
In the Skies

Somewhere in the vast world, there's a continent hidden among mist outside and open like a clear sky on the inside. On this continent we are following a story of one talented aviator called Sparrow. He will journey across the world in order to stop enemy invasion on his homeland and to once again fly in the skies.

Rtanj · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

Battle for Zelos

Eating well after three days i threw myself onto the comfortable bed and pretty quickly fell asleep. It seemed like i just closed my eyes until loud voice yelled and echoed trough entire ship, waking me up in the process. Opening my eyes i saw that night just came in and that i've slept for about five hours or more, not resting enough i angrily stood up and looked around me to check what's whole commotion about.

"Cmon Sparrow we have a emergency!"

One of aviators told me in hurry and went away somewhere, jumping back into reality i fastened my pace and quickly dressed up once again, readying for upcoming battle. I dressed up and went towards main hallway where meeting was held by Captain Jone, running to there i managed to get in time when Jone was just beginning his speech.

"Dear brothers in arms as you all heard we lost fourteen men in previous scouting mission."

Silence echoed trough big room where entire ship was gathered, whispering to each other ship's crew still couldn't swallow that Ferdal a very powerful mage died just like that. Loss of a new Captain Miller also saddened the crew since they all believed he had great future ahead of him, not knowing that he was just a coward who favored his position more than anything.

"Despite losing fourteen men we have no other choice but to fight against enemy who seeks to destroy our entire species, enemy officer's ship was spotted and by the looks of it, it's coming right towards us."

Whispering stopped as everyone focused their attention to Captain and his words, such high ranking airship to be seen meant only that enemy seeks to finish the battle for this town once for all. As elves had one person for each position in their military, this person being the strongest and most skilled among vast other elves. Ranking of Elven army is quite simple, at the bottom goes simple soldiers then captains, third officers and at the top goes general. And current general of the elven army is infamous General Tanyl, the same general who i dreamed about before.

Since elves had militaristic regime, general acted as their leader which meant that Tanyl is most powerful among all of them, just thinking about facing him brings me shivers. 

"Everyone get to their positions and prepare for worst battle of your life, Sparrow come with me."

Hearing that everyone went their own way to their positions, crowded hall now turned empty with only me and Jone standing inside it. I walked towards Jone and he waved me to follow him, following his pace we walked among corridors and passed various rooms, couple of minutes later we arrived inside pilot's room where couple of pilots stood there in firm stances.

"Sparrow you are going to take control over the ship."

My face turned pale as idea of driving huge airship of such significance terrified me, in eternity of my battles i piloted my airship Thunderbird or in very rare cases i piloted scouting ships. So taking a wheel of such magnificent beast left me pale and doubting myself.

"Don't worry Sparrow i know you can do it."

Seeing my pale face, Jone patted my shoulder and reassured me. 

"After all you are the one who flew trough Amale mountains!"

One of pilot's voice spoke behind me making me turn my gaze towards the pilot, still being unresponsive other pilot spoke.

"The reason why Captain wants you to pilot is because upcoming battle is probably elven final push for Zelos and we need good pilot as you to lead us into victory."

Calm and firm older man spoke as he stood next to his friend, finally managing to break my silence i muttered.

"Fine i will do it."

Both of pilots and Jone jumped in celebration, now two of pilots dragged me towards the wheel and showed me where basic stuff is. It wasn't hard to remember everything as Thunderbird as my experience made it easier than it should be. Checking up the rudder and other controls i noticed that it's pretty well made and easy to manage unlike Thunderbird.

"Sparrow good luck and i believe in you."

Captain Jone said and left the room, other two pilots said that they have to take control of gunner rooms so they too left, leaving my completely alone inside pilot's cabin. Standing up i went to lock the door so no one can enter, turning around i once again sat down on comfortable seat and stared in open night sky in front of me. 

Echoing crystal blinked and firm voice of Captain Jone spoke trough it, making it blink light blue light every time he spoke. 


Sudden bang echoed trough the night sky leaving me shocked and surprised, one of our airships got shot down. At first no being able to notice anyone i began to panic, but not a second after that enemy flying flock appeared. 

Twenty of smaller blue airships flew silently as in middle of them stood enormous ship with elven symbols on it's balloon. Size of that airship was double of Aura, a powerful presence made me shiver and think about possible death. Looking for what to do next i noticed that rest of our airships are signalizing by blinking their lights, confused by this i asked using echoing crystal.

"What's this signalizing about Captain?"

Second later captain's voice replied to my previous question.

"Sparrow brace yourself as we are preparing for one final push against these motherfuckers!"

