
Yue's choice.

This is an edit of the previous chapters and has some big changes. Dialogue is reused here so you might find that annoying and not want to read it.

It's not a necessary to read thing either since it's a edited mashup of chapter 268 and 269.

Still, here's a Too Long; Didn't Read.


MC takes Yue to the stony sea dimension lab in a cave and has some bonding time with her, sharing stories and answering her questions.

MC lays his heart bare for her, because he knows she's trustworthy and they become closer.

This time, the edit is that he used the second clone he made to go to the Orcus dungeon and so he transforms that clone via monster flesh like Hajime did in the original story.

He doesn't take Yue to Brakebills and sends her with the Monster Clone to conquer dungeons in Tortus, while he works on Fillory and Earth.


The spell circle formed up above me and I realised why the scorpion hadn't been in the room before.

It was a summoned creature and the trigger for that was probably removing Yue from the sealstone!

Immediately, I grabbed Yue and leapt off the pedestal where the stone was kept and bolted for the door.

With a thunderous boom, the scorpion crashed down onto the sealstone just as we reached the door, it's eyes locked onto us.

And before we could cross the threshold of the door, it's tail flung out, crashing into my forcefield, sending me flying into the massive door, slamming it shut.

Of course, it didn't give us any time to rest. Before I could recover from the concussion it had given me, it slammed into the forcefield again, pummeling it incessantly.

The floor below our feet began to crack at the force that the forcefield transmitted to counter the blows and a worry began to creep into my mind.

The forcefield was already low on battery as it is from 14 hours of dungeon trawling and battling.

I doubt it will break here but I didn't want to take the chance.

Not to mention, my greed wouldn't let me leave without the scorpion's juicy and powerful flesh!

It was a power-up begging to be exploited.

I pulled out my pistol, sending out a volley at it, but the bolts glanced off of it, dissipating on impact, leaving only small dents of molten slag in their place.


Was it's armor really tougher than 7000 degree celsius plasma bolts?


I smiled as the scorpion jumped back, surprised and shot out poison needles from it's tail, to no avail, shattering on my forcefield. But this time it flickered as they hit.

Yup. It's running low alright.

Let's end this quick.

Just one more test.

"If my laser gun won't work.... How about corrosive bombs?" I tossed out fingernail sized bits of metal that exploded into a crimson mist.

But nothing happened.

The creature barreled straight throught the mist and slammed intot he forcefield again, resuming it's training for the scorpion boxing championship, treating us like a punching bag.

Those blows man! They are terrifying!

One hit from that and I'm mush!

Sure I could just escape via portal but I wanted to take the scorpion along.

The forcefield shuddered, and I sighed.

Alright. No more testing. Let's end this.

I raised my hand and aimed the particle beam watch at it, altering the setting on it with my power and pressed the trigger.

A glowing blue matrix of beams shot out from my watch, tearing across the floor, leaving thin lines carved put of it as it sliced the scorpion through, literally dicing it up into bite sized pieces.

I grinned, excited.

"So the particle beam works huh? Literally had to cut between the molecules to kill it! That's some good shit! I can't wait to incorporate it into me. What do you think, Yue? Magnificent beast, isn't he?"

I asked, looking back at a shocked chibi vampire.

She looked at the scorpion and then back at me.


"Why what? Kill it? It would have killed us. And I don't think you're against killing monsters are you, because that could become a problem, what with my plans for conquering the dubgeon and such." I said.

I knew what she was asking, of course.

But I wanted her to learn to speak clearly in the future instead of her signature short and curt style.

"Why didn't you run? I'm immortal, I-"

I placed a finger on her lips, stopping her l.

"Atatatat! None of that now. Didn't I say I want loyalty. You don't buy loyalty by abandoning your comrades just because a slightly stronger enemy shows up. Besides, leaving ypu to die here would be such a waste, especially after I spent nearly 30 ml of elixir freeing you." I patted her head, as something changed in her eyes, the way she looked at me.

