
new beginning 12th June 2018

firts day of my college today everything seems different the morning is more beautiful I feel as new life. everything is just perfect I am happy and nervous at the same time I just don't know how everything is going to be.

finally I am ready looking myself in mirror once, twice. yes I am nervous I just don't know how I am looking, maybe I am overdressed or maybe not. it's to hard to decide, ok it just doesn't matter as end of the day I am going to be alone as always so it's ok. when I was in bus I was just thinking how can I make my life normal like other. I saw a girl she was so beautiful with white dress she was so perfect and also with lots of friends with her she was enjoying each and every moment on the way of college. I was enjoying to with the warm air from outside the window and the colourful nature it was the first time I was alone but still happy and free.

suddenly the bus stop and a boy entered he was so handsome maybe 5'8 height , good looking and so beautiful smile. first time I felt to talk to him but then I noticed he was giving his smile like charity to everyone i was not special it's ok I don't care. the bus stop again finally we reached to the college the college was big yes it was a great campus that time I felt I was in heaven I can actually feel the college vibe actually yes lots of butterfly in stomach and everything seems so beautiful I was so happy for my new chapter and the new beginning.

today we just came to see the class and the campus and to get the schedule. the college is going to start tomorrow. I stood in the line for my schedule finally I got it and in bold letter it was written "1st year art student" and my name ela. then I went back to my bus and I just set alone and back to home again mom was more excited then me she was just waiting to know how was my first day and as usual she directly asked. did I made a new friends? and again I lied to her by saying yes because I just don't want her to worry about me anymore she has done a lot for me. being a single parent she has always just been worry about my life. so I have to i am excited for tomorrow.

bye dairy

thanks for being my best friend.