
M Force

[Announcement: Congratulations! You've cleared the dungeon under 03:47:28 time.] rang through the air after Rafael collected the entire loot.

Rafael really felt like his liver hurting whenever he think of the time spent inside the dungeon. He can run almost 8 times of the same dungeon under a normal party with it, but now he spent the the same time only for 1 run.

Although there's a maximum limit of 3 runs in every dungeons, there are still other dungeons available.

He couldn't help but remember how he end up doing a solo dungeon, and wanted nothing but to curse to those idiotic players.

Rafael decided to run a dungeon [Highland of the Chieftain] and without a party, it will be too much for him.

Unfortunately, Rafael doesn't belong to any fixed party, but a mere substitute member. The party was already full when he arrived, and was left to look for a party himself. Luckily, it didn't take long for him to found a suitable party so they hurriedly went inside the dungeon.

Afterwards, the party members along with the leader run off without issuing orders. There he realized he joined a rather eccentric group of people, he watched as they die 'happily'.

Rafael was flabbergasted at the same time horrified, he heard rumors about this bunch of people. They're of the minority of players who took 'pleasure' at being hurt and killed, they even earned the title [M Force]! These people weren't really scared of courting death!

Rafael felt extremely unlucky, he tried to salvage the situation by saving them. At the end, he nearly suffered of dying with them and wasted too much mana. He decided to left the dungeon, under the circumstance of clearing it!

There are only 2 ways of leaving a dungeon, by clearing it or dying. Although there's a cheat [Force Logout], his hard earned Exp will be reduced by 10% the same punishment as dying. So he clenched his teeth and persevere in clearing the dungeon. Dying was out of his options, he's really scared of experiencing it.

Thereafter, his extremely 'joyous' adventure of solo dungeon begin.


Rafael arrived at the safe zone near the dungeon, he shifted his gaze left and right and sure enough the crowded zone earlier looks almost deserted now.

How many Exp would I have right now if I didn't met those guys? My equipments! My time! Give it all back to me!

The red haired Rafael was extremely dirty right now, bruised and battered. Unlike his typical handsome self, moreover, he was missing his top and his helmet. Which both lost durability earlier in the fight.

He was just a mage after all, a type who would prefer hiding behind the back of his teammates providing support!

Looking at himself, he couldn't help but crying. He didn't earn anything at all, he lost big time!

Never mind the lost of time, he didn't even had a day worth of Exp harvest, and he lost two precious equipments! Above all, above all... the loots.

The loots were just a bunch of trash and handful of golds! Rafael really did started to cry.

Rafael looked at the time and saw it was already 5:24 in the afternoon, and decided to logout for now.

But before doing so, a message alert suddenly appeared on the left side of his peripheral view.

He stretched out his 5 fingers, a moment later, his fingers lit blue. It was an action before doing a command.

[System Command: Open Alerts]

Upon opening it, Rafael saw an party invitation for [Highland of the Chieftain]. He was gonna ignore it but he saw the player level of the party members, after checking, they're all bunch of Level 35! If this were to be a reliable party, they'd be able to finish a dungeon below 30minutes mark.

Level 35 players are the ones leading the pack of players! They're experts! Thinking of this, Rafael thought of hitchhiking. It's not bad being boost sometimes.

Therefore, almost immediately he accepted the invitation. Afterwards, he proceed to the gate to enter the dungeon with them.


Rafael didn't think further why would experts invited him, it would be better just to ride with them. Afterall, he don't have to do anything, was what he thought.

The group of experts advanced together, forming a pentagon drawn backwards. Two melee affront, two ranged in the middle, and a leisurely looking Rafael at the back.

Althought the group composed of two Swordsman, two mages, and an archer without a tank or healer, they're are able to proceed smoothly in just a matter of minutes.

Rafael casually summoned fire spirits to help out a little, and to cleanse a little bit of his conscience. He wasn't a kind of man to do something totally leaching and doing nothing, after all he's a man with good heart.

Several minutes later, they're about to reach the area where the boss is. And suddenly, the mage broke out of the formation and sped off to the cliff. The group of experts paid him no mind so Rafael, out of boredom went with the mage.

Rafael looked at the name of the mage, situated above its head, and didn't know what to do. It's rather uncomfortable to look at, and wondered if he would say all that aloud if he were to call him.

'Senior Expert 'Twice Above the Mountain Lord' what are you doing?' Are you a cultivator, or something? He couldn't help but ask.

On a second thought, Rafael decide not to call him out and just ask.

"Senior, do you need help?"

"Ahh, Eh, No. Thank you!" replied Twice Above the Mountain Lord.

"What are you doing?" Rafael saw the senior taking out a cape out of his dimensional ring.

"Hmm. Ah! I'm experimenting if this equipment can allow me to fly!" Twice Above the Mountain Lord explained and smiled.

"Fly? That's impossible right?" atleast no one has yet to discover how to fly, experts said that it may be possible when you reach a certain level or hidden skills. That's one of the reason why many players are eager to level up. But for a equipment to allow someone to fly?

"Young man! You're waaaay too rigid! Open up your mind, this is a game!!" the senior didn't looked offended by his words, he still maintained his smile opening up his arms.

"Senior, could you explain to me how? What's this item anyway?" Rafael looked at the cape seriously and noticed a white-blue wing print on it, so he asked earnestly.

"Oh? It's possible indeed, this item [Wings of Freedom] has hidden effect, we don't know yet what effect it is, so we are currently experementing!" explained by the senior seriously.

'[Wings of Freedom] a cape equipment? Why do I feel like I heard this somewhere?' Rafael thought.