
In the Skies

Somewhere in the vast world, there's a continent hidden among mist outside and open like a clear sky on the inside. On this continent we are following a story of one talented aviator called Sparrow. He will journey across the world in order to stop enemy invasion on his homeland and to once again fly in the skies.

Rtanj · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

Against the Fire

As we slowly approached each other i could feel hatred coming from Athena's burning red eyes, her red hair matched her personality, dangerous like a fire. She was about to cast wind shield on her but stopped which surprised me, thinking she's probably underestimating me i gained bit of confidence until she smiled. 

"Fine then seems like i have to treat you like a proper opponent to squash."

Her smile widened and she pointed her sword at the sky like someone who just won a match of his life and decided to announce his victory. For a second i looked confused, thinking that she's gone completely out of mind but from what i've learned, i can't let my confidence gets better of me and underestimate the enemy. 


Red burning fire formed around her sword, circling it like a spiral. Then it stopped and her entire sword became red and fire started burning from it. Looking at high classed fire magic which not many people could use i tensed up knowing this isn't going to be easy fight, remembering my fight with Ferdal this seems like hundred times more challenging.

Holding onto my sword i casted aether magic on it and my sword turned light blue, glowing like a Sunlight. Noticing this Athena backed off a little bit in obvious surprise, to her information i don't posses any magic but i had to disappoint her once more in that regard. Still her surprise didn't last long as she returned to her anger.

"Is... is that Aether?"

She asked with look that only could be described as pure hatred, thanks to aether calming me i was able to think rationally this whole time. Smiling at her question i laughed for a mere second, pissing her off more. Having advantage of being calm during battle is very important, if enemy is engulfed in anger it's easier to defeat it since anger is emotion that can lead to self destruction.

"I'm surprised that you know of it, but what about your fire magic? I thought you only posses wind magic."

Her knowledge of aether didn't make my situation easier as she may know how to counter if, if there's any counters of course. But i remembered that Uriel told me that each user of aether posses unique abilities so it all depends on the user. I have to go all out in this fight if i want to survive, i can't disappoint Archangel Michael who believes in my victory.


I was blasted by loud scream coming from Athena, my eardrums would explode if it weren't for aether protecting and enchanting my body. Being pushed back four meters i fell on the ground and felt pain over my body, like it's been hit by massive force. Quickly trying to rise my head up i saw burning field and Athena standing there like a statue, not wanting to give her more time to attack i managed to get on my feet.

"Is that the ability you used to kill Old Man?"

Her face went pale and she gasped at my fast recovery, to her i would be dead by now but if it weren't for my magic i would've end up like that Old Man. Tricky thing about her shouting ability is that i don't know if there's limit to it, even with my new powers i don't think i can stand a chance if it proves that her shouts are unlimited. 


Another shout came my way but this time i was ready for it, stabbing my sword onto ground i held by my sword and resisted sudden force pushing me back like before. My ears surprisingly weren't hurting but my body was, seeing me resisting her shout once again she screamed in frustration and charged me with her flaming sword. 

She moved like a blaze and swung her sword at me making me block it with mine, after i blocked her first attack i kicked her back and she retreated two meters back. Then she grabbed her sword in both of her hands.


[Picture of Athena]

Waves of fire came towards me making it's surroundings burn as it passed, not being able to dodge completely i got burned on my left side, sheer burning pain hitting me. Wave of fire passed and i managed to get out of it alive but injured, now my left side of body has bits of burns on it even with aether protection. Noticing my injury she laughed and sent another wave fire at me, being more prepared for it this time i used my aether and time slowed down, i managed to dodge it but parts of my coat got caught in the fire.

Taking of my coat down and threw it off, Athena surprised how i managed to survive her attacks stood there looking at me dead serious, if the looks could kill i would be dead man by now. She pointed her sword at me with her right hand.

"To answer previous question of yours, yes i killed that fool using my shout which you somehow resisted. Other than that i know about aether very little, only from stories told by my grandpa and other relatives who spent their life in searching for access to it."

I wanted to say something but was quickly stopped as he continued talking.

"But you.. you somehow managed to become user of such magic and even get strength to resist my shouting."

Remaining silent i decided to attack this time, swinging my glowing sword from distance she became alerted but too late. As my sword finished it's trajectory, light blue wave flied at Athena. Similar attack like hers but faster moved towards her and she casted that same Ignis Valeris spell, both of waves of force hit each other making surroundings blow around us. 

Fire and Ether hit each other with such force that could anything between it, Athena was blown back from shockwave while i remained my stance as i held onto sword buried in the ground. Two colliding forces burst and created explosion that could be heard from kilometers away, leaving crater from their explosion. Taking my sword out of ground i held at it expecting Athena's attack every moment by now, instead of attack she coughed and slowly managed to stand up.

