
In Riordanverse as The Shadowy One

Reborn?.....rather remade? as a girl? Why do I see cyclops in the construction area? Why are harpies on the telephone lines? Why are there giants at the beach? Am I in the Percy Jackson world? And why am I finding this amusing instead of panicking? All characters and story belongs to the respective authors and only my OC and the changes belong to me.

Solace_7649 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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17 Chs

Chapter 10- Joining a group

[Grover Underwood PoV]

I was minding my own business trying to find and guide demigods to camp.

I was given some news from the nearby nature spirits that there are demigods to be found.

I smelt 3 demigods and went towards them. Just as I was minding my own business I was cornered and caught by 8 laistrygonian giants who are apparently trying to catch a lone demigod and need my superior sense of smell to locate her.

I was scared and tired. Crying at my misfortune I was held by my legs to their basecamp.

At their basecamp I was surprised to died only one remaining giant slowly dying due to him wounds and 3 demigods surrounding him.

I was hopeful that they might save me but also scared that they might die due to saving me.

Just as they were about to fight the giant holding was suddenly dead. I was dropped quite painfully to the ground but quickly rolled out of the way of the possible fight unable to help as I was still bound.

Though I rolled away I was able to see what happened next. A girl around 8 years of age charged into the group demolishing the giants and killing all of then with finesse, grace and ease.

She then said something I think in Japanese to the dying laistrygonian giant and smirked to herself, some inside joke I assume.

This was amazing. The three demigods had managed to kill a small group of these giants and this girl had eliminated almost the entire tribe on her own.

I would be honored to escort these demigods to camp.


[Thalia Grace PoV]

She was incredible. The way she moved, the way danced around the giants as she cut them down.

She is powerful. What did she go through to be this good at such a you age? Let's see if we can get her to accept joining us. It would surely boost our survivability and we may also be able to help her.


[Luke Castellan PoV]

The fist thing I felt when I saw her battle was not gratitude but indignation and envy.

She took my kill. She took my glory. She fought so well that I was envious of her skill and possible heritage that came from her godly parent.

Then I realized what I am thinking. Am I really that petty? That I can't bear to see a girl younger than me be better than me? What is happening to me? She must have gone through a lot to get that level of skill. Just like me and Thalia. Why should I blame her for completing the hunt she had been on for days if the giants are to be believed?

I need to get my priorities straight. First and foremost is the protection of my family and to survive. Then and only then can I allow myself to entertain other thoughts.


[Annabeth Chase PoV]

She was, no she is spectacular. She decimated the giant group and likely even the entire tribe.

I wish I could be as powerful and skillful SD her. Then I could help Luke and Thalia even more. Still she is my age, maybe a year older. Maybe we can be friends after all demigods have to stick together.


[3rd PoV]

Skye temporarily ignored the gazes of the shocked demigods and walked towards the bound satyr.

She freed him from the ropes and then said, "Are you Grover Underwood?"

"Haah" the satyr stumbled over his words.

"I mean yes, yes I am Grover Underwood."

"Great" Skye sighed. "I have been looking for you for over a week now. Some nymphs that I had saved earlier told me to find you and gave the general direction. They said that you know a safe place to rest for demigods. Is that true?"

Skye looked at him with a piercing gaze, making sure she was not caught in an elaborate trap by getting answers from Grover.

Grover shrank under her gaze but still looked right into her eyes and responded, "Y-yes t-they would be right. I was sent to help guide them", he pointed at the 3 demigods who intently listening to the conversation, "and any other demigod to the camp. Would you like to come with me? Of course the offer is for you three too." He addressed Luke, Thalia and Annabeth.

Skye snapped back his attention to her and asked, "First things first, where is the camp? How big is it? How many demigods- scratch that, how many people does it have? What are its defences? Who is the most powerful person in the camp and what are his capabilites?"

Grover shrunk his head at the barrage of questions but tried to answer to the best of his abilities.

"Well the camp is near Montauk, Long Island. It is pretty big as it was intended to house an entire army of demigods if need be. Though a lot of that area is in the forest of which the deepest parts are not that safe. I never counted but it should have atleast more than 40 demigods. There are others including nymphs, satyrs, naiads and others but I don't know how many. The most powerful person is Mr.D but he rarely does anything and probablywill not intervene in the camp even if demigods are about o die. He only acts when the entire camp is in danger which has yet to happen. He is a god."

Skye realized that Grover is probably talking about the place where she felt an immense concentration of Mist and energy when she lived with Percy and Sally.

"Hmmnn" She decided to go to this demigod army camp and check how it runs before deciding to stay or not. "Ok I will go with you."

I turned towards the trio of demigods who were discussing their decision before coming to the same conclusion.

Luke stepped forward and spoke to Grover, "We will also follow you."

"I am Luke," he then pointed at Thalia," this is Thalia" he then pointed at Annabeth, "this is Annabeth."

Thalia and Annabeth waved at Grover and Skye.

Skye also introduced herself, "I am Skye Hunt."

All of them looked at each other awkwardly for a few moments before deciding to start their journey.

During the journey Skye bonded with her group, especially getting attached to Thalia.

Thalia, Skye realized is someone who would go the extra mile for friends and family just because she could. She always acted like the big sister of the group even though Luke was older than her.

She was also the most powerful member in single combat in the group due to her weapons and powers.

Skye didn't bond too much with Luke but noticed Luke is the type to the everything on his shoulders and would silently endure for his friends which Skye appreciated and tried to help is his burden as much as possible.

Luke would stay awake the longest, train the hardest and even with all thT he would make sure everyone else was fine before he took care of himself.

Annabeth was the baby and also the life of the group. Everyone had decided to protect her. She was the most innocent even with all her smarts. She loved the journey and even the danger just because she was spending time with everyone. She was just thT happy to have a complete functional family. She was also the happiest to meet Skye due to having found someone her age and kept asking Skye questions of her journeys and of Greek myths.

They made their way from Darien to all the way to Manhattan which would have taken more time if not for Skye directing them. Grover was not good with directions.