Maybe I made an impression?

"And as I like to say, I'm not in the business of making unprofitable investments." I chuckled.

"Besides, I'm immortal too. Well not right now. My immortality has been damaged but once I repair it, I'll be immortal again!"

Yue uttered a small noise at that and nodded tearfully and I rubbed her head again. She was such a cutie.

It was healing on a spiritual level.

But back to the mission....

I opened up a portal below the scorpion's chopped up corpse and deposited it by my lab before turning to Yue.

"Alright. Moment of truth here, Yue. Choose. Do you want to come with me or do you want to go back to your own country. I can get you back to the surface if you want. Go wherever you want. No strings attached."

I offered her the option to go free, knowing full well she was unlikely to ever choose it.

It was a win-win scenario for me. Now, when she chooses to come with me, she will know that it's her choice, not something I forced onto her.

"I... don't have a place to go back to anymore...." Yue muttered, her gaze downcast as she buried her face between her knees.

"Then wanna come with me? That's an option too, you know?" I said, sitting down beside her, and her ears perked up.

She looked up at me with surprise.

"But let me warn you, it won't be easy. It's a new world, a new land, with it's own languages, a few too many of them. And you'll need to work hard to keep up. Not to mention, if you come with me, I expect complete loyalty. I will not tolerate betrayal, no matter what.

And I'm certifiably evil by most metrics. I will do whatever I need to in order to get what I want, even slaughtering children, destroying countries, wiping entire worlds if I really need to. I plan to kill and consume gods alive. And you will have to support me, all through the same. So... Fair warning. Not the path if you want to be morally pure and all goody two shoes-like" I shrugged.

Yue thought about it and gulped thickly.

"Don't worry so much. You can still choose to go to the surface and make a life for yourself. I'll take you there. Can't say it will be easy there either but it is an option too. I'm sure that with enough time you'll find someone to love. I can always find someone else to be my partner." I assured but Yue shook her head.

"I will go with you." She said, resolute, inching closer to me, snuggling up.

"I see. Good choice.... Partner." I smiled welcoming her, and she made a cute noise, nodding.

"Let's go home then, shall we?" I said and her eyes lit up at the mention of home, a warmth kindling in them.

"And get you some clothes. You can't conquer a dungeon naked after all" I chuckled, opening up a portal back to the stony sea dimension lab.

"Jay..... indecent." She blushed and I offered her my labcoat, and followed me through the portal.

Back home.


Once we were back at my base in the stony sea dimension, I printed her a set of clothes while she took a bath some distance from me.

It was the same outfit she wore in the original series.

A frilly, full sleeved white shirt, a black plaid skirt with black, rose patterned leggings and a labcoat, a replica of my own and finally a ribbon for her hair.

And can I just say, she looked a thousand time cuter in her new outfit.

Almost lost control there and crushed her in a hug.

Damn me and my weakness for cute things!

Having kids has made me extra susceptible to cuteness.

After she got dressed and ready, outfitted with the same equipment I had, and I finished shelving the monster flesh and ores that I had extracted in the dungeon, I separated a sample each from the monsters, and set them all up on a plate alongside a couple of shot glasses full of elixir.

Beside me on the picnic table I had set up for eating here sat Yue, looking at me with curiosity.

In fact, she had been eyeing the whole place like a newborn baby, seeing so many high tech tools for the first time.

"What's that?"

"It's a nanoforge. Like a forge from a blacksmith but for very precise work."

"Goldsmithing?" She suggested.

"Kinda but way more precise."

Yue nodded.

"And that?"

"That's a..." I began to explain the next device to her.

A whole two hours later she finally noticed me getting tired and relented, something I'm grateful for.

She nearly chewed my ears off with her questions about everything.

Not that I didn't like it.

I found it endearing how she was truly interested in learning and understanding new stuff.

Just like me. A kindred spirit.

