
In Riordanverse as The Shadowy One

Reborn?.....rather remade? as a girl? Why do I see cyclops in the construction area? Why are harpies on the telephone lines? Why are there giants at the beach? Am I in the Percy Jackson world? And why am I finding this amusing instead of panicking? All characters and story belongs to the respective authors and only my OC and the changes belong to me.

Solace_7649 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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17 Chs

Chapter 11- Revenge and loss

[Skye Hunt PoV]

I was enjoying this journey with my new group.

No longer wandering alone but with purpose and friends even if the journey was short-lived.

For some reason or the other hordes of monsters started hunting us as we were forced to flee.

I was running again. Running from the enemy that hunts us. The prey instead of the predator.It enraged me that I was running from these fights, and I might have just turned around to fight if I did not have company. In a way, I am glad my group kept me sane, even if they didn't know it.

As we ran away, I left behind urgently constructed and crude traps that barely slowed down the monsters.

We somehow managed to reach East Bronx, but I was temporarily separated due to me making the traps and because I was the only one the monsters couldn't smell due to my clothes.

While escaping, we learned that the monsters were after Thalia due to the orders of Hades.

The Furies themselves chased after us.

I had suggested giving my clothes to Thalia, but the decision was rejected because the monsters could still track them through the scent of the rest of the group.

I stepped down on my pride and separated myself from the group to stop the charge of the monsters.

I managed to kill a great number of monsters at a chokepoint of my own, making using traps and rocks.

Though, part of the reason is that Hellhounds were reluctant to attack me. They tried to ignore me and get past me using shadow travel, but I used my powers to block them.

For an entire day, I fought till I tired and had to let them past or I would die. The smallfries seeing me tire came to me but did not attack.

They looked at me strangely like they knew more about me than I knew about myself, and I realized they knew my godly parent and whoever he/she is is related to the underworld. They then left not attacking but not stopping the monsters from attacking me, and I could do nothing to stop them in my weakened state.

Unable to stay conscious after an entire day of continuous battle, I found an abandoned house nearby, which I had earlier marked and fell asleep inside, glad that I had bought them time.


I woke up following their track and found myself in Brooklyn. Why were they still here? What complications caused them to slow down?

While looking for them, I also found the tracks of a longtime enemy of mine. I finally found the tracks of the cyclops, and as much as I wanted my vengeance, I was more worried about Thalia and the rest.

Luckily or unluckily for me, both were in the same path. When I finally found them, I saw Annabeth stabbing the cyclops in the foot and cutting the rest free and running away.

I just hid and watched, waiting for the right time to strike. When the cyclops was focused on chasing them and had left their back completely open, I threw both my moondarts, one at the back of his neck and another at the base of his neck.

Both struck true, and the cyclops screamed in pain and fell. I quickly covered the distance and jumped onto the back of the cyclops, grabbing both darts and repeatedly stabbing it into his head till he died and turned into dusk like monsters usually do.

He left behind his belt on which a hammer made of the same metal as my moon darts, which I learned is known as Celestial Bronze.

For the cyclops, this hammer was likely for the forge, but for me, especially at my current size, it would make for a warhammer.

I took it, leaving the belt in my shadow as a trophy of my revenge.


A day and a half later, after the last week of semi-constant fights and keeping my mind in a state of super alertness, I was tired and on the verge of collapse on more than one occasion.

Still so far, I have barely used my shadow abilities and kept them as a trump card just in case.

The momsters seem to never decrease, and I swear that I have killed the same monster multiple times. Then I remember that Hades is the god of the dead. He might be giving these monsters the free pass to get out early.

I was finally able to catch up to the group that was climbing a hill.

Annabeth is on Luke's back, and Luke's leg is injured and wrapped in a bandage. One of Grover's arms is broken as he desperately tries to move forward towards what I can see as a barrier.

Thalia is the only one left in fighting condition though she too was exhausted. She fought like a feral beast, like an animal protecting its cubs.

They hadn't seen me yet or rather were too busy to notice as monsters swarmed them.

Thalia said something to Luke with a determined expression on her face as Luke cried and ran towards the barrier.

I understood what was happening and rushed towards Thalia but was too late as Alecto herself stabbed her in the stomach while a hellhound kept her in place by biting her left thigh.

As Thalia fell, a lightning bolt struck her, turning her into a tree, but I was too shocked by the first death of a friend that I witnessed.

At the realization that I could not talk to her again, I could not even see her anymore, a rage built up in me.

I tried to keep calm and to focus as Scathach taught me, but it was all for naught.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and charged the army of monsters.

As I screamed, my powers erupted, and the entire hill was covered in darkness. From the darkness rose countless blades made of shadow which launched themselves at the monsters. I grabbed a sword shaped shadow and started cutting through the monsters and used the bronze hammer to cave in the skulls of the rest.

When I finally came to my senses, I was alone on a hill covered by various remains of monsters.

I stared blankly at the cloudy sky, not noticing the crowd forming behind the barrier staring at me in shock and awe.

My eyelids were getting heavier, and Eben S I was out in the open. I let myself fall unconscious. No longer caring for that I could be in danger, that there might be monsters left behind, that someone else might attack me.

I just couldn't bring myself to care.