
World Council Meeting

After finishing everything that needed to be done in Tempest, I took Evelyn back to the palace in Amrita so that she could prepare for the coming World Council. For the next few days, I stayed in the palace with her while Velzard visited Yumina to help her from there. There was a lot to prepare for after all, as this meeting would discuss many different topics, from the re-organization of the Demon Lords to Milim's 'fall' and the Eastern Empire's moves.

I could already imagine some councilors trying to come after me for 'allowing' another Demon Lord daughter of mine to become an enemy of humanity, even though the only thing that changed for Milim was a title. Politicians were petty like that.

Thankfully my track record is impeccable. I have never once failed in my duties as a Hero, so anyone who'd complain has no right to stand on, as my achievements far outstrip anything those spoiled fatass aristocrats would have to offer. I was a bit concerned, however, that there would be some 'disruptions' to the plan.

Hinata and Rimuru never fought in this timeline, as Shizue was very much so still alive. Without Yuuki to act as the mediator, Damrada never met Hinata and even if he did, he couldn't manipulate her into attacking Rimuru. Sure, the Luminaries were still scheming, I'm sure, but since Hinata and Rimuru are almost a full league above where they were in canon, I doubt any schemes would lead to a conflict like they did in the series.

Those manga chapters were really quite painful to witness. I hated misunderstandings that got that bad as a troupe in my media. The fact they couldn't sit down and talk like adults really pissed me off. It almost made me want to go drag Hinata for more 'training' or cause Rimuru more trouble just thinking about it.

<<You can't use 'training' as a punishment and then pretend you did nothing wrong, dear>> Velzard commented.

'Oh right!' I thought.

It made me want to go drag Hinata for some... punishment (?) and cause Rimuru more trouble just thinking about it.


Ignore the vaguely sexual innuendo there.


Regardless, after spending a few days there, I also visited Lilith for a bit and asked her if she wanted to join the council too, as Milim received an invitation. Lilith agreed, but only so she could get away from Aria's constant pilgrimages to fight and try to seduce her. I found her uncomfortable suffering slightly amusing but made sure to make a mental note to ask Luminous about it when I next saw her.

Finally, it was time to go. I teleported with Evelyn and her entourage to Tempest on the prescribed day. Rimuru came up with a plan to have everyone from his new faction arrive at the same time to the venue and travel together, as it would show their unified will during these negotiations.

Gazel, Evelyn, Elmesia, Rimuru, Milim, Youm, and Lilith all gathered into one almost-kilometer-long convoy. We'd travel on the new highway Rimuru and his team constructed all the way to Blumund where we'd pick up their King and Queen before moving to the venue in Ingrassia. With the number of people and the relative power of those people, there was enough force here just in the guards to topple a large nation, not even counting the strongest beings in the group who were practically all awakened level. /1\

I did feel a bit sorry for Youm though, as he looked completely out of place, but the fact I got to hang out with all of my daughters bar Yumina, who'd meet us along the way, eased my worry and made me extremely happy. Even Morgan was traveling along as part of her mother's party, which was nice since I got to dote on her the entire time.

Despite the size of our convoy, the travel time only took about a week. Between Rimuru and Milim's forces, gaining enough magic beast mounts to pull everything faster than any horses was easy. Elmesia wanted everyone to travel via Dragon Airship, as it was still much faster, but was denied as the venue wouldn't have enough space to land such a large object and would probably scare anyone who saw it and lead to confusion.

Regardless, the days of travel were spent in relative luxury and actually were a bit nostalgic for me and Velzard, as we usually teleported or flew around when we wanted to go somewhere. It vaguely reminded us of when we were first traveling together and would often ride along in the carts of traders.

During the evening I helped Youm train in his swordsmanship as a personal request from Hakuro to ensure one of his best students didn't slouch. Gazel saw this and eventually joined in along with Lilith, who wanted to spar for the first time in a few hundred years with me. What started as a basic end-of-day training session for Youm and I eventually became a mobile tournament between everyone and even the guards who participated.

