

Although the city of Mumbai is busy even at night, but today the matter is different because today is the marriage of famous business tycoon Rudra Jindal all over India. Rudra is the eldest son of the Jindal family who built the entire business on his own. Rudra Jindal is the uncrowned king of the entire business world.

[ Rudra's father is no more in this world. Rudra was 18 when his father died in a plain accident. His father's name was Pankaj Jindal. After the death of his father, Rudra took care of the whole family and at the same time made his father's sinking company the no.1 company not only in India but also in Asia.]

Rudra is eagerly waiting for the arrival of his bride Aditi Arora sitting in the mandap. The happiness of this marriage is clearly visible on Rudra's face.

Rudra is wearing a white colored dhoti with a pink colored sherwani, Rudra has a sehra tied on his head, due to which he is looking more handsome.

All the girls present there have their eyes on Rudra.

A girl who is standing near the wedding mandap looked at Rudra and said in her mind,

Wow man, " he is so handsome and hot"🔥.

" I feel like marrying her now".

She was thinking like this, that's why someone said softly in her ear from behind!

"don't even think, he will not come in your hands".

The girl got scared after hearing the voice of that person.

"Vihaan, how did you know what I was thinking".

After listening to her, Vihaan said simple, Sanaya, you have been staring at my brother for a long time and today brother is looking more handsome and hot than the rest of the days, so it is obvious that you must be thinking the same.

Hearing Vihaan, Sanaya stares at him and leaves from there.

After Sanaya left, Vihaan muttered to himself, "The elder one is going to keep an eye on my brother."

Vihaan is Rudra's younger brother. Vihaan loves his brother very much.

{ Aditi Arora is the elder daughter of the Arora family with whom Rudra is getting married today. Rudra loves Aditi very much and is waiting for her to come sitting in the mandap.}