
The Second 1

Before heading to the arcade Jinn returned the book. They were all together in the arcade playing for hours when the manager walked in and approached Taeh, Jinn walked up to him "what's up " he says he looked at the man and back to Taeh, placing a hand on his shoulders.

"it's nothing,the manager thought I was someone else..., it's getting late we should visit other places" Taeh said and went to the others.

Jinn stared at the manager who was looking from the counter uneasy he made a moved towards the man.

"Jinn aren't you coming? "Feibai asked

"yes I'll be out in a minute".

"Excuse me sir, do you know anything about a man named Bai yu? "As stupid as he thought the book was it didn't leave his mind,the symbol. His dad was a smart person and definitely won't believe in such a thing.

"Yes he is the founder of Holy gate a great man. You could say 'he is the founder of a gift and an enemy to his people' "The manager said cleaning a figurine,he noticed the change in his voice at the last,what was that?

"what do you mean by that? " Jinn asked and the man frowned

"look kid maybe next time your friends are waiting "The manager said

"Am sure they could wait I- "Jinn said before being interrupted by Zhang Kai

"Hey Jinn!" he was standing at the end of the room,Jinn stared at the Manager who kept on cleaning and left.The Manager looks up and smiles.

"Remember you came here to be on a vacation, the next tournament back home is with one of the best players from Europe, we need to practice and relax. What are you digging up anyways? "Zi Hua asks him staring at his phone screen.

"It's about my dad" Jinn whispered as he stared at the floor,Taeh looked up at him

"Mr Fei bai? " Richard glanced at him.

"What about him? "

Fei bai asked

"I don't know but ever since I came here that's all I thought about "Jinn responded.

Zhang Kai held his shoulder "Your dad lived here? OK you can deal with that but also know you have to-"

"No!" Taeh yelled and everyone turned to him

"what's that Taeh? "Rou bai asked brows scrunched. Taeh turn shocked at them and smiled "It's nothing I just remembered something I forgot to do I'll be back." He runs off evading further questioning.

Richard watched him go "what's he up to? " he wondered.

"I noticed Taeh has being behaving weird, do you know he never sleeps at night but in the morning and not always, Oh that day I was going to get my bag from the room when I saw him cutting himself I rushed in but he left immediately "Rou bai said "What! why didn't you tell anyone!" Jinn yelled fear written across his face.

" Oh he did but you were to busy to know all this and we can't convince him to go to a doctor" Zhang Kai said , Jinn stared in disbelief.

"I can help "A voice of a woman in her 50s said as they turned toward her "Sorry for intruding but it's important I know what he is looking for" she added walking towards them,Jinn hadn't recognized she was the librarian.

"have we perhaps met before? "Jinn asked as she turned to him and then to Zi hua

"Am afraid you won't help your friend when you know the truth but I can enlighten you on what to do in case you decide to help him."

They stared confused at the strange woman