I smiled.

If she wasn't in the body of a child, I might have even wifed her up.

Hell, from the novel, I knew Yue was as loyal as Offee, and just as loving and caring.

She just had her..... quirks. Complexes about her body and such.

Maybe when she gets her 26 year old form by consuming Ehit, the god of her world....

I shook my head.

It's for her to decide. I won't force her either way.

In the meantime, I intend to keep her here to get help in clearing and cataloguing the dungeons and their magic using Clone Number 2 while Clone 1 and the Current Body can work on the Fillory Plot, divvying up the work in three parts.

The usual body will stay in the stony sea cave lab and work on research.

Clone number 1, i.e., the Traveler will work with Yue in Fillory and Brakebills.

And Clone number 2, i.e., Monster Clone will work to conquer dungeons and be a hidden weapon for me.

With a thought, I inserted a chip into the clones using the replicator beam and got the A.I. to guide them, programming a biochip for myself as weel so I can remote control the two clones when needed.

With that done, I returned my attention to Yue and found her staring at me intently.

"What? Is there something on my face? Did I miss a monster part or ..." I asked, pawing at my face causing her to giggle.

She shook her head.

"I want to just...Thank you. You saved me today...I thought I was never going to escape. That I'd be trapped in that dark, cold room forever." Yue shuddered, and I reached out, caressing her head, comforting her.

"It's okay now."

"Uun!" Yue made a cute noise, and nodded.

"You asked me to come with you...gave me a new name, a new home. So I want to be useful to you. I want to be closer to you. I want to know more about you!" She said, scooting closer to me.

I sighed.

"If you insist. Let me warn you. I'm not a terribly interesting man. I lived a simple life. Had a family. Parents, grandparents, a little brother. He's four years younger than me. Hates me to the guts probably." I looked at the ceiling of the cave I had made a base in, reminsicing.

"Why?" She asked, leaning onto my shoulder, "How could anyone hate you?"

"Well...I... I'm not a good person. I told you right?"

She nodded.

"Is that why?"

"No. It's... complicated. My parents like me better than him and he....he just developed a complex about it. Tried to measure up to an unreachable standard and when he failed..he hated himself. And slowly that hatred turned to anger and that anger and frustration turned to me." I said, "I don't hate hom, don't get me wrong but..."

She looked at me sympathetically.

"My uncle was like that too. He .... Betrayed me. Said I was too powerful for my own good. He said he was the master now and he dethroned me, trapped me ....in there." She said, her eyes hollow.

I rubbed her back and she relaxed.

"I... I know how you feel. Even after all that....I don't hate my uncle. I'm just....sad. Confused. I just want to know why?" She said, "Why would he do something like that to me?"

"If you would like, I can tell you." I offered.

I knew why he did it. I had read the story.

"You....yes. Please." She said.

"You believe me?" I asked, surprised.

"You wouldn't lie to me. I trust you." She said, with such an innocent, devoted look in her eyes I felt dirty just sitting beside her for wanting to just use her like a tool.

"Your uncle ...he wanted to protect you. The god of your world, Ehit wanted to possess your body, consume it to make it his own. Because you were too strong for your own good.

Your uncle found out when one of the god's messengers arrived and commanded him to hand you over.

So to protect you, he hid you away under the pretense of a coup. Deep in the dungeon. So that whoever freed you would be someone strong. Someone who could protect you where he could not."

"Is..he- he did it for me?!" She teared up, sniffling, surprised at the revelation.

"Yes. I understand if you find it hard to believe-"

"No. I told you. I believe you. And I bel-

I will try to believe in my uncle too. For you." She said, leaning into me, resting her head on my shoulder while I wiped her tears, when suddenly her stomach grumbled.

I looked down at her and then at my plate and let out an awkward laugh.

"Say, do you want something to eat- What am I saying of course you want something to eat. You've been trapped in the dungeon for a bit haven't you?" I realised, "Alright. What do you want? Steal? Filet Mignon? Stew? Noodles? I can make anything you want."

