
The Feeling is Mutual

It was dark.

The night sky was filled with bright shinning stars, so I came out to the backyard of our house after eating dinner made by my mum. The house was a rented apartment. It had six rooms down and four rooms upstairs. The house belong to an old couples who never pronounced our names correctly. The house fence was a very huge one like that of Egyptian wall. It had a very spacious backyard with bright lights, giving an atmosphere where you could mingle and relax compared to the front entrance which was usually too occupied with various people.

It was during this very enchanting night that I first saw 'him'.

He sat on our house fence discussing with my siblings. Cracking jokes with his booming voice which captured my attention instantly.

He called my name 'Sandra' like a fainted peacock saved by veterinary. My heart spin and was amazed he knew my name. Words travel fast they say, does names travel fast too?

As he smiled beautifully, I saw the two sides of his check within his mouth. They were his dimples. I became dumbfounded and dazzled .

I smiled uncontrollably,

He continued with the discussion but was curious my attention was on him. He was 4feet tall, slim and dark complexion.

Then I looked at his d*g, perfect size for me...… this man must be good in bed. The memory of the two men that had forcefully had s*x with me came as a flash to my memory.


I was 5 when my parents took my younger sister and I to stay with our neighbors for just two days. It wasn't my first time in their apartment, but it was the only time we had been left there for so long. Of course, since I was familiar with the people there, it never really bothered me.

On the second day of staying in their place, my neighbor's cousin came visiting that time. Surprisingly, no one was at home at the time, so I had to welcome him warmly. We had seen each other around a few times, so I was able to converse with him to an extent.

Needless to say, we were alone in the house.

He sent me on an errand, which I obediently obeyed, since he was older than I was. However, to my surprise, after I returned, he quickly shut the door behind me, who was unsuspecting at the time.

I never had the faintest idea of what he was up to until he violently pushed me down and yanked my pants, causing me to instinctively scream.

"What's going on there?" A gruff voice suddenly let out, causing the both of us to pause.

We both didn't know that my neighbor's Father was around, since he only just arrived to retrieve something of his before hurrying back to work. Realizing this, a cold sweat formed on his face as he made a very frightened expression which also scared me.

He quickly begged me to keep quiet, promising to let me go if I didn't reveal that I was with him in the house. Since I was so young and naïve, only 5 years in age, I pitied him and kept quiet. He hurriedly ordered me to hide myself in the toilet, which I did.

My neighbor's father entered the house, meeting only his nephew at home and wondered where everyone else went to.

"Oh, your mom mentioned you would be coming over…but where's everyone else?" The man asked, surprised by what he saw.

"A-ah… well…" The boy started, slowly formulating the lie he would tell.

According to him, he only met me at home, and I had gone to get something for him so I wasn't currently at home. Of course, my neighbor and sister went out with the mother to get some thing, while leaving me to take care of things at home.

Somehow, the man believed his lies. Perhaps it was because he was in a hurry, or he trusted the young boy, he didn't seem too concerned about whatever he spouted.

He looked around the house, and upon seeing that everything was in order, he proceeded to obtain whatever it was he returned home for.

He then went to his office, leaving my innocent self behind. Somehow, I had a lingering feeling to yell out that my neighbor's cousin was lying, yet I didn't.

Now, here I was, faced with a death sentence in the figurative sense. Had my naïve self known that boys like that never kept promises... I wouldn't have stupidly conceded to his plea.

Don't ask me what happened next!



We relocated from the environment and the chances of seeing him was very slim. I wish there were things I could do? I wish I could travel the world to find him. I wish I could call out his name to echo through the vast.

I'm 20 now, and he will be 31years. So I have the right to love and be loved. I even possess a phone currently, but without his number, there's no point.

Time passed, and I had nearly given up hope, until the fated day arrived.

I was at the office piling up some documents that had been approved by my boss.

MD Williams is of average height, fair and handsome but he is never in my head. Maybe because he was fair?

I wore a mini skirt with a blue shining top which makes my glooming skin so s*xy and attractive. Earlier, lots of my team mate had approached me. I was so furious and thereby went to site. On returning from the site, everyone had disappeared. I doubt if anyone would ever wants to collide with my boss because they hated him. Too bossy.

As I bent to pick the file on the floor, I noticed a soft fair hand around my waist with his right hand. He bends with me to pick the file, look me in the eye and smile.

I was lost in thought and I stammer to form words aaaa the file - sir-

When words become unspeakable I coughed. He left my waist and asked what I was doing all alone in the office?

While asking his phone rang. I wonder who could have called to have leave such a mouth watering scene- could he be a humanizer too? These taught flash in my brain.

See you tomorrow Sandra. I breath heavily like a thunder storm. This man must not meet me here again, I said to myself. I had no idea what the rest of the day will look like so I decided to go into a nearby restaurant.

