
Building Fury

The creature stared down at me as I made my way up to it in a frighteningly calm manner. It didn't launch any attacks and simply snarled at me, seemingly wary of my approach. My Amythest eyes locked to its reptilian orbs. Its snarling became louder and more guttural.

Just then, it roared a mighty roar which split the earth beneath it, unleashing such an intense aura that the stone began to be transmuted into pure magisteel beneath it, however, I was unphased. At that moment, the damn burst and I lost my cool. I unleashed a dark Aura without holding anything back as to show this beast its place.

My Aura, which before this was a golden light that brought comfort to others, had been inverted into an evil black thing that would've killed any being who was below the level of an awakened being like a True Hero or Awakened Demon Lord.

I didn't think it was possible, but our auras seemed to push against each other for a moment before ceasing altogether. That was the declaration of the start of the battle.

It breathed out a torrent of violent energy which I caught between Longinus and Excaliber, parrying the wave of energy and throwing it into the sky. It exploded against the barrier which contained our clash, however, I didn't care about that. All I cared about was wiping this bug out of existence. Hopefully in as painful a way as possible.

I took a step forward, not holding back even a fraction of my power, and instantly appeared in front of the beast. I didn't use any fancy art or magic, I just wrapped my overwhelming fighting aura around my weapons, more on instinct than intention, and slashed the dragon's fleshy underbelly, leaving a long but relatively shallow cut running down its mid-section.

I wasn't done, however, as I immediately followed it up with a flurry of swings from my sword which cut along the same line over and over. The dragon, reeling in agony from my constant cutting, purposefully gave out its legs in an attempt to crush me under its immense weight. I bent down, planting my knee into the ground and straightening Longinus, so it would act as a pillar to support the being's weight.

The tip of Longinus pierced the scales at the edge of my previous cutting surface, sinking into sunk a depth that the entire spear's tip was swallowed hole before coming to a halt just above my head. Darkness surrounded me as all of the light from above was blocked out. From an outsider's point of view, it looked like I had been crushed under heel, however, this couldn't be further from the truth. I smiled evilly as I was right where I wanted to be. A large amount of magic power began to pump through my body and into my trusted spear.

"{|Damocles|}," I said with an evil voice.

A pure red light shone from the tip of my spear for a moment and a loud roar was heard. The ground beneath me shook but I didn't stop the flow of power, instead, I increased it further. Energy began to escape from the inside of the beast's body, as the scales of the Dragon began to have an eerie underglow and some began to crack. Just as I believed that I would blow the monster up from the inside out, natural light returned to the darkness.

It appeared the beast was lifting itself off of me in an attempt to stop the constant assault, however, I didn't let up and pushed even more power into it. "{|Tryanny of Damocles|}!" I called out.

A Large explosion occurred at that point. A Large lance of Red energy had punched clean through the beast, leaving a bloody hole. The lance continued into the sky, tearing open the epicenter of the barrier above us in an instant and continuing on into the vast universe above us.

Blood gushed from the wound as the dragon rolled off of me and tried to gain room to regenerate the damage done to it. I took a moment to catch my breath and sadistically gloat at the spasms of extreme pain evident in the beast before I took an improvised stance and began to pump energy into Excaliber.

I took a measured swing at its neck, unleashing a flying slash containing a decent portion of my total magical energy, intending to decapitate the dragon, however, it noticed my attack and desperately rolled itself off of a cliff behind it to dodge the strike.

My beam swung off into the distance and slammed against the barrier, covering half of its surface with a massive shockwave that shook the entire isolated space we found ourselves in. I clicked my tongue seeing my shot missed and used a [Magic Burst] to charge after the beast. It had used the sheer cliff's face to turn itself over and tried to fly away from me, however, I didn't allow it, as I flipped Longinus into a javelin throwing position and tossed it at the dragon.

The sudden force striking its wing caused the dragon to fall to the earth while my spear was sent spinning into the air where I was waiting for it. I had calculated where it was going to fly after knocking him down and jumped to that spot beforehand. I grabbed Longinus and dove towards the beast that had finally realized it couldn't get away from me and turned to fight once again.

It turned its body and swung its massive claw towards me, meeting my downward spear thrust halfway, causing a large shockwave to erupt from the impact of the two blows clashing together. It swung its other claw and me after our short stalemate, but I simply bent my body to nearly missing the strike. I felt the wind of the claw soar beneath me as it missed me.

With another mid-air twist to correct my positioning before landing, I was on the ground. It was at that moment, however, when I noticed that the beast had continued its overswing and turned his entire body rapidly, meaning that its tail was now directly in front of me as it converted its entire weight into a tail's swing.

I brought my weapons up to defend myself from the strike just in time. At the time of impact, a large wave of red lightning erupted from the point of impact. The strike was heavier than any I'd ever received, however, I didn't flinch under this power. Unfortunately, while I didn't take damage, the pure physical force of the strike was enough to blow me away at remarkable speeds.

I was instantly buried into the stone of the cliff's face. The beast didn't let up, however, and immediately faced the verticle impact zone and opened its jaw to unleash another breath attack. A violet light emanated from deep inside of the monster's throat and a hum of energy sounded like it as charging up.

Longinus was flung from the crater directly into the beast's throat just before it unleashed its attack, causing it to get stuck inside of the beast's mouth. Unfortunately, it couldn't suffocate due to the fact it was a spiritual being, however, the spear stuck in its throat meant it couldn't flex its neck as it could before, as the durable spear acted like a bone or splint keeping its head and neck straightened.

I erupted from the stone of the cliff face. I raced towards the slightly panicked dragon's face, both hands on Excaliber, and swung it with all the force I could muster. To the creature's credit, it did recognize me going down its throat to cut it open from the inside was a threat to its life, so it closed its mouth, bearing its teeth at me as I approached, however, this was actually what I was aiming for.

I smirked as I arrived. My swing was devastating. It snapped the dragon's head back, burying my spear firmly within its body. As it was unbalanced and fell to its side, the beast cried out in anguish. I also scoffed in disgust. It was easy to beat on the creature, however, it was hard to put it down for good.

Thankfully, combining the already broken magic power regeneration that was a part of [Metatron] with my newly acquired [Satanael] granted me effectively granted me infinite magical power, as my regen was so fast I couldn't possibly use it faster than it regenerated.

I reached my hand forward and felt Longinus still sloshing around inside the back of its throat. Using my connection to the weapon along with my [Law Manipulation] and [Spatial Domination], I instantly sent a large amount of power to it remotely.

Light poured out from the dragon's flesh before t opened its mouth wide and I caught the spear as it returned to my land. I tried to clear my mind and calm myself down so that I could formulate a plan, but the instant I did, an image of Velzard laying injured in my arms flashed through my mind. The next moment it was the bleeding forms of Scar, Paul, and Irene. My mother struggling and the sickening squelching sound as her face was bludgeoned. Finally, it was an image of my father, a hole in his chest, holding my mother's body in his arms.

My rage wasn't bubbling to the surface, it was erupting like a volcano. I was physically shaking in rage and my grip was so tight on my weapons that I felt blood dripping between my fingers. No more holding back. And I wasn't just talking about withholding my physical strength.

Energy radiated and pushed through my body like a river, bursting forth from a damn.

There was a roar. I opened my eyes to see the dragon terminating power again. Red Lighting rolled off its body and covered its scally exterior. It flapped its wings towards me, sending gusts of black wind and red lightning towards me. This attack was more focused than just the normal destruction it threw at me before. It blocked my approaching path, as if I wanted to advance, I'd have to go through it and subject myself to torturous pain.

Unfortunately, it didn't understand my pause in action. It probably thought I was tired or needed a break and that a little pain would stop me from getting to him. It was wrong.

I walked forward, directly through the attack. I felt the winds eat away at my spiritual body, blowing off small fragments. My physical body was burned by the lightning, however, this much wasn't enough to even keep up with my [Infinite Regeneration], to I continued forward, steadfast in my pace and not slowing in any way. As I reached the other side of the attack, I noticed the dragon seemingly take a step back.

The moment it did so, I disappeared from its vision. Several dozen cuts appeared all along the body of the dragon. It roared in anger and attempted to blow me away with another shockwave. It flapped its wings and was immediately in the air. It continued to soar into the sky approaching the barrier's domed ceiling. It roared and coated itself with Red Lightning, accelerating faster and faster as it approached.

The barrier could withstand energy wave attacks due to using vast quantities of magicules from hundreds of powerful majin and all perfectly calculated by Lucia's [Great Sage], however, a full power charge from the beast was something different. It shattered a baseball through a glass window.

"Ivarage is free!" Screamed someone from the city.

'Its name is Ivarage?' I thought as I chased after the beast as it flew higher and higher into the air above.

We climbed and claimed until I could no longer distinguish the city below us as anything more than a grey smoldering blur. We passed by the clouds of the upper atmosphere and kept climbing, however, up here, far from the city, I didn't need to worry about collateral damage, so I teleported myself in front of the dragon as it continued to try and lose me in the upper atmosphere.

"You aren't getting away from me that easily!" I called out as I charged toward the beast.

I help out Longinus and Excaliber in front of me as I dived down towards it. I poured my Fighting spirit into my blades before pouring over half of my total reserve of magical energy into my weapons. The energy glowed like a red star in the sky as I approached.

The moment we made contact, a massive explosion occurred in the upper atmosphere, blowing away all of the clouds for several hundred kilometers. Red lighting arced over the entire sphere. Ivarage roared in agony, but his roar was drowned out by a crack caused by the bursting of the sound barrier around us.

I was now arms deep into Ivarage's guts. The only reason I didn't fly directly through him entirely was that my weapons had struck the dragon's comparatively harder spine. Ivarage tried to right himself, however, I began to dump energy into my legs as I constantly released [Holy Bursts] behind me, acting as a rocket as we flew back towards the earth at breakneck speeds.

I noticed we weren't headed for the city anymore and were instead heading for a nearby mountain range. I smiled since there I didn't have to hold back, so I continued accelerating. Ivarage's body began to burn up as our speeds became comparable to a meteor's. His body acting as ablative shielding to my body. Unfortunately, it wasn't super effective, as my own skin began to burn off from the massive amounts of heat and regenerate at the same rate.

Despite the pain, I didn't let up for a second, it wasn't even a moment later when we struck the ground. All of the energy I'd used to move Ivarage was released into the environment, erupting in a massive explosion that turned the mountainside we landed on into a gigantic pile of rubble and kicking up a massive dust storm.

I was dazed by the impact, which broke all the bones in my body, however, I was quickly regenerating. In another second, I was fine enough to stand, if a bit shakily. It would also take me another ten seconds or so until I fully recovered both my magic power and my body.

I heard a low grumbling. Turning my head I noticed Ivarage glaring at me in pain and anguish. His body was broken but regenerating. His regen wasn't quite as fast as mine, being only [Ultraspeed Regeneration] as compared to my [Infinte Regeneration], but it was still fast enough that he'd be up by the time I was back to 100%.

I took a step towards it firmly. I could still feel Longinus and Excaliber embedded in its gut. I reached forwards and called them back to me. Ivarage groaned in pain and wriggled around as my weapons tore through its soft inner flesh in an attempt to make their way back to my hands. I got some small pleasure from seeing it in pain but didn't allow that to stop me.

As the two-bladed weapons finally punctures his scaly flesh and appeared in my hands again I smirked, having come back to my full strength. I smiled evilly as I looked at him.

"Get up! I am not done with you yet!" I hissed.


Lore Bit: Alaster isn't set up to properly fight Ivarage which is frustrating him. He can blow all the holes into Ivarage that he wants but unless he destroys him on an atomic level or whittles away all of his magicules, then it's impossible. He also couldn't use abilities like that even if he had them as anything strong enough to kill Ivarage in one hit would have also broken the barrier around their fighting arena and killed everyone.

This fight is also the sort of 'final boss' of this part of the story, as Alaster is literally facing his own doubts here. He is fighting to prove to himself that he is strong enough to protect his loved ones, not just to kill a really strong monster.

Sorry for the delay, here is the first full chapter fight between him and Ivarage.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts