
In twilight as an original hybrid

a man dies after many hardships and gets reincarnated with 6 wishes into twilight, however it is not without a mission. he will find love, he will have friends, he will work hard to achieve his goals, and he will do anything he wants without caring for right or wrong. no harem OC will either be with alice or rosalie. i dont own anything but OC. also i will probably add alot of things in this fanfic from other fanfics. if those authors see it and want me to remove it let me know. ----------------------------------------------------------- i am new to writing, this is literally my first ever fanfic/novel. im not writing to make money or anything close to that. im simply a little stressed lately and someone told me that i should find something fun to do and take my mind of things, so after some searching i found out that i like writing even if its shit lol. anyway if you dont like it dont read, you can always leave some pointers behind. and for the people who will read this, thanx and i hope you like it.

NotaGod · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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6 Chs

Waking up/Mate

[I'm just trying out 1st person for this chap. Let me know if you guys/girls like it or not. Also there may be some information or changes to the world of twilight itself and the people in it.]

*1st person*

I suddenly woke up in an unfamiliar place, looking around I could see that I was sitting inside a vehicle with many people. Next to me sat a beautiful girl, I didn't recognize anyone. Just as I was about to stand up and look around me my head started to hurt. My head felt like it was tearing apart and coming back together. After what felt like hours which was in reality just over 15 minutes, the pain subsided, and I was left there with all of my memories, the one from my past life and this one. After sitting back comfortably into my seat I started looking through my memory.

My name is felix godfrey, and the beautiful girl next to me is my big sister sophie or as everybody knows her sophia godfrey. We were both born somewhere around 600 A.D. our mother was a witch and our father was a werewolf. It seems like in this world werewolves existed long before vampires. It also seems that I didn't really have a good past or childhood. After I was born my mother used me as a test subject, it seems like my father didn't really love my mother or get together with her the normal way. She was kidnapped by him and forced to bear his children. Her first child was her daughter, my big sister sophia. She had a normal childhood, at least as normal as it could be in that time period.

I on the other hand was born 4 years after my sister, we both were werewolves and after my birth my mother decided that she would use me as a labrat and make me into a weapon so that I could kill my father and give her a chance to escape from him. She did a lot of rituals whenever my father wasn't there and I could feel that she didn't really care for me. She would abuse me and lock me up, the rituals she would perform would hurt like hell. One day my father was out, and my mother did a ritual on me or maybe a curse? Who knows, I was 17 years old at that time, my sister would normally try to protect me but this time i could not find her anywhere. Anyway , after the ritual I felt so much pain, more than I had ever felt before. I felt my teeth shattering and growing back, my bones breaking, my flesh tearing and stitching back, I felt hunger or better said thirst, one that seemed insatiable. While I was writhing on the ground my father and sister came back and saw that I was going through a change.

My sister seemed worried but my father just looked at the sight and it seemed he had figured out what my mother was doing since the next instant he threw fire on me, maybe in hopes of me dying? My sister, seeing this, attacked my father trying to help me, i on the other hand did not care for anything around me. I had so much thirst that I simply jumped out of the fire and attacked my mother and father drinking them dry. After drinking them dry I came back to myself, and somehow I knew the things I could do and what I had become. It was like someone imprinted the information on my mind. After that it took me a couple of days to calm down with my sister caring for me. After calming down I told my sister everything, all the information I had gotten on what I had become, my sister not wanting to leave me alone since she had become really protective and doting on me asked me to turn her into what I was.

I of course had some misgivings about doing that to my sister, i mean who would want to turn their sister into a monster, no one right? But my sister didn't let go of it, and after weeks of talking and my sister not giving up the idea, I decided to comply with her wishes. I also forgot to mention that I could turn normal people into either normal vampires, werewolves or hybrids. After turning her you could guess what happened, we would travel around the world, turning some humans who wanted immortality, gathering armies and enjoying our life.

While i was thinking all this i suddenly heard my name being called

"fe…fel…FELIX!" said my sister

Coming out of whatever i was doing i looked at her and responded

" Yes, sophie?" i said

"What were you thinking about so hard? I have been calling you for over a minute now. Our plane is about to land."

Aah yes, how could I forget I was in a plane. Looking at my sister i smiled gently at here and responded

"Aah sorry Sophie, I was just lost in thought, nothing to worry about. So what are we doing after we land?"

