13 13 - birthday ticket

The streets were already lonely, it was night and only some lights that were on the road were on ... some ninjas were going to their houses, with a few drinks on top ...

Naoru of course was one of them, only he was carrying a heavy drinker ...

He was on his back sleeping, he had taken too much, you could only see it in his breath when he yawned, Naoru had the task of going to look for Tsunade in those places for a long time, it was more and more frequent, she was in charge of the hospital of konoha, but every time he was getting rid of his responsibilities and going to drink sake, additionally he began to gamble ...

Naoru after a while came to tsunade's mansion, the former residence of the first hokage, he had already come many times to learn about medical ninjutsu and various other things, so he knew where the backup key was, entering it, he saw the corridor, there were bags full of garbage, the dust accumulated on the surfaces of the furniture, also the pile of dishes that were in the laundry room, Naoru only sighed at such a scenario, he shook the sofa that was in the room a little and put delicately to this drunk sensei ...

She went to the loft and collected some cleaning supplies, starting to clean this house ...

The hours passed and a rich aroma came out of the kitchen, Tsunade woke up a little dizzy, looking sideways seeing that it was her house only cleaner, she looked up seeing the somewhat small image cutting some vegetables with a strange Violet knife ... each cut towards a clear sound, as if she were playing a sweet melody, she got up grabbing air, to go to one of the furniture, she wanted to continue drinking alcohol ...

Naoru: don't drink, the food will be ready in a few minutes

Tsunade: I'm not hungry, I ate the sandwiches a few moments ago ...

Naoru: tsunade, I'm going to tell you just this once, don't-drink- !!

Tsunade felt a chill when she was going to have a drink, instinctively she left the glass on the shelf and went to sit at the dining room table, naoru for her part went back to preparing dinner ... the minutes passed and the sweet scent deepened, but she felt, felt very nostalgic ...

Naoru: take ...

Hearing the voice of naoru tsunade, she opened her eyes again, seeing in front of her some rice and vegetable porridge, without even waiting she grabbed the winged spoon from the plate and plunged it into the soup feeling the thick, creamy consistency that it had acquired ...

The warmth came to her mouth, the sweetness made her forget the bitterness of the alcohol and the consistency that made each bite she took more delicious, she ate, she ate with her eyes closed as if trying to remember something, as if she wanted not to forget this moment. .. until the last bite ...

Naoru was sitting on the sofa, looking at some scrolls with hospital papers, he had been in charge of some things like pills and medicines, so he had to check some things, but suddenly he felt something in his lap taking a look down he saw a long blonde hair which dated scattered all over her legs, leaving the papers on the table her hand began to face the blonde hair, silky and soft to the touch it was difficult just to do it once ...

Tsunade: because you came ... I told you last time not to come back ...

Naoru: I can't take my eyes off only ... you are precious to me ...

Tsunade: you have already finished your training, there is nothing I have to teach you ...

Naoru: I don't do it for your knowledge ... I just don't want you to get lost in the depths of your Solitude ...

Tsunade: you are a kid who plays at being an adult ... you don't understand what I'm going through ... nobody does

Naoru: for that reason I will not encourage you, I will not tell you to get ahead, I will not ask you to forget the painful thing, I will not ask you to move on ... I will just wait ... I will be here when you need it

Tsunade: you are an asshole, stop acting like that, you have, you have ...

Naoru: that acting like a child? ... when a war breaks out, acting like a child is not going to leave me anything good ... we are in a time when childhood will not be long, so don't ask for that ... enjoy some years , now I have a responsibility ...

Tsunade: idiot ... idiot ... stop acting ...

Naoru: quiet ... I'm here

Her tears were coming out, her hair was more damp, this being the one that collected the drops that came out incessantly, Naoru stayed there until she finally fell asleep, he picked her up again and went to take her to her room, putting her in her bed, but when she left tsunade grabbed her wrist, it was a reflex action she seemed to have a nightmare, naoru grabbed her hand again and gently kissed her forehead, her pouting stopped and she returned to normal with a soft breath ...

Naoru left Tsunade's house towards her own house, only the moon was accompanying her at that time

Tiin !!!

Suddenly naoru heard a familiar sound and rushed home, when he arrived they were already sleeping and by all he was referring to kakashi since sakumo had gone on the mission ... he went up slowly to his room and took off his clothes. ..

[Birthday ticket: congratulations on turning one more year x1]

Every year naoru was given a random ticket, the first ticket was [the nen experience book], the second was [Haineko], the third was [the race trait: vectors], the fourth was [cinderella] the knife of froese, the fifth was [kamiton] or the konan paper element, so now I would have something else ...

Naoru tore the ticket he had received and an incredibly large wheel appeared, there were hundreds of things, things that Naoru recognized and others that he did not even know what they were for, the wheel began to rotate again and again increasing its speed more and more until after half an hour it began to lower its intensity ... more and more it stopped until naoru saw that it was

It was a sword, never katana but the name made her more illusionary ryujin jakkan ... and it moved, one more centimeter moved resulting in the winged prize of this

[Congratulations on getting ... world farm ...]

Naoru: hell ....

Naoru just sighed at such injustice, but it didn't take long, this [world farm] was good too, right? ...

With this thought, naoru went to sleep, sakumo had told them their chakra type for some time, with the role of clear this, kakashi as in the series was of type doton and raiton, while naoru was of type doton, suiton and raiton , now the paper element and the yin element were added, the truth naoru did not know what to do with this ...

He'd better go to sleep, since tomorrow he was going to do the test with kakashi to enter the ninja academy, so he must be at his best ...

The next morning, Naoru got up, brushed her teeth and went down to make breakfast, Kakashi didn't get up until 8 o'clock so she had time to do various things ... everything was fine at this point, nothing would go wrong. .. true?

End of chap

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