"Well...uh... let's just continue." I said, coughing awkwardly.
"You mastered Eidolon?!" Alexandria fumed.
"Do I have to post a public notice for you? Send you a personalized letter?
Yes, I mastered Eidolon. Or rather Paige mastered him on my request." I said.
"This won't end well for you!" She said, turning to the crowd.
"Why should we believe anything this man says. Eidolon could be admitting to crimes under mind control! That is not credib-"
"Tsk tsk tsk! Alexandria, Alexandria! Do you enjoy slamming your foot on the axe? Are you secretly a masochist? Or are you just that dumb?" I asked, pulling out the anti-master serum.
"I'm sure a whole lot of you remember this little biddy here? It's the anti master serum I made. I showcased it's effectiveness on my last broadcast.
One dose of this, and Eidolon is going to be free from Paige's control.
Besides look at her. Does it look like she can control Eidolon forever? He's the strongest parahuman on the planet. At least for now, until I can make my own version of the Cauldron serum and get superpowers myself.
Hey, Paige, how long can you hold him?"
"A couple of minutes tops. So do whatever you want fast." She replied, clutching her head.
"Wait, you don't have powers?!" Armsmaster scoffed, "Pick a better lie. We see the technology, and you just lifted Alexandria's helmet telekinetically. You expect anyone to believe you are not a tinker?"
"Man, you heroes really like to shoot yourself, don't you?
Listen here, assmaster. Just because you need the help of an alien brain parasite to make bargain bin power armor doesn't mean everyone else does too. The multiverse is a biiiig place. There are things out there far beyond your measly little comprehension. What I do is genuine superscience that can be used by anyone. Because unlike your 'tinkers', I'm not a hack!
The telekinesis? It's a telekinetic module. I made it based on the Krootabulon's psychic abilities. They're this platypus-like species of aliens that have three tits and two you-know-whats. When they sleep with someone, their telekinesis rubs off on their partners, giving them temporary access to telekinesis for a couple of hours.
I saved their world from some doof called Doomnomatron. Great shapeshifter. Master of evil. You know the type.
The Krootabulons were, let's just say, very grateful. A bit too much in fact. I had telekinetic flashes for weeks afterwards. Accidentally broke two of my hyberbaric vats because of that."
Clockblocker shot put a 'Noice!' from the crowd only to get glared down once more.
"You know it, Clockblocker! I have pics if you want 'em later." I said, nodding approvingly at him.
"But you know telekinesis. Very useful. So while I still had access to it, I studied it and made a telekinetic module to replicate it artificially. Something you can do easily, when you're a genius."
"Krootabulons. That's a made up word." Armsmaster said.
"All words are made up!" I replied.
"And Doomnomatron? That's clearly something you made up. You expect me to believe that?" He asked.
"I know. I told him as much, you know, before I killed him. It's a stupid name.
Almost as stupid as calling yourself Armsmaster. Sounds like the pornstar name of someone that specialises in handjobs.
Really? You couldn't find a better name?
Off the top of my head I can come up with like ten better names.
Arsenal, Armory, Barrage, Fusillade, Bastille, Hammerspace, Egregor, Scathath. Do you want me to go on?
Seriously. Just keep your mouth shut if you don't have anything smart to say. In fact, let me do it for you." I said, raising a hand at him, and making a pinching motion as his power armor shut down, trapping him within.
"Now if there are no more interruptions....." I said, scanning the crowd, "....I can continue explaining the origins of Endbringers to you guys."
No one spoke, letting me have the moment.
"Good. I'll free Eidolon." I said, putting away the anti master serum, and, pulling out a collar from my labcoat, "But before that."
"Fweet!" I whistled, calling out to Fairy Queen.
"Oi! Queen! Your highness. Stop pretending to be dead and get in here. It's about to get spicy and I could use all the backup I can get."
"Open thy door, then mortal. I cannot pass without permission." She said.
"Here." I said, telekinetically handing her the collar.
"Put it on."
"You dare! The Queen is not a animal to be collared, impudent mortal!" Fairy Queen growled.
"Who said you had put it around your neck? I never said it was a collar.
Just put it around your arm or something." I laughed, causing Fairy Queen to blush in embarrassment.
