
In Riordanverse as The Shadowy One

Reborn?.....rather remade? as a girl? Why do I see cyclops in the construction area? Why are harpies on the telephone lines? Why are there giants at the beach? Am I in the Percy Jackson world? And why am I finding this amusing instead of panicking? All characters and story belongs to the respective authors and only my OC and the changes belong to me.

Solace_7649 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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17 Chs

Chapter 9- Weak

[3rd PoV]

It was a sunny afternoon in Darien and 3 young demigods were ambushing a group of 13 Laistrygonian Giants.

The Laistrygonians are eight-foot-tall cannibal giants with heavily tattooed arms. They have yellow pointed teeth. Under their clothing is leather armor and they carried iron clubs.

The giants were resting under the highway where no cars were passing by. They had set up a campfire and were wrestling against one another.

Out of the blue a knife embedded itself into the head of a giant on the outer perimeter of the camp. As it disintegrated into dust a teenage boy with short-cropped sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, a sharp nose and a grim look of determination on his face charged out of his hiding place and quickly stabbed into another giant who also disintegrated.

The remaining giants snapped out of their shock and quickly got ready to defend themselves and kill the intruder. A few towards the back conjured a ball of fire in their hands.

"A little demigod has arrived to nake himself our dinner boys", said one that might have been the leader of the group. He sniffed the air and turned towards another spot, "And he brought appetizers alongside desert."

6 giants split off towards the hiding place while the remaining 5 charged the boy.

The boy expertly dodged, weaved and attacked managing to injure 3 over the giants while the other 2 were keeping some distance, waiting for a chance to land a fatal blow.

The remaining 6 giants which were advancing towards the other 2 demigods were now stumbling back in fear trying to move away from the shield which had Medusa's head emblazoned on it, inciting their fear.

The girl carrying the shield, had spiky black hair, dark eye-liner around her stormy blue eyes, a spray of freckles across her nose, and she wore punk-style clothes with silver chains on her wrists. She took out a crudely made wooden spear with a bronze tip and stabbed the head of one of the fallen giants.

The giants retreated and formed a group and started hurling fireballs at both demigods.

When the girl decided they are close enough she raised her hand to the sky and the clear skies dropped a bolt of destructive lightning instantly disintegrating the closest 2 and causing paralysis in the other 8.

A plucky, blonde-haired seven or eight-year-old demigod picked up the earlier thrown knife and quickly cut at the hamstrings of as many giants as she could before they regained motion managing to injure and maim 4.

"Great job, Annabeth!" shouted the boy as he rushed towards the giants intending to finish them in one go.

The girl, Annabeth, smiled and jumped back knowing she would only he a hindrance in the coming fight at close range.

"Get them Luke!" said Annabeth, her eyed glowed with hero worship as she looked at her brother and hero.

Luke killed two of the injured giants instructed the other girl, "Thalia, keep them busy please."

Thalia sighed and raised her shield advancing towards the giants.

When only one was left injured and lying on the ground just waiting for the final blow––

From the nearby alley cam another 8 giants.

The leader of the new group was carrying a man or rather a man with goat legs. The man's face was covered with snot and tears as he hung in despair.

The leader shouted, "Boys! We found a satyr. We will use his smell to find the demigod that has been hunting us. To reduce our numbers from 47 to 21 on her lonesome is--"

This is when he noticed that there was only one dying laistrygonian giant left, his kinsman, on the ground and the giant was surrounded by 3 demigods who were warily looking at him.

The demigods quickly prepared for battle.

Thalia worriedly said, "Luke, we should run. Though we might be able to handle them, it would cost us too much energy and we might even be injured."

Luke disagreed. "We can take them and we also have a hostage to save."

Annabeth just agreed with what Luke said.


Thalia sighed, "Well, let's get on with it then."

The leading giant was furious. Not only had these demigods killed his kinsmen but bow they were ignoring HIM. How DARE they?

"Charg––" His words were interrupted when a moon shaped dart struck him between the brows and he dispersed into golden dust.

The moon dart disappeared and appeared again in the hands of a girl in dark clothes that seemed to absorb light, black hair that seemed to have red undertones in the afternoon sun and piercing reddish purple eyes.

She had a cold expression on her face but her eyes held a glint of excitement and insanity.

She charged the giants alone.

"It's her. She is the one who has been hunting us!" screamed one of the giants.


[Skye Hunt PoV]

I have been hunting these laistrygonian giants for a few days now. One of them tried to eat me. So I obviously had to repay them and hunted down the entire group.

It is a good thing they were never in too big of a group. Always in groups no more than 10 made it much easier.

The first two groups I killed with the help of traps to observe their fighting style. The last group I fought and killed head on. Though that also brought their attention to me as it wasn't a very clean and quiet kill.

They were still stupid enough to move in their small groups.

I tracked one group to beneath the highway but was surprised when someone else got there first.

It was brilliant strategy to take them down using minimum energy. They were also much better equipped than me. Especially Thalia, the girl who could call down lightning. Her levels of power reminded me of Percy making her godly parent a bit obvious. Her shield was quite marvelous. Possibly a replica of the Aegis. It induced fear into whoever looked at it and even my heart started racing when I looked at it despite Scathach's teachings though I quickly got my breathing under control after looking away.

The boy, Luke, was very talented in swordsmanship. Maybe only Percy had his level of talent if not better.

The girl around my age also caught attention because despite her age she seemed to be the one making the plans and her eyes seemed to be calculating the fight and its outcome though her intelligence was slightly covered by the admiration she showed for her elder demigods, mainly for Luke though.

Their fight was quick and efficient. The only mistake was not anticipating the larger numbers possible for a Laistrygonian giant group though that could just be because they don't know and this group was very large even for Laistrygonian Giants.

So when the last group of giants arrived I intervened to save them and also because I was curious about the satyr.

I threw my dart at the leader as he was still distracted and killed him with one blow.

He dropped the satyr who quickly rolled to the side knowing he might get stepped on and crushed. My dart reappeared in my hands as I charged the remaining giants and threw another dart at them killing another leaving 6 behind who ignited their hands and threw fireballs at me.

I nimbly dodged throught the barrage and jumped at the fist giant in my path. I kneed his chin leaving him disoriented and in midair I twisted my hips and kicked the giant next to him behind the ear. I then tucked my legs and using the giants face as a springboard I I jumped at the next one stabbing my dart through his eye leaving it there.

The dart I threw earlier appeared in my left hand as sliced and diced my way through the remaining giants.

The 3 remaining giants were injured and I quickly finished them off

When I turned around both the group of demigods and the bound satyr were looking at me in shock. The previously njured giant was still alive also looking at me in shock.

I suddey got the urge to say something and so I did.

"Yowai mo"

After which he also dispersed into dust.

so this chapter introduced Luke, Thalia and Annabeth.

At this time Luke has just left his mother's house after meeting Hermes and is getting reckless in proving something.

Thalia is worried but just supports the group silently.

Annabeth is just happy to be with her family who she idolizesI made the scen of how they meet Grover. It is not described in the book but because of MC they meet in precarious circumstances.

Solace_7649creators' thoughts