
In the Skies

Somewhere in the vast world, there's a continent hidden among mist outside and open like a clear sky on the inside. On this continent we are following a story of one talented aviator called Sparrow. He will journey across the world in order to stop enemy invasion on his homeland and to once again fly in the skies.

Rtanj · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs


Couple of days travelling trough open sky made me feel excited for coming back home, in hope of meeting Grumpy and Shane once again as they probably finished their missions till now. On other side i was also scared to meet Athena again and listen to her bullshit, thinking about Athena made me jump suddenly. 

Remembering Orven's plan i totally forgot about rebellion which should've happened by now, jumping in surprise i rushed towards Captain Jone's room and proceed to knock on his door in a hurry. Hearing my knocks he opened a door and i stared at him with worry, seeing this he told me to enter and closed the door behind us.

"What is happening Sparrow?! You look pale as snow."

As he said that i felt warm calming feeling engulf me and that was Aether calming my mind down from panicking. I sat down on one chair and took deep breath, looking at Jone i spoke.

"Do you know about Orven's rebellion?"

His face went shocked as he leaned closer.

"What are you talking about?"

His response told me that he doesn't know anything about Orven's plan and rebellion against Atehna which surprised me since Captain Jone was loyal to Old Man and has pretty good heart. 

"So he didn't tell you huh... Orven and good number of people on academy are planning rebellion against Athena, and by now rebellion should've happened."

Hearing this captain jumped and his eyed widened to limit, he became worried for our arrival and fate of academy. 

"Say Sparrow why aren't you rebelling with them.... never mind i actually heard that Athena beaten you to the pulp and sent you to me."

Forming nervous smile he spoke and i pouted hearing there are rumors of me getting my ass beat, intense atmosphere got easier which made it perfect to have a proper conversation with captain.

"I didn't like the idea of it and Orven kicked me out just like that."

He seem surprised to Orven's decision, Orven and me were good friends after all and he couldn't imagine Orven doing something like that, especially to me. He didn't noticed that Orven changed a lot to worse.

"He changed and i think someone is influencing him in a bad way, probably the same people who gave him an idea of rebellion."

I sighed remembering old Orven and how we used to be such good friends, his personality was much different back then and he would never agree do that plan without anyone's influence. 

"We will be arriving in two hours, i will alert everyone to be in alert of possible fight or worse."

Captain said calmly and we shaken hands before i left him alone with his thoughts, soon after that echoing crystal spoke to everyone to be on high alert and in full war gear. I just looked down and went inside sleeping rooms to rest until arrival.

Looking trough window i saw famous Arnes Academy in the distance, as i looked more and more i saw that town was awfully empty of airships and that good portion of houses were destroyed or covered in ashes. Preparing for close view i went towards entrance doors and waited until ship could dock. Pilots signalized for docking but no one responded back so they just continued forward and eventually we docked along with other remaining ships. 

Entrance doors opened and i was the first one to leave Aura in a great rush to see what happened and find out the outcome of rebellion. Looking around i saw half empty streets and other aviators looking gloomy and depressed, thinking it was one hell of battle i rushed towards Ameri's library. 

Passing down streets i noticed some of houses stayed intact and some were burned to the crisp, ashes and smoke coming out from once pretty houses. Passing down i wanted to check on Ervis's inn, as i ran down the streets i could feel Aether calming me down whole time trough it. Finally getting near Ervis inn i could feel awful smell of smoke, thinking it's just other burned houses i shrugged it off and ran. 

Running down streets i finally arrived at once Ervis's inn, once great inn where i spent most my time outside of classes is now nothing but burned ruin, debris around it and smoke coming out from each part of the ruin. 

Thanks to my Aether i was calm but i felt that something isn't right, in last hope i thought of it that inn just happened to be destroyed during battle, believing that everyone other are alive and well. After running and looking around i managed to arrive inside library who didn't go trough much damage, only part of the roof were damaged and couple of pillars along with it but everything other seemed fine which made my mind easier.

Entering inside i pushed heavy doors and saw inside of it intact without any marks of fighting, rushing in i called out for Athena but got no answer to that. Going inside main section i saw that everything is clear and untouched, books were on their place and no furniture seemed to be damaged. Everything looked perfectly fine until i looked up and saw worst sight in my life, compared to my battles and fights this was worst of them all.

Athena or Athena's corpse hanged out from the celling, eyes taken out and her naked body in many bruises and cuts, guts pouring out from her stomach. Without Aether i would probably collapse but i remained awfully calm and standing, she was most likely tortured before getting hanged. 

All my memories with Ameri flashed, being new in the academy back then she helped me with my studies and taught me to read properly since i was always lazy to read. She obviously liked me but i never wanted female companion as i followed my free life like those of a bird. Her orange hair now covered in blood and her once orange eyes are now taken out, act like this even elves wouldn't do since they don't torture their victims.

Behind me i could hear footsteps and feel weird energy which was telling me that danger is near, turning around i saw surprised Athena who smiled sadistically at me. Companied with her two guards she waved at me and laughed.

"She had it coming Sparrow, and by the way welcome back!"

Playful voice of monster of a woman spoke to me, due to my Aether i was calm and didn't show any emotion on my face which surprised Athena.

"You are awfully calm, guards take him and send him to throne room."

Serious yet calm Athena commanded her guards and i didn't resist, resisting wouldn't be very smart in my current position so i had to let myself be taken peacefully. Orven's plan failed and i am sure now that all of them are dead, with that academy is doomed since no act of resistance remained. 

Guards escorted me back and glared at me with surprised expressions, probably not being able to understand how i am so calm. Arriving at palace they opened a doors and threw me on the ground and awaited for Athena to arrive. After waiting for ten minutes doors behind me opened and i could hear footsteps, vile presence of Athena stormed building and she sat down on her throne, carrying something behind her.

"Here it's your reward for taking out that elven officer."

She managed to reveal Athena's head and she threw it right in front of me, eyeless head of once beautiful woman rolled down next to me. Looking down on her head i sighed as Aether helped me to stay calm, forever thanking Uriel for giving me such power i looked up on Athena who seemed scared and confused by my calm reaction.

"What's wrong with you, you fuck?"

Wind hit me on the head and i slammed down ground, ever since awakening magic my body grew stronger and more resistant against any attacks. Lifting myself to Athena who was now even angrier at my calm expression.

"Did that battle really turned you to empty shell?!"

Deciding to provoke Athena i smiled on her obvious fear, seeing this she stood up and grabbed me by the hair, lifting my face towards her.

"If you insist i will murder you right here and now."

Preparing myself to use my magic and charge at her whole commotion was suddenly stopped as one voice of older man spoke behind her. 

"Leave him be Athena, killing him won't do any good for the academy."

Behind from the dark a figure of older man in his fifties appeared, his face sharp like a sword and his eyes grey like rainy sky. He stood over six feet and he was bald, man wore smile on his face which signalized evil behind it.

"Hmph fine so be it."

Athena dropped my hair and i regained my composure, man came to me and helped me stand up. 

"Sparrow respect your leader please, now go home and rest."

Even if his action may seem nice i sensed evil and sadistic nature behind his face, aether magic gave me senses which allowed to sense someone's intentions. I thanked him and before i left the palace i turned around and asked.

"Oh may i know your name sir?"

Athena disliked my acts but the man stopped her from doing anything rash, he looked at me and smiled.

"I'm Chairman Francis, pleasure to meet you Sparrow."

Hearing his name made me remember of Ferdal and massacre at the town, this man was nothing but evil. Waving back to him i left the palace and headed towards dock in search for Captain Miller.