"Whatfore even is this trinket?" She asked in bastardized Shakespearan, trying to hide her embarassment behind curiousity.
"It's the access key. To the forcefield?" I replied.
Hearing that, Alexandria swooped down for it at hypersonic speeds only to find herself stuck mid air.
"Oh no no no! Whatever were you trying to there Alexandria? Was the great hero trying to steal from little old me? Shameful, really!"
"Let me go, you bastard!" She shouted, watching helplessly as Fairy Queen entered the forcefield, before I let her go.
"You know, the more lengths you go to to hide your involvement in the creation of the Endbringers, the more suspicious you make everyone else. Though I can see your point of view. It's not like you have a reputation left to salvage anyway so might as well kill me before I reveal anything else, right?" I mocked, while I telekinetically removed the collar from Fairy Queen, and put it on Eidolon.
"Hold on! They....Cauldron, created the Endbringers?!" Clockblocker asked, his face getting serious for the first time.
"We had nothing to do with the Endbringers!" Alexandria shouted.
"Sure you didn't." I replied, sarcastically, "And I'm getting to it people. Patience. Let's free Eidolon first. It wouldn't be much of a fair trial if I didn't give Eidolon the opportunity to defend his name, whatever's left of it anyways."
Taking out the anti master serum, I jabbed Eidolon in the neck with it, and chucked him out of the forcefield in one smooth motion before he could do anything.
The moment he left the forcefield, I pulled off the collar and snagged it back into the forcefield, tucking it back into my coat.
"So it WAS a collar!?" Fairy Queen shouted angrily.
I just laughed in reply as she huffed.
"You test my patience mortal! I will not be so kind the next time! And bring forth thy enemy posthaste! I tire of thy dallying." She spat, taking a seat on the edge of the roof pouting.
"...ugh.....That bitch! She mind controlled me!" Eidolon groaned, with barely hidden rage, a green aura bubbling out of his body as he charged uo a power.
"Indeed. Let's begin." I said, ignoring him, as Alexandria held him back, shaking her head.
"We just lost." She told him.
I smiled.
"You see everyone, Eidolon here is the reason the Endbringers exist."
"Bullshit!" Eidolon shouted.
And he was right. Partly.
Eidolon didn't create the Endbringers.
They were created by the Thinker entity, the partner of Scion, Eden.
She created the Endbringers to be Conflict Engines, to drive people to despair and cause them to trigger at massive rates to benefit their cycle of experiments.
After her death though, Eidolon got the shard that controlled the Endbringers.
So technically, the reason Endbringers existed was Eidolon. But he didn't create them. He just subconsciously controlled them.
But of course I wasn't going to tell them that.
Why would I? It doesn't benefit me. And I'm no crusader for justice and truth.
I am just doing this to torment the heroes for fun before I draw out Scion for the kill.
"That remains to be seen, Eidolon.
How many of you know how projections work?" I asked.
Some parahumans raised a hand while others shrugged.
"Well let me explain. Projections are a parahuman abilty of the Master rating.
It's the power to create and control minions or monsters of varying shapes, sizes and even powers.
A little while ago you saw me destroy the Siberian, right? She was pretty strong, wasn't she?
Her powers were almost unmatched, even being able to beat the Triumvirate.
Well here's the deal for those who haven't caught on yet.
The Siberian was actually a projection created by the powers of Professor William Manton.
Yes, the William Manton. Discoverer of the Manton limit and foremost authority on parahumans.
The Siberian was able to move independent of Manton, and continually exist without any need for input from him.
And he wasn't even that strong, compared to Eidolon.
Now imagine how strong a projection created by Eidolon's powers would be?
It would be practically unkillable, just like it's creator, and it would possess powers far outstripping any parahuman alive or dead.
Sounds kind of like a certain group of giant monsters we all know, doesn't it?
Unbeatable, unkillable, powerful beyond compare, capable of leveling entire cities by themselves, just like their creator." I explained.
"No! That's not true!" Eidolon exclaimed, "I would never do that!"
"The same way you would never experiment on people and turn them into monsters? Very convincing, Eidolon!" I laughed.
