
Incubus Lord: I Summoned My Lustful Wives

The Empire's forces retreated in desperation—trampled by faceless horrors bringing darkness and death to these once beautiful lands. Only the most courageous stood in defiance, forming a last defence to buy the people time to flee—fighting until the final embers of hope burned out. A man stands with a silver sword, like a beacon of hope to those around him. He roared with all his might drawing his blade against the overwhelming enemy! "You face Lancelot, Sword of the Empire! " These horrors tested the Lord's grit and loyalty in the final moments. "Should my blade break, I will use my body!" The knights had fallen, broken swords for their tombstones, and lords fled, betraying the Empire to survive. "If my body breaks, I'll use my Soul!" Lancelot, the sword of the Empire, fought alone. All hope seemed lost. "And if my Soul fails..." What could a single man and his army do? He fights against the dark tide, blade in hand, heart on sleeve. "I will sell myself to the devil for revenge!" But he was too weak, too fragile. The last Lord of humanity stood against the enemy. Lancelot was a master of the sword, a mortal, neither a God nor a Saint. Miracles were beyond his reach. Now only a broken man impaled on his own destroyed throne. His blade shattered—now, like rose petals, it was scattered across the charred ground. Lancelot's soul was fated for the abyss as the light faded from his eyes. His last ounce of resistance used staring at the man who betrayed the Empire. Now with only the desire to kill, crush and seek revenge smouldering inside him. Now unwilling to die and desperate to fight once again. He desired to fight for the people who supported him. Lancelot refused to surrender, to fall like this. As quietly in the abyss, a voice whispered to him. It tried to entice the Lord, ignite his desire to win and fight again. "If given a second chance, to relive your life with a different choice... Would you Accept?" Blood gathered in his throat, forcing him to reply in his mind. A frail and broken voice 'There is no reason to ask, of course!' "No matter the cost?" 'Even if I were to lose everything...' 'If my people can live on. I would sacrifice everything I have!' "You will no longer be the same, a monster, twisted and vicious." "Will you still accept?" The Lord's heart ached, taking great pride in his humanity. To lose that caused his mind to falter. Finally, out of power, unable to speak or reply with a trembling arm. Lancelot reached out. Towards the raspy voice. Towards the abyss. Towards a new future. [So you would accept after all...] 'I must accept.' 'I must stand tall.' 'I must not break.' 'Because...' 'I am the Lord of humanity! [Nay, you are the king of demons] -------------- Release @ 22:30 (GMT+1)

Lunatic_Pandora · Kỳ huyễn
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210 Chs

Chapter 27: Imp Lord Vez'am Vs Lancelot


Sorry to write this here.

I have changed how attributes are calculated and removed the decimals because it confuses some people.

However, this means his growth will be a little slower.

Instead of gaining 0.8 total attribute points added to his status.

Lancelot will gain 7 per level.

While the system now looks like this for the various Lords.

Normal Lord/Class: 1-2 points per level

Unique Lord/Class: 2-3 points per level

Elite Lord/Class: 3-4 points per level

Special Lord/Class: 4-5 points per level

Mythical Lord/Class: 5-6 points per level

Thank you for reading so far! Please keep up the support, and the 200 PS is continuous! Every 200 PS will give a bonus chapter!

Now Enjoy!


Lancelot's body darted through the battlefield like a dancing blade master.

His body was wrapped in a gentle wind, leaping from branch to beach, making even the Frost Hares look inefficient—with a blade in either hand, he rapidly sprinted towards the enemy Hovel.

A menacing Imp stood with a huge club—honestly, calling this monster an imp was a sacrilege!

It was more like an ogre!

Over 7ft tall, built like a brick, and quite bulky, not only in muscle but fat, causing its body to be extremely large with lecherous yellow eyes now bloodshot at all the beautiful women it stood waiting.

[My King, allow me to show my prestige in combat and cull that disgusting green fly!]


He replied without thinking or listening to her properly holding his blade and rushing towards the huge imp.

"Vez'am crush filthy male! Take women to cave!"

Monster Lords.

A monster lord would gain more wisdom and bloodline when they acquired the ability to start creating their troops.

Unlike Humans or other race lords, they could also create troops by merely mating with females and spawning more monsters.

It would take years for other races to train and rear the children to combat level. Demons and monsters only needed a few weeks or months depending on pedigree.


[That filthy fly! Dares to claim the women that my master owns!]

Morgana's scream sounded in his mind as her demonic aura exploded, the poor imps around her destroyed by her brutal heart-stabbing lance.

"Not that I care about a mere imp's words, but for once, I agree with Morgana's outburst..." Lancelot whispered, his lips forming a smile as he stepped forward, now only a few metres from the huge imp.

"Vez'am. I will crush you and massacre every imp in this forest."

"Filthy male!!! Vez'am, no care!!!" The imp's huge body began to thrash about, starting to rush towards him.

Lancelot placed the longsword across his chest, the blade pointing upwards, covering half his face as the twin suns peeked through the forest trees, causing it to shimmer.

"You are facing Lancelot, Sword of the Empire..."

He began to lower his sword, the blade pointing towards the imp.

His movements were like a ceremonial preparation, his hips lowered with one leg forward and the rear leg slightly bent.

"No." Lancelot's voice faltered, his silver hair dancing in the wind.

Like a symphony, the sound of battle behind him boosted his morale despite the huge monster rushing towards him.