Despite being in clear upper hand here i couldn't let my focus fall, aether magic powerful as it may be, is still unknown to me since i didn't unlock it's full potential. Athena in other hands has better battle experience in hand to hand battle, she's also experienced magic user and i'm still green with it comes to magic. My victory till now is nothing but a mere luck and effect of surprise which made me survive previous clashes with her.

"I regret training you in swordsmanship."

Cold voice of hers spoke to me like disappointed teacher to his student, thinking of what should i do next i decided to wait for her advances till she runs out of mana. Not using mana is huge advantage for me here but not enough if it weren't for effect of surprise that i had against her, thinking it's best to let her run out of mana and then start the offensive, i decided to stay back.

"Sounds like your problem."

Wanting to mock Athena and let her use all of her mana i aimed to anger her again and again, however this time something didn't felt right as she remained silent. Not noticing any sign of anger on her i started thinking about new tactic to defeat her, her sudden change kind of terrified me and told me that something bad is going to happen in couple of moments. Taking my guard and casting aether on my sword i prepared for possible attack any moment now.

"Fine let's end this."

She murmured as she looked me dead in the eyes, then as she grabbed her sword fire on it began to grow bigger and bigger. She stood there in her armor and watched me with determination to kill and end this all, seeing her stance i knew this is going to be her final charge.

"Too bad, Ignis Imperium."

Next moment fire began to emits from her body and she looked like huge boiling magma coming right at me, in desire to make me suffer and perish. Before i could react she dashed at me and cut off my left hand, despite aether protection Athena managed to cut my left hand and blood spurted everywhere around it. 


I yelled out of immense pain, not giving me chance to yell more i felt powerful kick to my stomach and was sent flying five meters back. In middle of flying she dashed in front of me once more and stabbed me in right ankle, spinning me around with her sword and throwing me off like a mere toy. Hitting hard ground i felt immense pain all over me, losing my left arm and getting leg injury means dead end in a battle. 

As i laid down i tried casting aether quicker to try and heal my wounds, but being inexperienced magic user i didn't know how, i only knew that aether healed me back in Zelos. Managing to pull my upper body i noticed nasty ankle wound that would leave me most likely crippled. I suddenly got hit on my head, pain from my ankle and missing arm made it hurt less but when i looked down on the item that hit me i yelped.

My missing left arm was thrown at me by Athena who's now laughing sadistically, unable to get up she came closer to me and leaned. Using her sword to stab my right leg i yelled out of pain, aether being unable to protect me from many injuries. 

"Did you really think you would win?"

She smacked me on my cheek with full force, making my cheek red as her hair i yelped and was thrown back a little bit. Next moment she grabbed my throat and pinning me lifting me up, using her inhuman strength she lifted me whole and choked me. 

"One thing i have to admit is you're pretty talented when it comes to flying, you managed to destroy Empress and kill everyone expect me on it."

I couldn't breathe at all as i gasped desperately for air, despite being on guard my enemy surprised me and now i'm going to get killed because of it. Sorry Michael but despite having such amazing magic i didn't stood a chance against experienced swordsman and mage such as Athena, Ferdal is nothing compared to her. It seems that relying too much on my magic costed me my life, my confidence made me think that i actually could stand a chance against her.

"You are the closest one who got to killing me but unfortunately for you, you failed just like that Old Man."

She dropped me to my surprise and stabbed my left shoulder with her sword covered in my own blood, making me grunt in pain she smiled and pushed the sword deeper into my shoulder. She then pulled out her sword from my shoulder and took a stance, probably to finish me off. Seeing this i felt disappointed in myself as i couldn't defeat her, Michael believed in me and i failed him.

But her armor suddenly blocked arrow, no a bolt from hitting her back. She turned around and we both saw Captain Jone coming at her with his crossbow drawn. He fired couple of shots more which Athena easily blocked, Athena now casting fire again onto her sword dashed to Captain Jone. Jone quickly dropped his crossbow and pulled out his Captain Saber which only best of captain's could receive.

His black sword made of obsidian was barely visible as fire around us gave enough of light to see it. He blocked Athena's attack and pushed her back, quickly dashing towards her he swung his sword couple of times but failed at landing a hit on her. Two of them fought without pause, clanking sounds of sword clashing at each other echoed around the field, captain was being pushed back.

"Tell me Captain why did you come here to die? Is it for this fool who though his magic could kill me?"

Captain remained silent and Athena managed to cut him each time they clashes, smaller cuts but still cuts that made him bleed and huge loss of blood could only result is fatigue and death. They backed off from each other standing with fierce looks on their faces, both of them fighting to death, one of them for pride and other for justice.

"Sparrow take this!"

Couple of healing potions were thrown at me, i grabbed them and before Athena could turn back to me, captain stopped her and they continued their clash. Healing potions of highest value were right at my hands, most expensive potions found in world and captain somehow managed to get them. I opened first bottle and drank it, my body wounds started healing and cuts all over me began closing. Rest of potions i poured down on my missing arm, sliced ankle and shoulder, yelling from pain as potions were taking it's effect, my bleeding stopped and i could finally move. 