My sister just looked at me like i said something funny and said

"You know that already right? Or did you forget? After we land we'll go to our house and drop our stuff there, then we will go to the studio since we both need to record our new songs."

When I heard what my sister said, I couldn't help but feel stupid. Maybe because I just got my memories back that I forgot? Anyway, me and my sister are one of the richest people in the world. We own multiple technology companies, we are also pretty famous singers, we make songs together just because we find it fun and we also get a decent amount of money from doing it. I mean this should be normal since we are probably the oldest beings in the world.

I nodded and told my sister

" no, I didn't forget. Anyway what should we do after all that sis?" I asked her, since I'm pretty sure she wants to have fun in this city. We are currently in New York and I know she likes it here a lot.

My sister just smiled at me and said

"How about we go partying and maybe even hunt for some fresh food?"

Like some of you would already have guessed, the fresh food is human blood. We do indeed drink it, we are not vegans like a certain coven of vampires. And since we can just use compulsion on humans and drink their blood without killing them, I see no problem in doing so.

Nodding to my sister i just said

"Sure sis, let's have some fun tonight."

After that our plane landed, and we went home. After putting our luggage there we had some free time before going to the studio. Using that free time I started going through my memories and using my laptop to search for information. And like I had asked God before, I seem to have got my memories back 1 year before canon starts.

After that everything went well, we went and recorded our new songs, my sister went shopping after that with me being her cart. And we partied while looking for a tasty drink.

Like that we spent our week doing the same things daily. After some time I decided that I should start making some abilities, like teleportation and storage space. And like this 6 months passed. I created a storage space that could store almost anything, I haven't tested its limits yet. I also created a mind shield for me and my sister. I'm sure that no one could mess with our minds now, as long as it's not gods we should be safe. I allowed it for a certain girl to bypass it though, it would make things interesting. Maybe we didn't need one but I still wanted to be safe rather than sorry. I also made a skill that allowed me to enchant objects which I use a lot. I created a storage ring for my sister, which she loved. I also enchanted our clothes to clean themselves and enchanted our phones/computers/cars, making them almost indestructible. Of Course if we so wished it we could easily destroy them, but if it's just a normal accident or if my phone just falls there should be no problem. I also created an ability which allowed me to talk to animals. This could come in handy since I could build a huge information network using birds and what not.

After creating some of my abilities I decided that maybe me and my sister should build a pack with hybrids. After some talking with my sister and with her input we decided that for the next 6 months we would look for people that we should turn. We weren't really worried about loyalty since turning them makes them loyal to us automatically. I also told my sister about moving to forks after creating our pack and maybe going to school there for 'fun'. I didn't tell her that I just wanted to have some fun there since a lot of troubles would come there. She just nodded and didn't care since she told me that she would just follow me like always. I also asked my sister if she could buy some land there and build us a big mansion, we have enough money so why not.


While Felix and Sophia were planning all of this and discussing their next plans, in a different location from them, there could be seen a woman painting, suddenly she stopped and dropped her brush. Her eyes seemed unfocused.


"Yes, what's wrong esme?"

"I think Alice is having one of her visions. I hope it's nothing bad."

"We will just have to wait and see, I don't think we should worry just yet."

5 minutes later, Alice stopped having her vision and she had a happy smile plastered across her face. Seeing this carlisle and esme asked

"Did you see something good? Why are you so happy?"

"Hehe, I think i just saw my mate" said alice with a goofy smile

"Congratulations alice, i know you've been waiting for him a while know." said esme

"Congratulation alice, do you know more about your mate?" asked carlisle

Alice nodded and said

"His name should be felix godfrey, he looked around 17/18. His hair is gray with streaks of gold and the tips of his hair purple. Also one of his eyes is gold and the other is purple."

"WHAT?! Are you sure about that?" Carlisle was shocked upon hearing this and asked for confirmation.

Esme and Alice looked at each other since they didn't expect Carlisle to react this way.

Alice nodded and said "I'm sure he is my mate. In my vision he was sitting next to a girl with the same hair color and I was with them, sitting on his lap. why?"

Esmee asked a little worriedly "Is that going to be a problem carlisle?"

Carlisle calmed a little and said "not necessarily, give me a second i'll get a picture and tell me if that's the guy you saw."

