
In twilight as an original hybrid

a man dies after many hardships and gets reincarnated with 6 wishes into twilight, however it is not without a mission. he will find love, he will have friends, he will work hard to achieve his goals, and he will do anything he wants without caring for right or wrong. no harem OC will either be with alice or rosalie. i dont own anything but OC. also i will probably add alot of things in this fanfic from other fanfics. if those authors see it and want me to remove it let me know. ----------------------------------------------------------- i am new to writing, this is literally my first ever fanfic/novel. im not writing to make money or anything close to that. im simply a little stressed lately and someone told me that i should find something fun to do and take my mind of things, so after some searching i found out that i like writing even if its shit lol. anyway if you dont like it dont read, you can always leave some pointers behind. and for the people who will read this, thanx and i hope you like it.

NotaGod · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
6 Chs



[ authors note: hello everyone, i want to address some mistakes i made. First, I said that Felix can create hybrids from humans, someone said that it's not possible in the series itself which is correct, but since I already wrote it like this I think i'll leave it as is. Now on to the mc's power/wishes, i have seen some people not liking his wishes or saying that his power doesn't suit twilight. I want you guys to remember that he will be traveling worlds and stuff. He will also be fighting a god. Now i haven't planned everything yet and im also new to all this, so lets do it this way. Do you guys want me to change some of his powers/ wishes? I will make 2 comments with yes/no just like it. The comment with the most likes wins, if it's yes I will change some of his powers. also please comment which powers should be changed and to what. Though I will leave wish 1/3/6. Also if you guys see more mistakes let me know so i can either fix it or clarify it for you.]

Yes (change power 2 and 5. also to what power should it be changed?)

No (leave power as is.)

any recommendations for a new name for this fanfic? i'm pretty bad naming.

{anyway thanks for reading and don't forget to go easy on me. this is literally the first fanfic/novel i ever wrote in my life.}


[6 months before moving to forks]

[1st person]

Currently I was thinking about how to recruit people for our pack. I had a lot of options, first just to recruit some people who are sick or on death's door, since I could just feed them my blood which would cure them. That would already make them more loyal to us, and after turning them their loyalty would skyrocket to a whole new level. Second, I could just go out and find some interesting people who either had some nice powers, or are already strong since again, they would become loyal to us automatically. Or third, I could go to an orphanage and adopt some kids there. Sure I look young and all, and they would probably not allow me to adopt children, if I didn't have compulsion in my arsenal. Also some kids probably lack familial love and maybe they went through something and they would want power, i don't know, anything could be possible. Since I narrowed my options to 3, I decided to ask my sister to help me decide. I could decide myself but since my sister is already a part of my pack, why not consult with her. Right?

Coming out of my thoughts, I looked at my sister who was currently doing something on her laptop that I built for her.

"Hey sophie, i was thinking about the pack thing i told you about. I thought about how I should go about recruiting/turning people and I came up with this."

After that I told her all the options I came up with. I kept looking at my sister for a response. I think she is taking this seriously since she seems deep in thought about the pack. After some minutes my sister said

"Hmm, well, you could go with adopting some kids. I think that would be nice, we also have not adopted a child for a very long time. Maybe see if there are any sick kids who don't have parents or any family? You know I like having children around." said my sister smiling.

(author: some people will probably ask about the "we also have not adopted a child for a very long time" and that i didn't say anything about this before. This will come up in later chapters so don't worry about it.)

Yeah I already knew that. My sister really loves taking care of children, so maybe it's better to go with that option. hmm, if i adopt children and turn them i should definitely also turn an older couple. Or just two people who look older. I'm sure me and sis will not be able to watch/train them 24/7.

(Felix saying children means: 15 or above. He is old as fuck so even 30 year old man could be called a child by him.)

"Alright sis, ill go to the orphanage tomorrow and see if i can find some interesting children. I will also try and turn some older looking people, since they could watch them, or at least act like their parents when needed." said felix.

"Alright, do you want me to come with you?" said sophie

"Hmm…could you maybe look for a plot of land in forks? Preferably in the woods somewhere. If that's not possible just buy it somewhere else. Also can you have them build us a mansion? Try and get as many bedrooms as possible." said felix.

My sister nodded and said while smiling gently

"Sure, I really wanted to go with you tomorrow though, But I guess I'll take care of the land and mansion first, it shouldn't take that long. And I can have some vampires build it, that should make everything ready for when we go there."

I nodded while giving my sister a smile. Now that I know she will take care of it, I don't have to worry or even think about it. She is pretty reliable. I mean she has taken care of me since I can remember.

