
Incarnation of Gods: Endless War

When the God of Darkness and the Goddess of Light fell in love with each other, the whole heaven was shaken. Their creator descended and gave them a trial to test their love. They have to reborn to the world as human beings and love each other like how they once told their creator. *** Xu Feihong was born with her parent's identity unknown to her and her only family was killed, later she became a war slave. She could survive years of torture with her intelligence and adaptability. Then a boy saved her from that horrendous place. Liu Weisheng was born with silver spoon in his mouth but he was pretty much hated by people around him for his ruthless and merciless personality. But ever since he met a little angel while on a mission, his whole life changed. He even dared to abandon his throne and disguised as a general of an opposing country just to protect his little angel. But life isn't easy. She have to be strong to protect her family from every danger that awaits them. Read this to see their thrilling, romantic, and funny adventure. English is not my mother language therefore there will be minor mistakes. This story won't disappoint you.

al7773 · Kỳ huyễn
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283 Chs

35. Surprise!

Hong er POV

After an hour of those ministers licking the emperor's boot, we left the palace and visited a market. Father gave order to the soldiers to go home first and took our horses home too. Even though Xiao Bai rejected, I consoled her that I will be okay. She reluctantly left with the soldiers.

And now I am shopping with father and mother in the market, which is the center of the festival. Mother held my hand as we walked and father followed us from behind. But actually he is the one who buy most of the things. If father saw anything pretty, he immediately buys it for us even though we didn't ask for it. When it started to get out of hand, mother smacked father's head like usual. The pedestrians were looking at us whenever we go, maybe our clothes were too eye catching.

In the Spring Festival, people usually visit their family and ask for blessings. But father said that grandfather and grandmother were so far away, it will be difficult for us to visit them. Even though I had never met them before, they are so kind to me. Sometimes they sent me letters asking about my condition and health. They sent me gifts too and it's kind of funny to see grandfather's and grandmother's gifts.

Grandfather tend to send me armor, books about martial arts or strategy, weapons, and things like that. On the other side, grandmother tend to send me accessories, cute dresses, embroidery thread, and other girly things. Actually I prefer grandfather's gifts but I don't dislike grandmother's gifts.

I always use the thread and cloths that grandmother gave me to train my embroidery skill with the dresses as a reference. But I felt guilty for not wearing the accessories, even though all of them are so pretty. But I can't wear those things as it will be a hassle when I was training.

When we walk around the shops, I saw a familiar figure. I decided to surprise him from behind. I asked for a permission from mother and father, and I got permitted. I used qinggong to pass through the crowd and sneaked to his behind. His bodyguards noticed me, they grabbed their sword and before they unsheathe their sword, they recognized me. They loosened their hand and nodded at me. I counted to three and jumped on him.

Hong er: " Sheng ge!"

He seems to be surprised, I was very satisfied with my plan to surprise him. Hehehe, the plan went smoothly. He turned his head and stared at me, I tilted my head as I don't understand why he didn't reply to me.

Weisheng: " Oh! It is Hong er ah!"

He rubbed my head and laughed. I got off from him and took his hand, I pulled him to the place where mother and father was waiting for me. When I saw father and mother, I noticed father flinched after he looked at Sheng ge. Mother kindly greeted Sheng ge and asked about his day.

Bai Huiqing: " If you want, you can join us for lunch."

Xu Tingfeng: " Wha-! No!"

Mother smacked father's head.

Bai Huiqing: " You must be hungry right? Come with us, we had reserved a room in a restaurant and it is too big for the three of us. It would be hard for you to reserve a room as it was fully booked because of the festival."

Weisheng: " Thank you auntie. I have troubled you."

Third person POV

Weisheng cupped his fist and bowed to Bai Huiqing. Bai Huiqing nodded and waved her hand.

Bai Huiqing: " Aiyah! No need to be so tense, as we will be a family sooner or later."

Xu Tingfeng whipped his head to Bai Huiqing.

Xu Tingfeng: " W-what the hell!"

Bai Huiqing: " Language please."

Xu Tingfeng: " I-I mean what do you mean?"

Bai Huiqing ignored him and walked away, Xu Tingfeng chased after Bai Huiqing and tried to calm her. Hong er and Weisheng only shrugged their shoulders and followed them to the restaurant.

In the restaurant*

The bodyguards were guarding outside the door, leaving the four of them in the room. Weisheng sat beside Hong er and acted like nothing was wrong while Xu Tingfeng was glaring dagger at him. This time Bai Huiqing was too tired to smack him so she just let him be. Hong er was openly staring at Weisheng, and when he started to feel uncomfortable, he asked Hong er.

Weisheng: " Why are you staring at me?"

Hong er: " Why do I feel like I have seen you before?"

Weisheng calmly drink his tea and closed his eyes. Despite him looking so calm, actually inside of his heart, he is panicking right now.

Weisheng: " Where? Who?"

Hong er: " Ah, I remembered. You look like Da Qi crown prince."

Weisheng chocked on his tea, Hong er was flustered, she wiped his mouth with her white sleeve and patted his back. After Weisheng calmed himself, he opened his eyes and saw a splotch of tea on Hong er's white sleeve.

Weisheng: " Your sleeve got dirty because of me."

Hong er: " It is fine, it can be washed."

Weisheng only nodded, thinking that she had forgotten about the previous conversation.

Hong er: " So how can you look like the crown prince?"

Weisheng: " cough cough, ahem, the Da Qi crown prince is very famous in this world. And I think that looks so cool, so I tried to copy him."

Hong er: " Ohh~"

Even though Hong er was suspicious, but she decided to trust Weisheng. She didn't pursue the problem anymore, Weisheng was relieved that she believed him. He patted Hong er's head and took off his mask.

Weisheng: " Here, you can see my face as much as you want."

Hong er was fascinated by his face, he can bewitch any woman with this face. Hong er was touched that he showed his face to her, it means he trusts her deeply.

Hong er: " Aiyoo~ How can you be so handsome, Sheng ge? You can easily find wives with this face of yours. Wow, I still can't believe that you are this handsome."

Weisheng was embarrassed by Hong er's compliments but as soon as he heard that he could easily find WIVES easily, he was crying in his heart. When he was too focused on his broken heart, he didn't realize that Hong er had took off her mask. He looked up when Hong er called out his name.

Hong er: " Sheng ge, taa daa~"

Hong er smiled brightly at him. Weisheng felt like her smile had blinded his eyes. Even Xu Tingfeng squaled when he saw how Hong er cutely said taa daa~. ' Cuteness overload!' Only at these time, they are agreeing with each other.

Seeing their reaction, Hong er was disappointed. She pouted and she put on her mask. The dazed Weisheng come back from his imagination as he saw her put her mask back on.

Weisheng: " W-why do you put it on again?"

Hong er: " Be-because I saw Sheng ge's shocked expression. My face is too ugly that you are shocked, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Hong er said it with a very sad voice, making Weisheng's and Xu Tingfeng's heart squeeze.

Weisheng: " No! You are not ugly at all! You just too cute that it caught me by surprise. No words can explain your beauty, so please don't call yourself ugly, okay? Can you let me see your face again?"

Weisheng smiled gently at her. Hong er slowly took off her mask and pitifully looked at him. When Weisheng saw her cute pouty lips, he died.