Carlisle then went to his computer and searched Felix up, since he was a popular singer his pictures were everywhere. Carlile then showed them both the picture of Felix and his sister.

Looking at the picture esmee said "Oh, looks like your mate is pretty, alice"

Alice seeing her mates picture and the girl next to her mate started jumping like a rabbit and said

"yes , i saw both of them in my vision! and they should be coming to forks around 8 months!"

Upon hearing this Carlisle didn't know what to do anymore, since he knew the actual identity of Felix and Sophia. Carlisle then said

"Alice, call your brothers and sister. We will have a meeting and I will tell you more about him."

And like Carlisle asked, Alice called all her siblings for a meeting. Everyone sat around the table waiting for Carlisle to speak.

"So, today Alice had a vision about her mate. And he will be coming to forks in the coming months."

The girls hearing this all congratulated her.

"Congratulations alice, you finally found him" said rosalie her sister

" What does he look like? Is he hot?" asked edythe

"HAHAHAH, congratulations Alice, now you won't have to sleep alone anymore." said Emmet, which earned him a slap on the back of his head from his wife rosalie.

"I'm happy for you, Alice, you have waited long enough," said Jasper with a kind smile.

"Is he human or not? If he is, we shouldn't get close to him. We can't let humans know of our existence and if we do we will have to turn him. We shouldn't make him into a soulless monster." said the emo looking Edweird.(sorry, i just couldn't leave it lol.)

Everyone looked at him like they were looking at an idiot.

"That's none of your business Edward! He is my mate. And we are not soulless monsters!" said the angry pixie looking girl, alice.

"Alright everyone, calm down. Edward, he is not a human. He is something much much more. As all of you know vampires have to come from somewhere right?" asked carlisle

Everyone nodded, since vampires can't just come into existence out of nowhere.

"Well, how should i say this, alice's mate is the first vampires our progenitor or sire. His name is Felix Godfrey and he is a hybrid between a vampire and werewolf." said carlisle

Everyone was shocked upon hearing this. The pixi jumped up and started bouncing around since she thought her mate was cool. The other girls looked at her with a gentle smile but they still couldn't process this new information. The guys didn't know how to react either.

Edward on the other hand just said "so he is the first soulless monster." but everyone ignored him except carlisle. (I laughed hard at this. I know he may not be like this but like i said in the beginning of this chapter, the people and the world itself will probably be very different from the movie or books, plus i kinda wanted to do this one lol.)

"Everyone, I first have to tell you guys that he is not like us. Him and his sister drink human blood. Though they can drink human blood without killing or turning their victims."

Upon hearing this information they stopped and didn't know what to think right now, since they didn't like vampires who drink blood. Alice didn't know how to feel but she was thinking that they at least didn't kill humans.

Carlisle then continued speaking

"Second of all, edward. Do not say something like that to Felix or his sister. Do not disrespect them in any way when they do come to forks."

This got the attention of everyone around the table, Edward then said

"why? It's not like he would do anything to us since he is Alice's mate and wouldn't hurt us or make her sad, right?"

Everyone just looked at him and shook their heads, carlisle then said

"It's not about him not wanting to upset Alice, Edward, he will probably care for her and not hurt her since they do have the mate bond, but we are a different story. First his sister is really protective of him, she would kill you all if you said something about her brother that she doesn't like. And Felix would kill us all if he so wished, even if Alice asked him not to. Him and his sister do what they want, they don't care what anyone has to say. Now don't get me wrong, they can be nice and they are not barbarians. But make them mad and you wont like it."

This information scared them all since they knew that him being their progenitor means that he is probably the most powerful vampire. Alice was thinking about her not being able to stop him if a fight broke out with her family. She had conflicting feelings about this. If what Carlisle said was true she would not be able to do anything but she also would not be hurt. Edythe was thinking about how to keep her brother from doing something stupid like trying to read their minds or maybe even looking at them with his weird glares.

while everyone was thinking about this carlisle said "you guys don't have to think too much about it, i will give you all the information i have on him. also alice dont worry. im sure everything will be alright. edythe, i want you to watch over edward. don't let him do anything stupid. now since we are finished, everyone can go back to what they were doing"

they all nodded and walked out of the room. each one of them had something to think about.

If I made some spelling mistake or if I could have used another word better in a sentence please let me know. Have a good day everyone!

NotaGodcreators' thoughts