I nodded and said

"Alright, thank you sis. I will go take a shower and get something to eat. Do you want me to get you something?"

My sister just nodded and said while tilting her head slightly

"Yeah, pizza and maybe some cake?"

Shuckling at that, I thought 'God she can be so cute sometimes'. And no i'm not a sis-con, i just love my sister dearly. In a familial way of course.

"Alright sounds good sis."

I said getting up from my seat, kissing her on the head and heading towards the shower. And like that we spent our day i took a shower, wore blue jeans and a black casual shirt with some normal black shoes. I went out, picked some cakes for my sis, got some pizza and fries and went back home. We ate while watching movies. After that my sister went to her room, looking for some land and contacting the workers in advance. I also went to my room, laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. No, we don't sleep, but I still like closing my eyes and thinking about the things I have to do.

{next day}

I opened my eyes and looked towards the clock hanging on the wall. It seems to be 6 am, I stand up, walk towards the bathroom. After taking a shower and wearing my clothes, I went to the kitchen and got myself a nice breakfast. A little blood, with some eggs and bacon. After that I just sat around doing nothing until it was 10 am. I also didn't feel anyone else being home, so my sister must have already gone out. Looking through my phone, which I should have done earlier, I could see a text from Sophia saying "I'm already out, i'll probably be back later tonight. Also I have made you breakfast in the microwave. If you need anything just call me". Oops, looks like she already made me breakfast, i quickly ate it and went out, heading towards the orphanage.

(I'm sorry if some information is wrong about orphanages. I don't really know how they work and I couldn't find anything online. Or the explanation was too long so I just made something up. If you know how adoption/orphanage work, please let me know. New info is always welcome.)

After an hour of driving, yes driving. I like driving my cars. I could have run there but why do that if I have a car? Anyway, when I arrived there I walked inside and went towards the caretakers there. I told them that I wanted to adopt some children, and they looked at me like I was telling some funny joke. Then I remembered, who would let someone that looks 18 adopt a child? So I just used my compulsion and they took me to look at a number of children. After talking to some kids and hearing how they ended up here, I decided to adopt 3 girls and 3 boys.

Jackson was a 16 yr old kid, he lost his parents in an accident and his family didn't really want to care for him, so he ended up in the orphanage. He has been here for 4 years. Nobody wanted to adopt him since he doesn't like to talk much and keeps mostly to himself.

Brandon, 17 years of age. Him and the other boy, David, seem to be twins. They have been here since they were babies. They haven't gotten adopted since every time a family wanted to adopt them, they would only want to adopt one of them. They didn't like the idea of living with different families, so they chose to stay here. David seems to be a serious type of person. While Brandon seems to like to joke around.

The other 3 girls were the same, Sarah is 15 and lost her parents at the age of 9, she didn't have any other family and seems to be on guard, i could only guess that she went through something, i didn't ask since we have eternity to talk about it. And maybe it would be better for her to talk to Sophia instead of me. Then there is Alexis, she seems chill and down to earth. She is 17 and has been here since she was a baby. She didn't feel like going to a random family, now you may wonder why she is coming with me? I don't really know myself. All She said is that she thinks it would be fun and interesting going with me. Then there is Stacey, also 17 and not much of a talker. She's also been here since she was a baby. She's pretty close to Alexis, so she just went along with her and accepted being adopted by me.

After talking to them I told them to wait since I would have to talk to the caretakers and finish the adoption procedures. After what i would guess to be 3 hours i was finished, i walked out and said

"Alright kids, let's go home!"

David and sarah just nodded as for the rest

"Yeah, let's go!" x4

Walking out of the orphanage, we walked towards my car, after arriving there David made a comment about how I seem to be rich. I just nodded and told them to wait, we couldn't possibly all fit inside the car. After calling a driver we waited near the car outside the orphanage. While waiting I saw a kid that looked around 6 to 7 years old.

Seeing me look at the kid david said

"That girl is Olivia, she lost her parents a couple months ago, they were murdered. At first a lot of people wanted to adopt her but they thought the girl was troubled and had a big trauma, since every time they talked to her, she would tell them about how a red eyed monster killed her parents and drank their blood. No one believed her, they thought it was just the ramblings of a traumatized child."

Hearing this I thought that either a vampire killed her parents, or she really is traumatized. Now i don't know what's true, but when i go to forks i could copy edwards ability and upgrade it. I should be able to see her memories and know for myself. Hmm, now that I think about it, it seems like I've unconsciously decided to adopt the girl.