My ankle and shoulders recovered but unfortunately my left arm couldn't regrow back so i had to stick with it. Standing up on my feet i felt warm feeling engulfing me and my state of mind becoming clear, then sharp pain worse than losing an arm struck my left arm and i barely managed to stay on my feet. Both Athena and Jone stopped their battle and turned their look on me, pain stopped and i felt tinkling warm sensation in my left arm. In medium pace, flesh grew and my left arm was growing back. 

I was surprised that aether had such ability, healing potions probably helped me activate it and now i had full grown left arm like new. Athena and Jone looked at me with eyes widened and Athena's anger came to boiling point. 

Turning back on Captain she murmured.


My aether warning me of danger ahead i formed small shield around me and enchanted my body, captain tried to cast his barrier magic but suddenly Athena disappeared from our view. Looking around Captain held his guard and waited for Athena to reveal herself, then he felt loud sound of sword slicing to his left, turning his eyes his head started to fall and fire engulfed his entire body. Captain Jone fell headless on the ground and his body started burning, Athena turned her gaze to me.

"There goes your captain, this time i will kill you in instant since you refuse to die so much."

That attack of hers was so fast that i couldn't see it, even if using my ability to slow time i don't think i would be able to protect myself from that. Seeing corpse of my great friend and captain burn to crisp made me angry but thankfully ever since awakening aether, it prevented my emotions bursting. Turning my view back on smiling Athena i knew i couldn't let myself die after she did that, i have to finish this as fast as possible since her mana isn't running out.


Shout stronger than previous ones hit me and i managed to resist it, but barely. My body started to glow and it started shining, my sword did so too and familiar sounds of bells started coming from me. Athena seemed to notice this familiar sound, remembering the same sound before her Empress crashed down. She took her stance and dashed in front of me, this time i could parry her attacks just in time, clashing our swords i gave her couple of cuts on the cheeks.

I didn't know how could i maintain this form any longer so i had to hurry up and defeat her while i still have a chance. Hard hit on my chest struck me and i fell back, making light disappear and returning me back to my usual state. Seeing this she laughed, closing her distance with me her steps became closer and closer.

"Despite all your efforts you can't defeat me, weak should fear the strong."

I cringed at her words getting second hand embarrassment from her, noticing my expression she punched me and broke my nose. Aether tried to heal my broken nose but she kept punching me, aiming to kill me using her bare hands Athena kicked my sword away and dropped hers to ground.

I couldn't even feel pain anymore, repeatedly being punched over and over made me barely hold onto life. I wasn't ready to give up but i didn't know what else i could possibly do to defeat her, no matter how strong i got there's no way i could defeat Athena in one to one. Closing my eyes i felt warmness coming from my magic and Athena let me fall to ground. 

"Now that i got that clear, i'm going to kill those rebelling idiots."

I could still hear her voice as i cling to life, beaten up like mere punching bag made me feel shame and despair. Life flashed trough my eyes, flashbacks of grandpa and my time with him passed trough my head and made me feel inner peace. But sudden flashbacks stopped as i heard one voice coming from darkness, familiar voice but i couldn't get to know who's exactly.

"Now's the time to strike Sparrow!"

"Come on get up!"

"Use it while you can"

My heartbeat stopped but i was still alive, slowly opening my eyes i saw Athena standing before me with her back turned. My breathing and movements couldn't be heard at all as i slowly managed to pull crossbow behind me who fell during my fight with her. Using this chance one for all i picked up my loaded crossbow which Jone gave me and aimed it towards Athena.

Like my entire presence disappeared, i couldn't make a noise no matter how much i moved. I realized then that it's probably ability coming from aether, i felt like my whole life aura was gone and no one would be able to detect me. 

Aiming Jone's crossbow at Athena's back my bolt on it started glowing, during last moment my heartbeat started again and Athena turned around frightened. Pulling the trigger i fired crossbow and glowing bolt flied faster than any bullet our there, Athena with shocked eyes tried to stop it but was too slow. 

Aetheric powered bolt hit her at chest and her armor broke into million pieces, bolt easily piercing trough her armor now started destroying her flesh. Slow motion stopped and Athena fell, her armor broken and visible hole on her chest. Blood spurted from her mouth and chest, now laying down she desperately gasped for air.

Standing up i grabbed her sword which was on ground and got closer to her, her strength clung to life. Standing above her all beaten up i took her sword in both of my hands swung as hard as possible at her neck, chopping off her head. Blood came out like a fountain from her headless body, taking a deep breath i could sense my body healing and my face getting in better shape.

Looking at setting sun i turned my view on burned Captain's corpse and grabbed his sword, now carrying both Athena's and Captain's swords i began moving towards academy.