Yue shook her head, crawling over to my lap, licking her lips, her eyes fixated on my neck.

"Jay.... blood."

"Uh oh.... "

And she jumped onto me, and dug in.

Minutes later, I pulled her off as I began to feel a bit woozy and she made a squeal in protest.

"Alright. You've had enough. I need enough blood to survive the transformation too." I said, holding her by the collar like a baby kitten.

"Jay.... sweet." She said, her eyes crazy with a rush, as she lawed at me, trying to get another taste, "Like sweet, fizzy fruit juice. Very sweet. Very fizzy." She gulped thickly.

"I see. So my blood tastes like cola huh?" To vampires at least.

The fizzy bit was probably the code while the extra sweet bit was the supersoldier serum.

Like a chemically ripened mango.

"What's cola?" Yue asked, tilting her head curiously.

"I'll give you some. Hold on."

A replication beam shit out from a machine and formed a cold bottle of coca cola on the table before her.

"Have a taste. In the meantime, I need to gain a power-up."

"Power-up?" Yue asked.

"Yes. Consuming monster flesh is usually poisonous and kills you. But with the healing elixir, it cures the poison but gives you the abilities of the monsters as well as a massive stat boost by turning you into a half man, half monster hybrid. It's super cool but also a very, very painful process."

"Then why are you doing it?" She said, clutching my hand.

"Because I need power. So I can become a god. And be with my wife and kids again. It's why I'm trying to gather the Ancient Magics from the dungeons."

But Yue had already checked out halfway through the conversation, her mind stuck on a single phrase.

"Wife....kids...?" Yue suddenly looked dejected.

"Yue?" I asked, "What happened?"

"No. Your wife...."

"Wives, actually." I said and Yue's mood seemed to improve.

"Wives...." she muttered, happily.

"I have two. Well one wife, who died. And my second wife-to-be. She's lost right now. But she will come around eventually." I explained.

Yue was listening intently and I figured it wouldn't hurt to talk about this.

"Alright. Let me tell you my story, since I already know yours." I said. Yue was trustworthy and I....I really needed someone to lay my heart bare to after so long, with so much happening.

A little therapeutic talk would go a long way for me.

Yue nodded happily, snuggling up on my chest.

"A long, long time ago.....actually, it was five and a half years ago. Or eight and a half depending on how you measure it. I was walking home from college one night, bag of snacks in my hand ....."

I explained my story to her and she began to cry.

"It's nothing to cry about. My kids are safe and my wife, wives will be okay too."

"Offee...dead." She sniffled.

"Yeah. But once I become a god, I can revive her, so don't worry about it." I assured her wiping her tears.

"And after that, all that will be left is to find my family. And have our happily ever after."

I imagined me, Offee and Wanda, with the kids, in a nice large farmhouse. Or maybe our villa of the shores of Naboo.

A simple, happy life.

Maybe I will even include Paige and Ahsoka.

I still feel guilty about leaving her there. In hindsight, it was a shitty decision but I really should own up to it.

And we'll make more kids. Lots and lots of kids. A whole army of them.


Yue nodded enthusiastically.

I smiled, caressing her head as she made a cute noise.

"With your help, Yue, I can do it."

"I will do anything to help you." Yue assured me, "I'm your partner after all!"


The extra chapter for 200 powerstones as promised!

MC saves Yue and brings the cute little munchkin home.

MC also fails the cuteness resistance check!

No, MC doesn't see Yue as a sex object.

Right now, he sees her like a cute blond teddy bear.

Next time, meeting with friends and progressing the Fillory quest!

Thanks for reading.

Tell me what you think of this chapter.

Next extra chapter at 400 powerstones!

So donate!

Till then, see ya!

Also, if you want to support me buy me a cup of coffee at,

www. pat. reon. com/goldenfingers