"That's different. We had no choice. We needed more parahumans. The world needed them. It needed heroes! Sometimes sacrifices need to be made for the greater go-"
"Fuck off!" Gully cried, "You had no right to do this to us! We are not toys for you to experiment with! We are people too, dammit!"
"You don't understand! We did what we did to save you!" Eidolon shouted, indignant, "He's just throwing accusations and you're believing him? What proof does he have? I may have done some horrible things to you, and for a good reason!
But I know I did not create the Endbringers! That man is lying!"
"You want proof? Is that it, Eidolon?" I asked, amused.
"Yes! You have no pro-"
Alexandria grabbed his shoudler.
"Eidolon! Stop! Don't do this. You're playing roght into his hands!" She explained.
"Too late! If proof is what you want, proof I will provide."
"Damnit, Eidolon!" Alexandria cried, clenching her fists.
"The proof is simple. So much so that I have two of them. One is the logical proof. The other is the physical evidence.
But let's start with the logical proof!" I said, turni g to face Eidolon.
"Eidolon, you want to prove me wrong? Show your innocence? Then answer the following questions truthfully and maybe you will!"
"What game are you playing?" Eidolon asked.
"You'll see soon enough!" I chuckled.
"That line. That laugh! You're the man that-" He caught himself before he finished the sentence.
"What? Go on. Finish that sentence Eidolon. Tell everyone how you know me." I taunted.
"Just ask your questions." Eidolon said, trying to change the topic.
"Avoiding the topic at hand won't save your reputation Eidolon. Everyone here knows now. You're no hero. You're a monster, just like your pet Endbringers.
But fine. If you insist. Answer with only a yes or no. I don't want you lying via omission and I think neither do they all. Everyone here wants to know the truth. So remember. Yes or no, only."
"Just do it!" Eidolon snarled impatiently.
"First question.
Your powers are to have any power that you WISH to have, as and when you FEEL it is necessary, correct?"
"It's not that simple. My powers-"
"Yes or no, Eidolon. None of your word salad bullshit. This is your one chance to prove your innocence. Choose your words wisely." I interjected.
Eidolon gripped his hands, and glared murderous at me as he answered.
"Good. Second question. Your powers have lost their potency and have been getting weaker and weaker over time, haven't they?" I asked.
A shocked look spread across his face for the briefest of moments before he composed himself
"No." He answered, after a small pause.
"I sense a pause there. So it is true, isn't it? Your powers have gotten weaker." I pushed.
"And what of it? I'm still strong enough to fight. To be a hero!
And besides, how do you even know of this?" He asked.
"The same way I know that you have many more Case 53s still chained up in your secret base." I replied, to more jeers by the cape crowd below.
"But here's my proof.
Eidolon's powers is to have any power he wishes to have, whenever he feels like he needs that power.
So try to imagine what would be going through his mind when he realized that his powers were starting to slip, becoming weaker.
His first thought was that maybe it was his fault. That if he pushed himself hard enough, really challenged himself, he would be able to regain his power's potency. Am I right?"
Eidolon didn't answer. And that was a dead giveaway.
"But when you're trhe strongest parahuman on the planet, there exists nothing that can challenge you.
So Eidolon wished for it. He wished for an opponent that could challenge him. That could push him to and past his limits. So he could continue being the hero he had always dreamed of being
And what do you know, Eidolon's power answered his wish."
"No." Eidolon said, loud enough to be heard, as the realisation began to set in.
"It created someone that could challenge him. Or rather, it created something.
The first Endbringer, Prathama, Behemoth!"
"No!" Eidolon shouted, clutching his head, his breath hitching.
"Don't lie to yourself Eidolon! You know it too.
Deep down you've always known. The only reason that the Endbringers exist is because you wanted a challenge. Because you wanted to stroke your ego. To puff yourself up as a hero."
"That's not true!" Eidolon cried, "You're lying!"
Seeing him break down, I knew it was time. Time to say the four words that broke him in the original story. That revealed the truth of his powers and the origins of the Endbringers.
"No. I'm not. And you know it." I shouted back.
"The reason Endbringers exist, Eidolon, is because YOU NEEDED WORTHY OPPONENTS!"
here we go! regular chapter of the day!
next chapter at 100 powerstones!
thanks for reading and till then, see ya!