This helped to foster friendship among the various groups and lower their suspicion of one another. There were even some bets going on, with the biggest pot of 300 Guilds /2\ in the battle between Shizue and Leon in which Shizue narrowly squeezed out a victory, which surprised me greatly. She had become far stronger than she was before, even after awakening as a True Hero. /3\

While that fight had the biggest bet, the fight that was the 'closest' was when Velgaia and Milim fought. Obviously, they weren't going full out, but the fact I needed to maintain a barrier for their battle didn't change, nor did the fact they fought for nearly the entire rest period of 10 hours until I stepped in to stop it.

It was always good to blow off some steam, but they were taking it too far.

Anyway, at the border of Igrassia, we met up with Yumina and her fellow Adventurers. After that point, I didn't care for the politics of the situation anymore and just turned the entire thing into a family road trip, much to Yumiana and Morgan's embarrassment, since I was constantly dotting on them in front of everyone.

I'm pretty sure everyone was secretly looking at this with half-closed eyes, but I didn't give a shit, to be frank. The last time everyone in the family was all together in the same place was almost a century ago. Plus, none of them complained when I hunted a fire dragon king to have a dragon-meat BBQ to celebrate.

I also think the fact I hunted and killed a Fire Dragon King for the purpose of celebrating made them less likely to judge me, given these Dragons were Demon Lord Level monsters with only a few dozen worldwide.

Alas, all good things must come to an end and we arrived in Lura, the capital of Ingrassia, ahead of schedule. Rimuru split off a body to take Class S on a trip around the capital while the rest of us adults met and did politicking.

As expected, just about all the human nation's diplomats were in shock when we arrived together. I bet some of them planned on picking fights with Rimuru or looking down on Milim, but no one was able to do so when we entered the place together. It was a clear sign that we had all formed a faction, which would send shockwaves throughout the political cast in human society.

The first day was simply greetings and informing all of the participants of the schedule for the next few days. A few slimy nobles attempted to get close to my daughters, but a bit of intimidation from me sent them packing. I also used my control over literal reality a bit to give E.D. to the ones who went after Milim, who despite everything, still had a childish body.

I'm also not sure how, but Rimuru looked at me with a horrified expression after I did that, so his [Raphael] had probably informed him of what happened. I even asked a favor of Testarossa to have those councilors eliminated at later date, to which she accepted, though she tried to ask for my soul as payment.

That comment didn't go over well with the strongest people in the room who all just so happened to be my family, so she quickly retracted her statement as a joke. I'm pretty sure she wasn't afraid of any one of us individually, but she also wasn't stupid and knew we could all shatter her soul, which would take hundreds of years to recover from, which were hundreds of years she wouldn't have to serve Rimuru, which was unacceptable to her.

Anyway, the first day of the Council ended without much fanfare and it was the second that was really important. During this day, Tempest, Nava, and Babylon weren't allowed to participate, as they weren't invited, humanity needed some time to decide what their united response would be. They also wanted to talk with me personally, so I was forced to attend.

Apparently, they had questions for me about it but in reality, I was basically on trial in front of humanity's representatives.

"Sir Alaster! You are a Hero, the first ever. It is your job to protect humanity. Why have you allowed Miss Milim to become a Demon Lord? You must control your family!" One of them shouted at me.

I looked to the councilor whose turn it was to speak and responded. "My daughters are older than your kingdom's entire history and the kingdom that resided in your lands before that. They can make their on decisions and don't require me to baby them." I responded a bit annoyed.

There was a murmur among the attendees and the councilor I had responded to looked as though he still had something to say, but was interrupted by the Council's speaker. He raised his hand and quieted the hall. "Sir Alaster, while your point is itself valid, I'm sure you of all people know about the dangers Demon Lords pose to society. You have eliminated countless in the past after all." He said, trying to seem more neutral on the matter than he really was.

"Oh I know that, but my daughters are NOT like those Demon Lords. Despite being one for 1800 years, Lil- I mean Lilith has never once launched an invasion against humanity, and as a matter of fact, she keeps the Demons that constantly invade the North of the continent at bay." I commented. "Just having the title of 'Demon Lord' does not make an individual evil, as a matter of fact, you all should be looking at this as an opportunity," I said

"Howso?" The speaker asked as the murmurs continued.

"Everyone in this form has benefited from Lilith's children in the service industry in your home nations, correct?" I asked to which there was a tacit agreement.

No one wanted to acknowledge it publically, but most nobles tended to lose their virginities to succubi madams, who served the upper crust of society and acted as information brokers while lesser succubi worked in the service sector as everything from barmaids to secretaries due to their exceptional organizational skills and natural charisma.

"Nava is no different. Amrita is known to have one of the strongest militaries on the continent due to trading with my daughter Milim's domain for dragon scales and other monster materials that her nation doesn't use or produces an excess amount of." I commented, gesturing to Evelyn, who stood up and spoke in support of my claim.

"Indeed. The Dragon Plate made from dragon scales has made all of our basic soldier's gear at least in the Unique grade, and it is what has allowed us to hold our own against the Eastern Empire for so long." She commented.

Before everyone could finish completely processing that information, I spoke again, expanding the argument. "The Jura Forest now offers similar opportunities, but rather than just having one country, Amrita, being able to benefit from trade with a Demon Lord's territory, now the entire Central and Western Regions can do the same," I argued.

The speaker allowed everyone to digest the information for a while before once again silencing the room. "The points you have made, Sir Alaster, are definitely worth looking into, however, they are not an answer to the original question. Wh-" He started before I interrupted him.

"Don't kid yourself here, speaker." I interrupted a bit rudely. "This whole debate is a non-starter to begin with. I am NOT going to sanction or subjugate my own daughter. You lot should be thanking her. The whole reason she was even able to take a position on Guy's little club was that she single-handedly defeated TWO Demon Lords at the same time, sparing humanity the effort." I said, narrowing my eyes and glaring at all the councilors, letting out a small amount of my murderous intent which silenced them.

The speaker, to his credit, and even if he was shaking in fear, still managed to speak to me through my intimidating presence. "T-The we shall table this discussion for another day then." He muttered to which everyone nodded in agreement. I stopped pressuring them as well.

The speaker took a sigh of relief before continuing. "Then for the moment, we shall move past the issue of Lady Milim's ascension to the Octagram and focus instead on Lord Rimuru." The speaker said, gesturing toward another counselor.

I believe his name was Doran.

"Indeed. I shall not fault Sir Alaster for putting family first. I too, place my family before everything." He stated, trying to humble-brag while soothing tension at the same time. "However, no such excuse exists for allowing Lord Rimuru to amass as much power as he has."

I wanted to roll my eyes and I gave a tired sigh which silenced the room, as everyone was curious as to what I'd do or say next.

"Listen. Do you know the reason why I created the Guild?" I asked, not waiting for anyone to answer before continuing. "It was because, at the time, humanity NEEDED it. If I had done nothing, humanity as a species would have ended. I can only be in so many places at once while monsters existed everywhere." I gestured exaggeratedly.

"Back then, monsters of all shapes and sizes would rampage about and kill all scores of people every day. These monsters couldn't be reasoned with and were nothing more than rampaging beasts." I explained. "And then Guy came along." I mentioned, causing most people to gulp at the mere mention of his name.

"Guy was unlike anything the world had seen before. Powerful and intelligent, not caring at all for human life, however, at the same time, he didn't want to destroy it completely." I explained. "For you see, if humanity died off, then the elves and dwarves would follow suit. If everyone died, the world would become boring, with nothing happening anymore. Him coming to this realization is why Guy hasn't destroyed any human nations in over 1500 years, and why we stopped constantly clashing."

I lied. No one really needed to know WHY Guy stopped appearing in person on the continent to destroy nations anymore. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't believe they were all just pawns on a gameboard between Guy and Rudra with myself acting as the Referee anyway.

Baseline humans were too prideful and limited in their understanding to possibly accept such a truth about the world, that it didn't revolve around them and that all they do and all they accomplish really means nothing at the end of the day, as their decisions don't matter and will never change the state of the world, as the players still needed to keep their pawns in line.

"The only Demon Lords who trouble humanity are Zelanus and Valentine, both of whom are contained. The Church of Luminous already guards against Valentine, and I have already helped the council and the Guild counter the constant Insectar invasions from the south. I see no issue with filling up the seats of the Octagram with monsters that are harmless or actually beneficial to humanity.

