

In the year 2029, a catastrophic event shatters the tranquility and plunges humanity into chaos. People are transformed into mindless beings, driven by an insatiable hunger to attack others, amidst this turmoil, animals undergo a horrifying mutation, transforming into scary and atrocious monstrous. Meet David, a determined survivor who embarks on a perilous journey to find peace and safety, but he is not alone in his quest. Instead of a team, he is accompanied by his loyal and steadfast best friend, Max, a dog who has also been affected by the mutations. Together, David and Max navigate the treacherous landscape, encountering both human and beastly adversaries along the way. Their bond is unbreakable, and they rely on each other's strength and instincts to overcome the countless challenges they face. As they traverse the desolate ruins of civilization, seeking clues to the origins of the disaster. Along the way, they encounter other survivors, forming fleeting alliances and facing moral dilemmas that test their resolve. In this post-apocalyptic world, where danger lurks around every corner, David and Max must rely on their wits, resourcefulness, and the unbreakable bond between man and dog. Together, they strive to live a wonderful life in a world teetering on the edge of darkness. Will David and Max succeed in their mission, or will they succumb to the overwhelming odds stacked against them? Join them on their thrilling and emotional journey as they face the horrors of a world gone mad and how they struggle to find their place in it.

Madara_Uchiha_6218 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
30 Chs

Chapter 1

The next morning, David woke up feeling refreshed, he realized that he had forgotten to check his phone for any updates on the special event.

As he picked up his phone, he saw numerous missed calls and messages from his best friend tommy, who had travelled.

Curious, he opened one of the messages from his best friend, It read, "David, have you heard the news? The government has just announced that the special event is a massive storm that will hit your area in a few days. They're urging everyone to evacuate and seek shelter in designated areas but I think they are just trying to cover a scheme!"

David's heart sank as he read the message. He hadn't anticipated such a dangerous situation.

He quickly turned on the news to confirm the information and saw that even the weather man was leaving, panic started to set in as he realized he had not made adequate provisions for this.

He rushed downstairs and unlocked the basement door, retrieving the supplies he had stored there.

As he looked at the limited amount of food and water he had bought, he knew it wouldn't be enough to last through the storm.

Remembering the doubled prices at the supermarket, David regretted not buying more initially.

He frantically searched for any additional sources of food and water in the house but found nothing substantial.

Feeling desperate, David contemplated his options. He couldn't afford to buy more supplies, and leaving the house seemed risky with the storm approaching.

He decided to reach out to his neighbors, hoping they might have extra provisions to spare.

He knocked on each neighbor's door, explaining his situation and asking if they had any surplus supplies. He was disappointed as either none of them had or they were simply unwilling to give.

David felt more at afraid but he could not do anything, if he left the house, then he could be caught in the storm.

The only option was to ration the available resources and make them last as long as he could possibly make.

As the storm approached, David and his German Shepherd, now named Max, huddled together in the safety of their home.

They waited but even after a day the storm did not come, days turned into weeks as he and the other neighbors waited for the storm to come.

Davids supplies began to dwindle, and David carefully calculated how much longer they could sustain themselves.

He tried to remain positive, convincing his brain that maybe the storm was not coming but he was not courageous enough to go out and check.

After an eternity, David's curiosity took over his common sense and he went outside to see what was happening.



Behold before David was a scene he would never forget again, a nightmare so horrifying that would cause nervous breakdowns was happening before him.

Please this is my first novel and I hope to get your honest opinion on it and please just give it a chance as I will try my best to make it better

Madara_Uchiha_6218creators' thoughts