I was lost in taught. Did he like me? Has he cancelled his wedding? While ruminating on these I saw a man smiling beautifully. His dimples were the same as the one I have seen many years ago. Seated next to him was a very tall, slim and dark girl. She was so beautiful that tears nearly rolled out of my check.

I thought to myself, 'I've lost the battle.'

Even though I had finally seen him after so long, what was the point if he was with another woman?

I was no better than a man who fell from a palm tree imagining if he would ever survive it.

He held the lady's check and kissed her lips. Feeling the texture of her lips, he kissed her so deeply, that I watched in jealousy and pangs of pain seared in my heart.

I watched him hand her a car key. She was amazed and gave him a deep hug. They both went out to check the car, making excited sounds while I kept trailing them with my eyes, and afterwards entered to continue their meal.

I used the restroom four times before I could pick my boyfriend's call. With courage I stood up, walk up to them to congratulate the 25 years old lady. The lady was so happy and she noticed he wanted to bring out something that has a ring-like structure out of his pocket. He looked up to see who came to congratulate the lady and...…..

He became frightened and was short of words. He called out my name and hugged me tightly. This lady looked at me with an horrible face but I ignored it. At least, I will try to have the man I longed for.

He dropped the gift in his pocket and asked about my entire family. He asked who I came with so I told him I came alone. I became someone's physical enemy. If only she could lay hands on a gun. She would have shot me on the spot.

Maxwell did the introduction, told her brief information about our childhood days. She was a bit relieved but not happy. She looked at the ring consistently, so he changed the position of the gift. She could only guess it was a ring anyways.

He took her home and promised to give me a call.


Only if I had known, I would not have given him my digits. How do I know?

I was coming back from work on a Tuesday evening around 4:30 when I noticed a grey Jeep drove and crossed my way. Four ladies jumping down from the car and so I asked them what they wanted but all I could remember was "stay away from Maxwell".

I opened my eyes in a government hospital on Thursday of the same week. I could not lift neither my hands nor legs. Words where too heavy to alter. Then I remember the last word. I wept bitterly.


It's been four month since I've been ignoring his calls and messages.

I regret the day I chose to eat at the restaurant, I curse the day I saw him after many years.

If only, I had not gone to the restaurant

Only if I had not loved him

If only I didn't go to congratulate them, I would not have lost my job. I cried.

Grannnnñnñnnnnnnnnnñnnñnnn- phone rings…

Who could be the caller? Hello!

Sandra, what have I done to deserve this? I have searched the whole Earth for you Sandra. Why're you doing this to me? Do you know how much I desire you while we were young?

Do you know I come to the city during my holidays just because of you?

Although we were still very young, yet you can't deny the fact that we have mutual feelings towards one another. The way you touch me, and how I pecked you. I promised to patiently allow you grow so that you can be mine until you relocated and left me alone in the dark world.

Sandra, You've always been in my dream. I have always loved you. When you relocated, I did all I could to find you but to no avail.

Only to find out that you were in the same restaurant where I was about to propose to a lady I do not love. I waited 15years just to find you. When I felt earth is cruel, I chose to marry a girl I do not love.

Tears rolled out from his eyes.

Finally, I found you. I found a treasure I've lost for years. The one who is the reason why I cracked jokes and smile on the fence so that I can always have you around. You're the reason why I come to town during my holidays, the only reason why I'm here again to search heaven and Earth for the woman I love.

I cried too

Please my World, I need you now than ever.

I do not want to come between you and Nicole anymore after all all she has done for me.

Sandra, Nicole and her friends have been dealt with by the cops. You have nothing to be scared of. I love you babe.

Tears rolled out of my eyes. He could not control his tears neither. We both wept over the phone.

He invited me over to his place. We eat, drank and had fun. We cracked jokes from our childhood and that reminded me of how I was a raped.

I was down casted and emotional. He had sympathy on me, embraced me, kissed me.

My phone rang so I went to pick it. While I turning back, I saw this beautiful diamond ring. Shinning like a Crystal.

He asked if I'd marry him.

Asking myself if I should or not, then I saw his best friend and my closest friend. Little did I know that he has gone to my social account to see whom I've been so close with.

They encouraged me to say yes.

I said yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss and we merry. …..........................…..........................

Our guest left and we were alone in the dark shade. He offered to bath me. He carried me to the bathroom, clean every nook and cranny of my body with a soft sponge.

I was high

He carried me out of the bath tub and laid me in the bed, creamed me with a good fragrance cream. My skin was so shinny and gumming. I saw the beauty in my skin for the first time.

I could nearly talk, my tone has changed. My sounds are high. He removed his boxers. His d*g was a perfect size as I predicted 15years ago. He poured ice-cream on my lap. He licked it, to the libido and to the *******.

Light out********************

She's been in love from childhood. Was jilted and finally found the first love. The kisses were deep

PerfectBeautycreators' thoughts