
Increasing Level Cap in Dungeon

San Jin-Sang was a mage in a hunter dominated world but there was a slight problem his level cap is only one so he can only level up to one. But wheel of luck turned upside down when he got stuck in a dungeon and it's gate got closed for 2 years. "I have to live in this dungeon for 2 years what a joke..." After 24 hours he noticed a change in his status his level cap got increased by 1. what will he do now ?

Night_phantom · Võ hiệp
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2 Chs

Chapter 2


Name: San Jin-Sang

Class: Mage

Race: Human

Level: 1(2)

Mana: 12/12

Skills: [Fireball Lv.1]

STR: 2

AGI: 3

INT: 1

Stat points: 3


But how is that possible i have tried every single thing in last 3 years to increase my level cap.

Jin-sang got hyped up so much that his face turned red and sweat started dripping from his forehead.

There was a wave of excitement in jin-sang's heart.

Wait wait calm down let's recall what happened.

I entered an abnormal dungeon than i got trapped in this dungeon than i got hit by monsters and after that i drank vodka and slept.

Abnormal dungeon are very rare case in abnormal dungeons you can find higher level monsters than it shows outside on the gate.

Entering an abnormal dungeon can be a valid reason for this to happen.

I have been hitted by monsters before too so that can't be a reason.

I never got trapped like this in a dungeon is that the reason. It can be a valid reason.

Sleeping in a dungeon can't be a reason because I've tried it before.

The last and the final reason of this phenomenon to happen is Vodka.

Jin-sang took a sip from the vodka bottle.



Name: San Jin-Sang

Class: Mage

Race: Human

Level: 1(2)

Mana: 12/12

Skills: [Fireball Lv.1]

STR: 2

AGI: 3

INT: 1

Stat points: 3


Hmm? Nothing happened.

It means vodka isn't a valid reason.

Well well well should i raise my level now that i have a new level cap.


Oh no my stomach is making weird noises. First i have to find something to eat.

Jin-sang removed the belt and putted it back into the small bag with the vodka bottle he than started climbing down the tree

Hmm Night elfs are more active in Night than day so i don't have to worry too much about them.

But some scouts can be found around this area like yesterday.

"Ahh there you are."

Jin-sang climbed on a tree and grabbed 3 to 4 bunch of purple Berries from it's branches.

"Ahm...*munch-munch* these berries are shit in taste but they can be used as a very good source of protein

Best way to keep yourself alive in swamp environment dungeons."

There are four types of environments in dungeons swamp,Snow,Deserted and stone environment.

Jin-sang moved more inside the forest and noticed something on one of the trees.

"That's!! If i am not wrong than that's the white flower of blossom."

White flower of blossom is a special flower that a female Night Elf uses for seducing a strong male.

That's not what I've been searching for but this is also a good thing that i found this.

I just have to alter my plans a little.

After collecting some flowers from the tree jin-sang started going back and this time he started to knock every tree he passed through.

"Yep this was the one."

After inquiring something jin-sang putted his hand on it's trunk.


Suddenly the outsides blew up and a free space opened up inside it.

This tree is hollow from the inside a perfect place to set the trap.

Jin-sang first soaked the flowers in water and then burned them on a low flame.

A male night elf scout that was scouting the area caught the scent and started walking towards it senselessly.

He reached near the tree where the smell was coming from and looked inside it's trunk by putting his head in without any caution.

But suddenly a hand grabbed his face.



His head burned down to shreds.

"H-Holy shit...Fuck!! That was awesome so that's what they call being brain fried haha."

Suddenly a screen popped up in front of Jin-sang

<Level Up>

{You have achieved your first kill by killing a legendary Monster 'Night Elf Scout' as a newbie. They are scouts that are choosen for their escaping abilities and skills of hiding they live more than any ordinary elf. You will be awarded with a special title.}

{Title 'The Night Elf killing Newbie' is given}

[Night Elf Killing Newbie]

[Whenever this title is Active Your attack damage will be increased by 20% against Night Elfs.]

Good this is what I need the most at this time.

{You will heal due to level up}

What ? I never saw a hunter healing when he levels up.

After 5 seconds all the wounds on jin-sang's body healed up like nothing ever happened to him.

[You killed a legendary Monster so your rewards for leveling up will be multiplied according to the level difference between you and your enemy]

[Rewards will be multiplied by 35 times for level up]

What is happening ? No hunter in this world has ever gained a reward from system.

Not that i happen to know of it.

But hey can't say no to the coming fortune.

