

This is a story about a girl whose parents was killed at a gender age, she later grew and began seeking for revenge. She went extra miles to seek for revenge. What happened when she was later caught in the web of love, what will she do when she fall for her father's killer son. Will she choose love or revenge. Find out in this mind blowing story.

Femi_Odubella · Thành thị
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41 Chs



🌷Can't help falling 🌹

Story by Femi Odubela

Please do not copy or repost 🙏



After their discussion they all slept off till the next day.

They woke up the next day and Tiffany was stronger and they all did their usual thing and went for lecture.

When Tiffany and Chloe got to the lecture hall they were told the lecturers they are having that morning are not coming so Tiffany decided to use that opportunity to go for training.

She called Chris and told him she is coming for training and he agreed with her.

She was about going when Chloe insist on following her to where she is going.

She decided to make excuse but Chloe did not accept so she took her along with her.

When they got to the place Chris has not come so they waited for him to arrive.

After few minutes he came and was surprised she came with someone.

"Who is she?" He asked.

"This is Chloe,my friend"

"Chloe, this is Chris my master" she said introducing them to each other.

"Nice to meet you" Chris said and they shake hands.

They began the training and Chloe stood at a side watching them.

The training was not as before because of the awkwardness between them.

Chloe took his confession out of her mind and began training with determination.

Chris notice all her moves and tactics and concluded she is perfect now and no need to train her anymore.

They train for two hours with 30 minutes break.

After the training Chris told her that she is now perfect and no need to come to training anymore and she accepted then they say their goodbyes.

Tiffany could see the sadness in Chris eyes when they say their goodbyes but she wave it off.

She really know she is hurting him but there is nothing she could do about it.

They part ways and Tiffany left with Chloe.

Chloe could stop getting curious about what she saw and she asked Tiffany about it but she said she will explain everything to her after they get to school.

They got back to school around 10:20am and they both went to an empty class and sat down.

"Start talking now" Chloe said to her.

Then Tiffany explained everything to her and she was amazed.

"Oh so you have been training all these while and you could not tell us, you don't trust us enough"

"No, it is not that, I couldn't tell you because I think you both may tell me not to do it"

"It is okay, we want the best for you"

"Wow, my friend is now a fighter" she said standing up and kicking the air and throwing punches.

This act made Tiffany and Chloe also could not help but burst into laughter.

They both walk around the school discussing some other things.

After sometimes they went back to their lecture hall to get ready for the lecture.

After few minutes the lecturer also entered and the lecture begin.

After few lectures the lecture end and it ended early that day.

Evelyn also was done with her lecture and was going out when some guys approach her.

"Hello sexy" one of them said to her and she look at him in disgusting and wanted to walk pass them when they draw her back.

"What the hell did you want from me"

"I just want your love darling" the one who talk before said again.

"I have a boyfriend, so let me be" she said about walk again when they stop her.

"Don't you dare walk out on us"

"Leave me alone let me go or you will regret it" she said and they all burst into laughter.

"Show us what you got" Tyler the one who said he love her spoke up and held her hands tight.

Tiffany and Chloe were heading to Evelyn's lecture hall when they saw what is happening and they decided to go and check them they saw five guys bullying Evelyn and this got them angry.

Tiffany approach them and took Evelyn away from there.

"How dare you bully a girl,you all are just a weakling, dare bully her again and you will regret everything coming to this world" she said to them and they were amazed.

"Who is this tiny girl talking to, if you know what is good for you leave there and let me continue my business" Tyler said.

"I will never let you bully her"

"If you really know what is good for you, you will leave here in haste" Chloe said to them.

"Okay I think you want it the hard way then" Tyler said and told the four guys at his back to beat them.

Tiffany also was ready for this, as the four guys were coming she stretched out her leg and kick one of them and she took two of them and hit their heads together and they fell down in pain.

The fourth one was about punching but she quickly dodged it and twisted his hand and he shout in pain.

She release his hand and use her knee to kick him in his jaw and he fell down in pain bleeding.

The other two stood up about to approach her then she jump and kick the both of them in their stomach and then she punch them and they fell down groaning in pain.

Tyler seeing this approach her and wanted to beat her and she carry him up and hit him on the ground and then he groan in pain.

She draw him up and and twisted his hands and punch him in the face and then she left him to fall.

Evelyn and other students saw this and they were shocked that a lady could beat up five guys at a time and they wondered who she is.

