
In Remembrance of The Old

Rotation: Wandering messenger (Running) The presence sent his 7 messengers to find 2 "lights" that will bring a new world. Eloi (the messenger of the story) will question his loyalty to the presence in his quest of finding these lights. Eastside, 17th February (Completed) - Jikakukishi Forrest (Canceled) A group of "soldiers" finding their lost comrade in the woods of Japan. Pregnant Deer (Canceled) Amelia Cervi's life

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enjoy the festival (Rotation: W.M. #2)

He's right that I was being stiff from the start, but that's because this is urgent, the person I'm looking for might as well be gone by tomorrow, and have travelled to another world. I need to focus on my task, and not get carried away. I might need to find a way to part ways with Alan.

"Look! The festival has already started, let's go!" Alan grabbed my hand and hurried us to the festival.

"Sir, come here sir, we have roasted squid satay! 10 grahls for 5 satay"

"We have sapphire, Opal, and more. All of them are real gems. We also have fresh ore, straight from mining"

"Gentlemans! Come to our vendor, we can read your future by reading your hand. Come, it's free"

"Hey handsome, are you free tonight? 75 grahls for one hour"

"Welcome to AsmaFest! There will be fireworks by 11:00 PM, don't miss it!"

Many people, families, friends, and couples stroll and visit each vendor. Left and right are vendors selling foods, gems, and all. And people are gathering to see what they offer, some stay and buy something, and some just look around and talk with their partners.

"So what do you think Eloi?"

"Hmm, festival is… crowded, and noisy"

"Hahaha of course, if it's not crowded then it's not a festival" he giggled, "Eloi, what do you want for dinner?"

"I'm fine any"

"Well then, let's try every food vendor. Shall we?" Alan grinned, hoping I will say yes. Then I felt my chest warmed, happiness probably, but maybe more than that, this feeling that I've never felt when I was young. 

I smiled "Yes"

"Let's go!"

Maybe I should relax a bit and immerse myself with the situation right now.

"God, I seek forgiveness for not doing what you ordered. For this moment I am about please myself with worldly pleasures. I beg for your forgiveness" I murmured and looked up to the sky, the moon is full and clear, with stars blinking crowding the sky, just like the festival shining its light here and there.

"Try this satay Eloi, oh this one too, and this one, that one…" And so on, he offered me a lot of food, and I tried every food he gave to me. 

"Which one do you like the most Eloi?"

"I think the one that's like a paper wrapped and inside it has some meat and vegetables in it"

"Kebab? Hahahah, wow you're an interesting tourist I've ever seen. I had to teach you how to eat it too haha"

I was confused on how to eat it, it was wrapped with a paper, should I eat the paper too?

As we ate our food and jumped from one vendor to another, I observed everything around me. Many people come to festivals with someone, not have I seen a single person walking alone here. Most of the people here are older couples and families, and even if there's children with no parents with them, they walk with a group of friends. And they all are laughing and enjoying themselves. I felt like I was not suited with this environment, this feeling. Then, about two vendors apart I catched a glimpse of a girl, brown skin wearing a grey dress, staring back at me. As if she knows something about me. She knows that I am a messenger, I sense it, it's her, the light. I stood up from my seat and was about to catch that girl.

"Eloi, where are you going? We still have round 7"

"I found the person, she's here"

"Oh, okay go to her then, I will wait here"

I rushed and ran to that girl, but, where is she? I am standing where she stood. She just disappeared, and sunken to the crowd. I remain and stand where I stood, scanning people around. It's like a stone in a river, the constant flow of the crowd is pushing me, I can't concentrate. 


"Ah, sorry i didn't mean to..." I looked at the person that bumped me, it was a little girl. She dropped her lamb doll. I crouched and picked up the doll and gave it to her.

"Thank you mr" she said with a low voice, her face looked worried. She looked around and seemed to be looking for someone too.

"Are you looking for your friends?"

"I was with my mom, but I don't know where she is" the little girl hugged her lamb doll tightly, comforting herself from panicking and being lost. 

"Okay Let's find your mom, come with me" I accompany the girl to find her mother, but first I need to get back to Alan, maybe he knows this girl's mother. 

As soon as we approached Alan, Alan shouted and waved "Lily!"

"Uncle Alan" the girl ran to him and hugged him.

"Eloi, you're looking for this girl? She is Lisa's daughter haha, what a coincidence"

"No actually, I accidentally found her alone and she is looking for her mother"

"I see, well you're safe now Lily, we'll find your mother" Alan brushes Lily's long hair, comforting her. "Have you had dinner Lily?"

"Uhuh, Mom and I ate home before"

"Haah" Alan sighed, "Lisa is very conserving isn't she?"

Three of us continue our journey to find Lisa, we walk through the swarm of crowds, and it's almost 11 Pm. She might be at the fireworks place, she might be expecting her daughter to be there.

"Let's go to the firework area, Lisa might be there already"

"Good thinking Eloi, let's go there Lily"