
India: On a Quest to Make India Great Again

India took many stupid decisions like partition, declining UN seat and Nepal. Rudra, a DRDO scientist was assassinated by Pakistan. When he opens his eyes again he is transmigrated into a Hindu Bengali family with knowledge about many subjects to help him in his quest to make India great again ######## it is inspired from solaceviolet's 'ww1: after the war, i became the leader of India' and fanficworld07's 'India: I became the first pm of India' It is a work of pure fiction set in an AU. None of these things are real and my own thoughts and are not towards some group, race, culture etc.

FlameSpear · Thành thị
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12. Bharati Language and Technology

1923, India

While the Muslims were converting to the new dharmic Islam and were fighting against the Arabic Islam we decide to take action to bring more unity among the people so that no demand for separate country comes for other religions. I know that Muslim League will try to make pakistan again and I want them to do it as it will help me in taking control of masjid and madrasas.

We decided that first we need to make a common language of India. While Hindi is the most common and most spoken language but it still caused problems in my time so, I ordered my forces to bring scholars of different languages like Hindi, Tamil, kannada, Telugu, Marathi, Bengali, marwari/mewari, Urdu, Gond for tribals etc.

All the scholars of these languages were invited and asked to invest their time and effort to make a language taking aspects of all the above languages while keeping it's core as Sanskrit. Some didn't want to do it and needed to be threatened to work with others ( some may say it was too much but nation always comes first before personal feelings).

These scholars were also asked to make dictionaries of translation for each language with this new language which was decided to be named Bharati.

And so the work began on another step of unifying the people of India and destroying the language barrier between states.

I was able to spread my forces in Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Nepal, Burma and islands of Lakshdweep, Maldives and Andaman and Nicobar. These islands along with Sri Lanka will prove instrumental in assuring Indian dominance on Indian Ocean and keeping a check on foreign navies.

I started small freedom struggle in these areas from sidelines and making sure that people know that they are being helped by India so that some over ambitious people don't profit from it. These islands are very important and profitable for tourism and dominance over seas and Ocean. I started empowering Tamils of Lanka so that they are not suppressed like in my world and started their training in military tactics.

On another note, after majority of the forests were taken over by tribals, the woodcrafting and furniture industry started blooming. Some ayurvedic doctors started applying tribal knowledge of herbs in conjucture with their knowledge and making new medicines. I made them write all their findings and recipes to be taught in medical colleges. I want to remove allopathic treatment other than surgeries completely from India. People will be treated through ayurveda, yoga etc.

I also recruited many herbologist, botanists and zoologists and send them along with tribals to find endangered species of plants and animals. While plants were relatively easy to save by planting as many as possible in following years in pots and taking their care till they grew up. But animals were a different case, elephant take around 18 months to 2 year of pregnancy for one baby and some animals were hunted so much by British that their population is below thosands. So, all the endangered animals were carefully taken to secure areas of forests where they will have ample food and water and were guarded from any threats.

We started taking care of these plants and animals and slowly they started reproducing and increasing their numbers. I kept a close eye on the animals that became extinct or endangered after independence to not let that happen again this time.

While this was going on Britishers were trying to supress the riots of muslims that were emerging due to the new dharmic Islam. Congress wanted to again make the foolish mistake of supporting the Arabic Islam on the grounds that we should not try changing people's culture and shouldn't let them fight amongst themselves as it will harm Indian unity. It took a serious talk with them to make them understand that this is similiar to the reforms in Christianity and don't take sides in the religion that they are not completely aware of and let things be as it is.

While my party didn't take any side officially we supported dharmic Islam from behind the scenes but still made sure that violence didn't spread too much.

Slowly the dharmic Islam spreaded over majority of Bengal and by our estimates will spread over East and South India by the time of independence as we didn't want riots breaking out and destroying property.

During this time I am also sponsoring post graduation education for ballistic education, rocket science, energy etc. on a deal that if they started working in foreign countries and decided to settle their they will have to return the money I invested in them within one year at a interest rate of 8%. For those who return back to India will be hired by me to secretly start advancing India in these fields.

I know the most dangerous weapon of future and I want enough scientist to be their that can help the nation in making them as soon after independence as possible. That's why my men in African British colonies are looking for thorium and plutonium secretly and creating connection to buy it through black market if needed while secretly securing the areas of uranium deposits by keeping my forces in these areas as civilians.

I am keeping myself prepared for the actions needed to be taken after independence and planning accordingly in advance. This time we would not wait for direct threats like nuclear tests of China to take action but will take action than wait for others and will eliminate threats before they can become one.

And for taking away another thing from British for negotiation after independence I started developing construction, healthcare, resource identification and extraction and processing technologies as well as engines for cars and railway and communication technologies.

These were the things British developed through Indian money but took it all away to their country and left India behind in technology by years. Ofcourse I wouldn't let something like that happen on my watch and started making my own technology for it. Afterall I need to find who are smart enough to work on nuclear and arms projects of India from these children I am sponsoring.