My face went pale upon hearing captain's response, charging on enemy ship was like a gamble, you could never be sure if the things are going to be well but it seems like we have no other choice. Being in disadvantage our only choice was to charge and risk it all, fighting them from distance could only result in our doom.

Pressing the button i returned the signal and Aura began blinking, then smaller airships of our charged. Thinking how could i outperform bigger enemy ship i decided to use current cover of smaller airships and ascend above enemy, doing this i could actually do some damage from above and maybe pull this out.

Explosions and sounds of destruction filled the sky as each one of our ships fell and theirs as well, quickly ascending i could hear the captain asking me what am i doing but i didn't reply. Giving it all Aura didn't seem to be able to ascend fast as i wanted, looking down i saw our ships fall like flies, much more than enemy ones. Sweat drops fell down my face as i was giving my all to ascend and get above the enemy, in the moment i though i was doing pretty good until loud explosion hit one of ship's propellers.

Ship shaken and i tried using echoing crystal but with no success, it broke and my contact with Jone was lost. Death and destruction surrounded our army as many of aviators died and fell to evil elves, looking in front of me with defeated expression i slowly accepted our doom and closed my eyes. 

Then instantly my hands began to glow which meant Aether is activated again, even after getting such power i couldn't defeat stronger enemy. Not knowing what could i possibly do with Aether in this situation i slammed my firsts on control table, frustrated and defeated i cursed on my destiny to die in such place. Memories of my grandpa flashed inside my head and i smiled as i knew that i will be possibly joining Uriel and Zorya soon.

But Aether from my hands went into control table causing it to glow and shine blue, opening my eyes in surprise i saw that i somehow channeled Aether into ship's control table. Grabbing a wheel in one last trace of hope i tried to this time charge at enemy ship from front and end it all, picking up a wheel or one last time i smiled and thanked Uriel for activating my magic. 

Giving maximum boost and using Aether magic i charged Aura towards huge enemy airship in front of me, knowing well that it's going to be my last feat i used entire energy and charged at maximum speed.


Sudden flash blinded me for a second and then loud noise of explosion echoed behind me, confused i looked in front of me and saw open night sky without any enemy in the view. Then short silence broke again as rounds of loud explosions and screams echoed and fell down a sky, turning my ship back as fast as possible i was in shock and still couldn't process what happened. 

"Did i do it?"

I spoke under my breath and Aura finally managed to turn around only to leave me gasped and shocked for life, turning around i saw that huge enemy airship falling and it's smaller companions along with it. Falling down officer airship burst in flames and exploded everywhere, burning fire coming out from it as it fell into it's doom.

Loud knocking on my door scared me and i went quickly to open them, opening the door i saw Captain Jone and crowd behind him standing there with shock and looking at me with fear. 

"Sparrow how did you do that?!"

Shock and surprised voice of his spoke and i shrugged my hands off, leaving him speechless with wide expression. Using echoing crystal Captain Jone announced to everyone that enemy force fell and that it's our victory. Cheers and yelling of celebration rang across Aura and remaining airships blinked, after short outburst everyone decided to do one minute of silence for fallen aviators who gave their lives for better future. 

Numbering remaining ships, in total only five smaller airships remained and Aura with it's crew. Even if we achieved victory our losses were high, losing so many people and airships will make this battle one of bloodier in recent history. Loss of an elven officer is a huge blow to elven country and their morale, now that we pushed them back from this area we can finally form defensive positions and retake our land. 

Two hours later me and Captain Jone had a small talk in private, inside piloting room. We both sat down in front of each other and then he spoke.

"So how did you do it?"

Looking at him i had no other option but to reveal to him how did i do it, even others who are curious too couldn't comprehend such feat. 

"Well i somehow fused Aether magic with ship and managed to somehow break past enemy airship without damaging Aura."

He raised his brow and looked at me with surprise and shock.

"Your magic is a real deal Sparrow....i will report that enemy ship had mechanical problems so we used it to our advantage. Don't let anyone know about your magic or some people would target you for it."

He proceeded to stand up and offer me a handshake which i gladly accepted, seeing look on his face i could see both sadness and happiness. I felt sadness too for losing such many aviators, i kind of blamed myself for not trying to do the same sooner instead i wasted time trying to ascend and that caused lots of people to die.

Feeling Aether calming my mind i relaxed and Captain Jone left me alone inside pilot cabin, not long after that two pilots who previously were in gunner positions came back and cheered me up like some kind of hero. Offering me to sit with them i relaxed onto the chair and watched as those two take a wheel.

With that Aura with remaining ships began their way back towards academy, not knowing that unpleasant surprise awaits them there.