pulsed within him. He learned of the Tathagata Garbha, the Buddha-nature said to be inherent in all beings, and wondered if it was this essence that fueled his abilities.

He also spent time with Kai, learning about the boy's strange power, a power of gentle persuasion and soothing serenity that seemed to mirror the teachings of Maitreya, the Buddha of Compassion. Arun couldn't help but feel a connection to this power, a sense that it held the key to unlocking the true potential of his own.

Their lives, once simple and predictable, were now woven with the threads of destiny. Little did they know, their paths were about to intersect with forces far greater than they could have imagined. The whispers of the celestial realm were about to reach the mortal world, and the fate of Indra, and perhaps the fate of all beings, would hang in the balance.