Looking at the kids i told them

"Alright you guys, wait here I need to do something real quick."

Without waiting for a response, I walked inside towards the caretakers I have previously 'talked' to. I told them about adopting the girl and they advised me against it. I didn't feel like talking much to them so I just put them under another compulsion and they brought her to me to talk.

The little girl walked up to me and I gestured for her to sit next to me. I told her about me wanting to adopt her and how I already adopted 6 other kids. She was quietly listening to me, after i was done i told her if she was alright with me adopting her. The girl was super cute, i dont know how other didnt want to adopt her. She nodded and told me about her parents and the monster and about how she was scared she also asked if believed her.

I nodded and told her while petting her head

"Yes, I believe you. If you come with me I will protect you. you won't have to ever worry about anyone hurting you. I will also give you power. You will be strong enough to protect yourself."

She looked at me for some time before she started tearing up. I don't think she understood the part of me giving her power, but i mean what was i thinking, she's 6 years old, of course she wouldn't. I just hugged her and let her cry. After that she asked if I would be her new 'papa' or big brother. Yeah, I told her to just call me papa. I mean fuck what anyone else thinks, she is super cute and having a cute little girl calling me papa just bring my fatherly instincts to a whole new level. After that i went through the same procedure of adopting the girl and when i was i brought her outside to meet the others. They were surprised to see me with the girl they thought was traumatized. I told the girl that they would be her big brothers and sisters from now on. I also told them that we would all have a talk when we reached my home and their new one.

The car that I had called for had arrived. In my car there was Olivia, Alexis and surprisingly sarah. The others went in the other car. While driving I told them about my sister, I also described how our home looked like. They asked me since i adopted them, would i be their big brother or father since i wasn't that older than them. I told them we would talk at home when my sister came back. They asked about how rich we were since they could see my car must have cost me a lot. I told them that we were pretty rich and they would find out everything later. The rest of the ride was spent talking about their hobbies and some random stuff.

After an hour we arrived home, I could see my sister's car parked near the entrance so I knew she was home. After parking and waiting for the other to group up we walked to the front door.

"Wow" x7

"Hahaha, so, do you guys like what you see?"

David, Jackson and Sarah just nodded while looking around.

"This is sweet dude!" said brandon

"Yeah of course we do! You're richer than I thought you would be. This is more like a small castle than a mansion!" said alexis

"Do I get my own room?" said stacey

"Papa, is this our new home?" asked the cute little olivia while tilting her head cutely

I nodded and said "hahaha, yeah it is." While ruffling her hair. I really like it when she calls me papa. Yeah, call me easy or whatever.

She looked up at me pouting but didn't move away.

Then i looked at stacey and said

"Of course, everyone gets their own room."

They seemed happy hearing that and started talking amongst each other.

When we reached the door I was about to open it, but then it suddenly flew open, and my sister ran up to me and grabbed me by the collar.

"Felix! I just heard that small girl call you papa! Whose daughter is she! Who did you get pregnant without telling me!" she yelled while shaking me. Hell, if I was a human I would probably be dead.

"Sophia! Stop! Did you forget already, I adopted them! They're adopted!" i yelled at her

The kids looked at us amused. Heck I could even see Sarah chuckling.

She seemed to hear me since she stopped and let go of me, she looked at the kids then at the smaller girl, and then back at me.

"Alright, but we will have a talk later, i still want to know why she calls you papa." said sophia

She then looked at the kids and said while giving her gentle big sister smile

"Hello kids, my name is Sophia godfrey, Felix's big sister"

"Hi, my name is Alexis and I guess my last name is Godfrey now!"

"Hello there big sister, my name is brandon"


"Im jackson"

"Hi, im david."

"Hello, my name is stacey." she said smiling a little

"Hello papa's big sister, my name is Olivia and i am 6 years old! Are you going to be my new mom?"

Sophia looked at me questingly but I just told her I would explain their circumstances while they were touring the house. After that me and Sophia split up, I showed the boys they're room while Sophia showed the girls. We also told them that they could tour the house and take a shower. Of course they have one in each of their rooms. When i was done, i went to my office, our meeting room waiting for my sister.


[authors note: thanks for reading guys! Also I was a little sick today. I wasn't going to post anything but since i didn't let you guys know, and i also didn't want to add a whole chapter just to say i wasn't posting. I decided I would just post a chapter and let you guys know that there is a chance that I won't post anything this weekend. Just a 40% chance though. If I feel better tomorrow I will definitely post.]

Thanks for reading guys! I hope you enjoy it!

NotaGodcreators' thoughts