
Indra's wrath

In the beginning, the Adi-Buddha created the six realms of existence. From his essence sprang twelve luminous beings, the Dvanaditya, who watched over each realm. But from the void came Mara, a chaotic entity. The Dvanaditya cleaved Mara in two, birthing Indra, the embodiment of destruction, and Asura-Raja, the embodiment of creation. For eons, Indra resided in Deva Loka, but endured scorn for his tempestuous nature. One day, his rage exploded, and he waged war on the gods. Only Shakyamuni, the Buddha, could subdue him. As punishment, Shakyamuni cursed Indra to be reborn, stripped of memory, forever teetering on the edge of power. Each awakening would be his death, until he learned to let go of the past. Thus began Indra's agonizing cycle. Now, reborn as Arun, a thirteen-year-old boy in a small village, he experiences glimpses of his past life – flashes of anger and betrayal. A surge of power awakens when he encounters a serpent threatening his sister, Maya. The echoes of Indra's wrath are stirring.

Arun540 · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Echoes in the Void

The day's training had left Arun drained but exhilarated. The newfound power he had accessed, the raw fury channeled with surprising control, filled him with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. He retreated to his shared living space with Maya, his mind abuzz with questions.

"Maya," he called out, finding his sister engrossed in a book by the flickering lamplight.

Maya looked up, a smile lighting up her face. "Arun! You're back early. Training go well?"

"It was… different," Arun admitted, collapsing onto a threadbare cushion. He hesitated for a moment, then blurted out, "Do you know anything about meditation?"

Maya's smile widened. "Sure do," she said. "Dharan had me try it a while back. It's supposed to help with focus and inner peace."

"Inner peace," Arun muttered, the words tasting foreign on his tongue. "That's what I need right now."

Seeing his distress, Maya set aside her book. "Alright," she said gently, "let's give it a try. Sit cross-legged, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Feel your chest rise and fall with every inhale and exhale. Try to clear your mind of distractions."

Arun closed his eyes, following Maya's instructions. He focused on his breath, feeling a sense of calm slowly washing over him. The events of the day, the harsh training, the glimpse of his hidden power – it all began to fade away.

He entered a state of deep meditation, his consciousness drifting into a profound stillness. Then, as if through a thick fog, he saw a light. A warm, inviting light that beckoned him closer. He found himself drawn towards it, his fear replaced by a strange sense of familiarity.

The light coalesced, forming a figure unlike anything he had ever seen. It was a being with four powerful arms, each holding a different weapon - a vajra, a bow, a lotus, and a conch shell. Its skin was the color of embers, and three eyes, one in the center of its forehead, glowed with an otherworldly light.

Arun froze, a surge of primal fear gripping him. But the being spoke, its voice a deep rumble that resonated in the very core of his being.

"Do not be afraid, young one," it boomed. "I mean you no harm."

Slowly, tentatively, Arun relaxed his grip. "Who are you?" he rasped.

"I am Indra," the being replied, its voice laced with a hint of sadness. "And you… you are a part of me."

Arun's breath hitched. Indra? The name echoed in his mind, resonating with the whispers of his forgotten past. This was the answer he had been searching for, the terrifying truth lurking within him.

Indra continued, his voice weaving a tale of creation, of countless eons that stretched beyond human comprehension. He spoke of the birth of the gods, of his brother Ashura, and of a deep-seated hatred that had festered between them. He recounted the curse placed upon him by the other deities, a curse of endless reincarnation, stripped of his memories, destined to unleash his destructive power only to be destroyed.

"But this time," Indra said, his voice filled with a newfound acceptance, "it's different. This time, I let go of the anger. This time, I chose peace."

He explained that Arun was his final reincarnation, a last chance for redemption. By letting go of his own hatred for the gods, Indra had allowed Arun a choice – to continue the cycle of destruction or to embrace his human life, to forge his own path.

"The power you wield," Indra said, "it is a part of me, yes. But it is also yours. You can choose to be a force for good, just as you can choose to succumb to the darkness within."

The light began to fade, the image of Indra dissolving into a soft glow. One last message echoed in Arun's mind: "The choice is yours."

Arun found himself back in his room, the faint glow of the lamplight painting the walls. He opened his eyes, his mind reeling from the revelations. He was Indra, or a part of him. But who was Arun? Who would he choose to be?

The answer remained a mystery, a choice hanging heavy in the air. One path led to power, to dominance. The other, the path less traveled, promised a life of compassion and self-discovery.

As the night deepened, Arun knew his journey had just reached a critical juncture. The echoes of his past, the whispers of a forgotten god, had finally spoken. Now, he had to decide who he would become in the face of his true identity.