"You face Lord Lancelot of the Valefor Plains." A sound of resolve and determination in his voice as he grasped the red grip tight.

"Ready yourself, retch!"


Out of mere habit from training in that dark room, hundreds of magical blades, some like daggers, others like petals, began to dance around his body, forming an array of beautiful phantasmal blades twirling and dancing around Lancelot.


The wind exploded with the force of Vez'am's club, causing many purple blades to flutter into the distance swaying in the air now out of sight.

Slash! Slash!

Two flashes of silver light filled the area, forming trails that followed Lancelot's body that darted over the imp's shoulder, his foot tapping the green flesh before his body flipped and landed several metres away.

He held his sword high towards the imp as his body twirled around, using his right leg as an anchor seeing the monster's body only just turning to face him with a smirk.

[My King?]


Lancelot rushed forward again, his left hand flicking out with a snap as dozens of blades, like laserbeams, began to assault the imp that tried to fight back—its club held high despite two deep gashes in its crotch from his first attack.

"Gurraaaaak!!!! Vez'am, SMASH!"


Despite the countless bloody cuts and lacerations on his body, Vez'am slammed his sword down with enough force to cause a slight vortex in the wind, almost sucking the tip of Lancelot's sword into its path.



The Gale Sword's edge clashed with the edge of the club, sending its coarse off only slightly with a dangerous parry, the bulging muscles of Vez'am throbbing as his club smashed into the ground while Lancelot thrust his blade into the throat of the imp.


Dark blood began to spurt from the wound, yet not enough to kill the imp completely—in the distance, now, 11 Hares and 3 Succubi were watching their Lord's first battle.

Nothing over the top, parrying, movements like he was a fairy king dancing in the forest wrapped with a purple wind as his dancing blades tore apart the boorish imp with ease and increased their respect for Lancelot.

Clang! Splutter!

Like a master, his blade swung flesh was cut, and the enemy attack was dodged and countered with an elegant attack targeting the weakest points of the imp.

"Grah.... ugg..."

Blood oozed from the imp's mouth, his club now half the size after being slowly cut down by Lancelot's swordsmanship.

Yet Lancelot barely broke a sweat, merely a calm, faint smile on his face.

'This is who I desire to become! A Lord who fights without worry, without showing my emotions!'

'Lancelot of the faint smile!'

Neither Morgana nor Ikumi could hear his thoughts, and only Morgana noticed the change in Lancelot's aura and the way he fought.

[This is a different master... My King, you look so happy.]

[Even though you know how difficult and gruelling a start in the demon lands is.]

[Yet still you show this alluring smile...]

[Then let this Queen, your faithful servant protect that smile, fufu~ what reward shall I get?]


As Vez'am's body dropped to his knee's blood and wounds, the level and quality mismatch were far too abysmally stacked in Lancelot's favour.

He lifted the Gale sword, pointing it to the imp's throat.

The huge imp suddenly began to tremble, only fear and defeat filling those formerly lecherous and confident eyes.

-> Vez'am wishes to surrender



There wasn't even a moment to consider.

A huge gale of wind began to build up, and hundreds, thousands of purple blades began to form like needles, long and thin with sharp tips all pointed towards Vez'am.

Lancelot's Ether was almost empty from this show, but the Hares began to sing and dance around at the pretty dancing lights.

Mostly due to Ikumi starting it.

"Lancelot of Valefor denies your surrender."

"Now rest in the pits of the abyss where you belong, fiend!"


Like a storm of purple light, they rained upon the huge imp without mercy, flesh turned to blood, blood turned to ash, bone turned to sand, and organs turned to mush.

The eternal waltz of phantasmal blades obliterated the imp's huge body.

Phantasmal Swordsmanship - Rank 1 -> 2

"Why are you singing and dancing?"

"Ikumi, collect all possible supplies from their base with five of the hares."

To his order, Ikumi's cute white ears flopped as she tilted her head before nodding several times and picking out the group's smaller and most cute hares before they hopped on the branches and vanished.

"Find the tasty things!"

"Find the comfy things!"

"Master gives pets!"

Was what she shouted on the way out, seeming to be her way of interpreting his order. Not that he minded.

Having a mood maker was needed, something he lacked for over a year and was plagued with infighting and constant brawls with the feisty goblins.

"Marimo, excellent spear technique. Take five of the hares and have them collect the wood required."

"If an enemy comes, kill it."

Her beautiful body was still stained with blood, adding a sense of mystery and seductive allure to this mature Hare with black fur—even her lips seemed to be painted with a red rouge due to the blood that covered them.

She politely bowed before taking the other hares and axes towards the east, further from his throne.

'This woman probably doesn't want us to lose the wood so close to our lands first... Let's teach them to plant 2 trees for everyone we chop down in the future...'

'Thank god for the travelling merchants...'

As he turned to Morgana, his body was suddenly hit by a huge wave of purple light and aura that began filling his body like a shrivelled balloon. He was rapidly filled to the brim, ready to burst.

Luckily only the three succubi remained as the sexual feeling of the improvement of level and gaining this experience forced him to stab his sword into the ground and tremble to remain standing.


[Ah~ my cute little Lord who is trying so hard to endure...]

[What should I do? I want to ravish him now...!?]

As if he would struggle against the tutorial boss!

Beware: Demon Kingdom Start is beyond Nightmare mode; after this will be hell!

Lunatic_Pandoracreators' thoughts