This does not surprise Chloe because she has seen her fight before.

After a while the five guys stood up in shame and they ran to their hostel in pain to treat themselves.

Tiffany, Chloe and Evelyn left the place and Evelyn started asking her questions but to avoid the questions she told them she is going for her part time job and she left.

Evelyn and Chloe got back to the hostel and Chloe asked her if they hurt her and she said no.

Evelyn seeing then that Chloe does not look surprised seeing Tiffany fight decided to ask her about Tiffany and she explained everything to her including how they both went to the training.

She became surprised and angry that Tiffany was doing such a thing and she could not inform her about it.


They all went to the other clan to avenge the death of their members and they defeated them and this makes them happy.

Unknowingly to them some of the members and their boss are still alive but his somewhere and they swore to destroy the eagle eyes clan.

After the fight Ricardo grant Spider the access to go to Tiffany's school to find out more about her.

He prepared himself and the next day he travelled to her school location and stayed in the hotel for the night.

The next day he went to her school and applied as a new student in the school and also decided to stay in Tiffany's department.

He was given all necessary things as a student and he began attending lectures as a student but was always trailing Tiffany to know more about her.

Tiffany who is very smart and seeing how hr is always watching her every move knew instantly that he is here for her never gave him a chance to know more about her.

He decided to get close to her but Tiffany did not allow him so he decided to give her sometimes.

He decided to go to the HOD of their department office to get more information about her.

He got there and seeing that the HOD is not around decided to enter into his office and he began searching files of students to get the details of the students and he saw Tiffany's file and he checked it but to his disappointment it was the same thing as the details in the school portal.

So he arranged everything the way it was before and he left his office.

After doing this for a long time and did not get anything he decided to confront Tiffany herself.

Tiffany as usual was going for her part time job after lecture when Spider suddenly approach her and she wondered what he want.

"What did you want, I told you many times I don't need your friendship" she said.

"Who are you?" He asked and that shock her.

"What do you mean by who I am?"

"I know the details you gave to the school about you is fake, I sense it"

"What nonsense are you spilling from your mouth?" She asked him.

"This is not nonsense, it is the truth"

"I can see you are sick" she said and wanted to leave when he held her back.

"You are not leaving here until you tell me who you are"

"From the day you came into this school I have known you are here for me but you have proven it to me yourself now, go and tell the person who send you here you can never get anything out of my mouth because there is nothing I am hiding" she said and wanted to leave again.

"Really, then I will get it by force" he said demonstrating like he wanted to fight her.

Meanwhile he does not know how to fight, he is only good in computer stuff.

He tried to punch her but she took his hand and twisted it to the back and he groan in pain.

"You see, this is just a tip of the iceberg, dare me again and you will get more than this, how could someone send a weakling like you to me" she said and kick him then left him in pain there.

Students around began laughing at him and he stood up in embarrassment and left the place.

He tried many times again but he was beaten and seeing that the plan is not working he decided to back out.

He pack his things and left the school back to the clan.


After he got to the clan Ricardo ask him about what he went to do and he explained everything to him.

Ricardo became disappointed in him.

"How could you let a girl beat you like that, you are such a weakling, I think you need some training" he said and call two guys and told them to begin to train him and they started training him.

Tiffany after getting rid of Spider became happy and satisfied, she knew it may be her father's killer that sent him.

She did not let that bother her she continue her school and work without any distraction.


They have all graduated from the college, Tiffany, Chloe and Evelyn all graduated with a good grade and they were so happy to be a graduate.

Tiffany was the highest among them followed by Evelyn then Chloe came next.

Though they all did excellently well.

They took many group pictures with each other and they were a lot of fun that day.

Evelyn and Chloe's parents came that day and they greeted them.

After a while the party ended and they all left to their various destinations.

It was so sad for Chloe to leave them but Tiffany assured her that they will visit her and she can also come to visit them.

They got home and they celebrated their graduation and everyone was happy.


Tiffany informed Evelyn's parents of her intention to travel and go to do something there.

They accepted and advice her to be careful.

Evelyn was sad that she is leaving but Tiffany assured her that she will be there for just some months and she will come back to her.

After so much persuasion she allowed her to go and they bid each other goodbye.

They were both sad to leave each other but Tiffany think she had to go so as to avenge her father's death.

She travelled out to learn more about technology and other robotic things just like that of some superheroes so as to defeat her father's killer.



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