[You have been awarded with an Unknown Artifact]

[You have been awarded with an Unknown skill book]

[You have Been awarded with an Unknown Skill Book]

[Inventory is created successfully]

[From now gifted items will transfer to the inventory]

[Stat points for leveling up will be multiplied by 35 times]

[70 stat points have been awarded]

"What the hell...?"

I got two skill books, one magic artifact and 70 stat points.

Oh my god i am dying someone save me.

No kidding this can give me a good boost in making my status look better.

After that jin-sang killed three more knight elf scouts.

"Why...? Why don't you increase anymore?" Jin-sang shouted on his level cap.

"Don't tell me you are now stuck at level 2."

Hmmm it's going to be night already i have to find a good tree to sleep on.

After that jin-sang found out a big tree and climbed it. He tied himself to the tree using the belt.

"Now Now let's check our gifts shall we."

"Wait i was so excited with the rewards and all but where are they ?"

"I saw a message saying that all the items have been moved to...what was it again? ahh yes inventory"

As soon as jin-sang spoke the word 'inventory' a blue screen popped up in front of him with 40 squares made on it. In which three were filled with some items and 37 were empty.

"What the hell ?"

Is this an inter-dimensional space.

Jin-sang touched the first box which was filled with a item but nothing happened.

What ? How am I supposed to withdraw items.

Jin-sang again tried clicking it but nothing happened instead this time his hand got sucked into the inventory.

Oh so that's how you work.

Jin-sang took out a Slim page that looked old and the writing on it looked ancient.

"A skill i have to learn it even if it's one of the lowest one because I need to survive in this dungeon for 2 years."

Jin-sang teared the page apart into two pieces.

Suddenly the page faded away and a notification popped up.

[Skill [Hell Chains] learned successfully]

Hmm let's see what can you do.

[Hell Chains]

[Rank: Legendary]

[Calls upon the Chains of devil from Hell used for demon soul binding. Binds the souls of your opponents in a 5m radius near you. Opponent's attack damage will reduced by 50% and stuns them for 5 seconds. If opponent's health reduces down to 40% his defence will also go down by 50%]

[Mana: 100]

[Cooldown: 5 minutes]

Woooow! Should I jump from this tree or should I shout out loud. No that will create some problems.

But a legendary skill is still a lot more than i can ask for.

Oh My God! Fuuuu!

Let's open the next one.

Jin-sang picked out another page and teared it apart.

[Skill [Leech Branding] learned successfully]

[Leech Branding]

[Rank: Legendary]

[Branding someone or something with your brand means that thing or that person will be yours for lifetime. When using this skill you can brand upto 5 opponents and on the command of the brander target's HP will start to decrease at a very slow rate until he dies and 25% of HP he loses every second will be used to heal the brander. One brand will replace the other brand if used twice on the same target and effects will be same.]

[Mana: 20/Brand]

[Cooldown: 2 minutes]

Oh My Goodness!! Is this really true ? Am I really going to get these skills or are they only for show.

How can this happen ? How the hell did i got 2 legendary skills in a row.

I haven't seen any hunter using legendary skills except S class once.

Fuuu!! Only one left don't tell me that this one is also a legendary artifact.

When jin-sang pulled out the last item a purple box with question marks on each face appeared.

Jin-sang clicked on the floating box and a purple light covered his whole face.

[Congratulations on obtaining [White Soul Fang] artifact]

Suddenly a white dagger came out of the box with a closed monster eye built between the blade and the handle.

"What ? But i am a mage what will I do with a dagger if you want to give me something then give me a staff or something like a ring or necklace."

Well... can't do anything about that.

Hmm let's see.

[White Soul Fang]

[Rank: Rare]

[White soul fang is made from the scales of the great ancient white dragon "Gandalf". It is said that shamans also sealed his wrath and his Will in this dagger. Meet perfect conditions to unleash it's wrath on your opponents.]

[Special Skill: Dragon's Will]

[Dragon's Will(Passive)]

[Just like a dragon who never yealds defeat, his will shall be transferred to the next generation. When your mana goes down to last 25% this skill will activate automatically. This skill will refill your mana again to it's prime and reset all the cooldown on your abilities.]

[Cooldown: 24 hours]

'Hmm indeed a God level skill.' jin-sang thought as he nodes his head upside down.

But still a dagger will be hard to use, i am still level 2 and my level cap doesn't seems to increase anymore. So i don't have enough mana to use any skill.

I will add some points in intelligence to increase it tomorrow.

Well let's sleep for today.

Jin-sang fall asleep after that.