
A new day for sarah

The world revolves around a teenage girl name Sarah she was an outspoken girl in every activity in her community this makes her to be loved by everyone in the community and her friends love her. Since she is a shooting star in the community and really love a serious life this makes her not to have anything related to any boys in her community though she was also loved by all the boys in the community. She attended the saga comprehensive college and she was the top students in her class and her teacher was so full of praise for her.....she was so straight into her academic life and she was full of ambition to achieve a better future in other to get out of the community and go to the city to live in the city. So she stayed home after coming back from school. Sarah lived with her Uncle when her parents were killed in an assassin when she was 6 years old and berely escape and was adopted by her Uncle John.

Uncle John is a fashion designer in the community and he works hard to provide Sarah need because he is not married and has no children so he loved Sarah and take care of her and her need. likewise Sarah help in the house chorus and house cleaning and prepare her Uncle food in time before her Uncle get backs from work so he takes care of her Uncle all the time so when her Uncle comes back he will be pleased to meet the house tidy up and she help her Uncle anyways she can she's always the best in all the activities she do, so she will not be able to get lose the respect everyone had for her

Sarah have a friend in her school her name is Rose and the two of them is the most popular girls in saga comprehensive college