Rimuru is the latter. His country has already achieved, in just 2 years, a level of development that outstrips many of the nations who are represented here. He has actively engaged in diplomacy with non-monster nations, forming a super-bloc encompassing almost half the world's surface area and almost a third of the world economy. He doesn't NEED you or this Council, but he wants to prove he could be a friend regardless. If nothing else, by pushing him away here, you are, at best, crippling the economies of all non-allied nations by cutting yourselves off from his market, and at worse creating a load of new potential allies for the Easter Empire." I explained.

"Besides, if he goes too far, such as begins killing humans for no reason at all, I'll stop him." I finished.

"Does that mean you are willing to work for the council in ensuring our protection from threats like the Demon Lords?" Doran asked after taking a few moments to digest what I said.

I glared at him. The way he worded that was basically trying to get me to admit the council would be my 'boss' and they would be allowed to send me on whatever mission they want to eliminate whatever they deemed as a 'threat'.

It was shit like this why I avoided politics. People were always trying to twist your words and take advantage of every little thing you say for their own ends, even if that was never your intention.

"No. I said that if RIMURU starts killing people for no reason and becomes a threat to humanity, then I'd take him out, but since he is at best acting as a friend to humanity and at worst minding his own business, I won't.

I'm also not your mother. If you piss him off with your tricks or attack him, I won't save you. That retribution will be deserved." I commented.

I was rather rude and confrontational today, but these weasels weren't actually concerned with Milim as a Demon Lord and were just trying to guilt trip me into becoming the puppet of the council and sending me to pacify Rimuru's nation so they could loot it.

Besides, what were they going to do about it? Declare me not a Hero? I can alter reality to my whim and will outlive their shitty kingdoms and any possible successor states that would possibly come after them. I couldn't give a shit what they thought about me, its not like they could feasibly sanction or subjugate me, though I'd love to see them try.

<<Easy, Dear>> Velzard said, soothing my mind.

'It sucks having to sit through these pathetic worms thinking they're hot shit and trying to manipulate me' I grumbled internally, ignoring the speaker's closing speech for the day.

<<I know, I know. That's why I Velgrynd and I didn't care for it either, but look on the bright side... your daughters and granddaughter are all here. We can have a picnic for lunch as we used to as a family!>> Velzard said excitedly.

'Oh, that's not bad!' I thought, deciding to go with that idea. I didn't care what kind of political nonsense they were engaging in after it. We were going to have a family picnic and they were going to like it!



Entourages from Each Country:

1. Tempest: Rimuru (Leader), Shion (Secretary/Guard), Shuna (Advisor), Diablo (Secretary/Guard), Benimaru (Secretary/Guard/Advisor), Testarossa (Advisor), Shizue Izawa (Secret), Class S (Guests), Hobgoblin Riders

2. Dwargon: Gazel Dwargo (Leader), Dorf (Guard), Anrietta (Guard/"Secretary"), Jaine (Advisor), Vaughn (Guard/Advisor)

3. Sarion: Elmesia ("Leader"), Sarion ("Advisor"), Sylvia ("Advisor"), Leon (Guard), Velgaia (Extra)

4. Amrita: Evelyn (Leader), Alaster (Evelyn's +1), Velzard (Alaster's +1), Noella (Advisor), Evelyn's maids, Amrita Royal Knights

5. Farmenas: Youm (Leader), Mjurran (Queen/Advisor), Razen (Advisor/Guard), Grucius (Guard), Farmenas Royal Knights

6. Nava (Milim's Domain): Milim (Leader), Frey (Secretary/Advisor/Guard), Carrion (Advisor/Guard), Oberra (Guard), Middray (Guard), Hermes (Guard), Battle Priests

7. Babylon (Lilith's Domain): Lilith (Leader), Astaroth (Advisor/Guard), Scar (Advisor/Guard), Babylonian Succubus Legionaries


Guilds are the Gold Coins distributed by the Guild and are the world reserve currency in place of Dwarven Gold Coins.


Shizue received a blessing during the double Harvest Festival for Rimuru.

Bit of a long and rambling chapter, mostly filler tbh

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts