
In the Skies

Somewhere in the vast world, there's a continent hidden among mist outside and open like a clear sky on the inside. On this continent we are following a story of one talented aviator called Sparrow. He will journey across the world in order to stop enemy invasion on his homeland and to once again fly in the skies.

Rtanj · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs


The ship flew smoothly through the clouds, the birds followed the flight of the ship and occasionally stopped by our deck to greet us. I was sitting on the deck with Grumpy while Shane was at the helm, as we sat talking about all sorts of things Shane called out from above

"I'm leaving the ship at this height, I need to take a little rest."

Shane then took slow steps down to the deck, took a small chair that was by the door and pulled it towards us and then sat on it.

"How long till we arrive there?"

I asked, a little tired from the long journey.

"My assumption is a maximum of five days of travel, of course if nothing goes wrong."

 I stretched back in my chair and took a deep breath at the information, knowing that the journey will be long and that we were nowhere near our destination.

After some time of mutual silence, Grumpy spoke

 "What do you think guys, what is beyond the abyss?"

Abyss is a word that is usually used for some very deep hole that seems to have no end. But in this case Grumpy was thinking of the Mists of the Abyss that surround this continent, they are great mists that go on endlessly and that are buzzing every hour with great cyclones that can carry away even the strongest ships like ordinary paper.

There are, of course, huge eddies and waves that prevent any way using boats and boats, which are certainly rarely used. I've always been curious about the world beyond the mists, but never really delved into it.

"I think there is nothing, that we are the only ones in this big world."

Grumpy said seriously and continued to look at us.

"That's a very boring opinion."

Replied Shane and turned his gaze towards me.

"And you Sparrow? Don't you think there is another world beyond those mists?"

I was still in my thoughts until a question from Shane sent me back to reality.

"I think there must be something, but we can't know because no one has been able to cross those mists so far."

I answered while shrugging my head behind and smiling.

We all looked at each other and Shane started the story again

"I wouldn't say that no one managed to cross those obstacles Sparrow, knowing the legend of Emil and his ship for sure."

To which I replied.

"Those are just legends Shane, that's the story my grandfather used to tell me at bedtime when I was little, do you really believe in that?"

I asked him with a small smile on my face.

"Wow, Shane, you always believe in all kinds of stories"

Grumpy added.

"Although, look, I don't rule out that maybe Emil even existed, but we can't know if he really broke through the abyss or if he died like everyone else who tried."

I said, trying to cheer Shane up. Shane nodded and said he was going to check on the crystal. Grumpy got up from his chair and told me he was going to get binoculars to observe the scenery.

I sat on the chair for a while longer until I got up from it and walked to the end of the ship to have a full view of the world below us. I approached the end of the ship and rested my hands on the railing.

"This kind of beauty never gets boring."

I quietly muttered looking at the big light blue ocean with beautiful sandy beaches and instantly I got the urge to take a bath in the warm ocean. Behind the sandy beaches were green forests that covered large rocks and mountains, and those rocks and mountains were slanted as if they had been cut.

A couple of seagulls landed next to me, probably resting their wings. I took some seeds out of my pocket that I had to snack on sometimes, I held out my hand full of seeds and the seagulls started pecking.

That contact lasted for a few minutes until the seagulls thanked me with their birdly response and flew back to the white world.