
In Overlord as a Dovahkiin

David dies and gets reincarnated in his favorite Anime Overlord with the real might of a Dovahkiin. Follow him as he conquers the new world! ~ btw English isn't my first language. I am new at writing and only watched the Overlord Anime and read a bit of the web novel so expect plot holes and stuff. Yes, there will be harem but just a small one. I own nothing but OC.

An1x · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

25. Devasted (Rewritten)


Just wanted to show you guys something a reader posted but deleted again.



"You fool really thought you could win against this many angels?! You are gonna die and after that we will raid that village you tried to protect with your life! GAHAHAH!" The bald commander of the enemy said.

How funny.

"Heheha... AHAHAHAHAAA!" I couldn't help but laugh.

"What?! Did you go crazy? Why are YOU laughing?!" He asked me aggressively.

"hahaha... You said you want to raid the village I am protecting? HAHAHAA! THERE IS A WARRIOR THERE, MANY TIMES STRONGER THAN MYSELF AND HIS COMPANION! I DIDN'T EVEN SEE HIM FIGHT AND ALREADY KNEW THAT I COULDN'T EVEN DREAM OF GETTING A SCRATCH ON HIM!!!" I told them. Lord Al will keep his promise. I know it.

And what I said is true. The moment I laid my eyes on him I already felt like giving up! He is a monster. A good one from what I've seen.

"You truly have gone mad Gazef! But don't worry, I will free you of your madness! Angels kill him!" The bald captain gave the final command.

'Ahhh, that's it then? I still had so much to do for the kingdom. And the king is already old and needs me too... At least I can die knowing I made friends with an individual such as Lord Al. Though, I would love to see him fight...' I thought with a sad smile on my face as the angels were approaching fast.


They all at once stabbed me...

That's it then I guess....


"CAPTAIN?! Go get the village doctor! Captain what happened and how did you get here?!" Some old man questioned me.

Why am I screamed at by some old man the second I die? *sigh* wait... Pain, I still feel great pain! Am I still alive?

"Al... Where is Lord Al?" I asked weakly. The blood loss is too much, I am about to pass out.

"He... He just dissapeared! It's like he switched places with you captain!" The village chief said.

What? Switched places? Oh.. I get it now hahaha.

"That bastard hahahaaha..." And with that I passed out.


'Took him long enough to get beaten up. Anyway, now I can have some fun.' I thought as I appeared in front of some low-tier angels.

"What?! Where is Gazef? And who are you?!" Some bald dude whose name I forgot screamed at me.

"My name is Alduin, and I am the one who is protecting the village you talked about earlier. Now, accept defeat and maybe you will live for a while afterwards." I told them. Of course they won't give up and of course they will all die.


On his command the angels started approaching me and Albedo was about to step in but I told her to stay where she is until I am done here. And after that we will finally have our date which hopefully gets a happy ending if you know what I mean.

So these Angels began their barrage of attacks... which did absolutely no damage at all... Which was exactly what I expected.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! KILL HIM, NOW!" The bald captain screamed nervously.

He probably remembered what Gazef told him before and slowly starts believing. As he should.

As I was seeing absolutely nothing because of the tens of angels attacking me from the front I used my telekinesis and just squashed them like some insects.

"Hahaha! You see now how helpless your situation is you pathetic bug?! Bow before the might of Lord Alduin and accept death!" Albedo shouted excited from the side lines while swinging her arms in the air.

She kinda reminds me of some highschool cheerleader...

This makes me wanna go all out.

"I-impossible! Nothing can beat me! No one!" Stage one, denial.

"Come on, just pull out that big angel. It's getting boring already." I said while waving my hand at him. Maybe I should just start killing them? But what should I use? Mass-destruction spells or just my physical capabilities? Ah! I will use Telekinesis combined with my sword to slaughter them all! That's it!

'Wow I can't wait too see how I will turn out once my karma stat starts kickin in.' I hope I don't become some emotionless dude. That would be sad.

"W-WHAT?! HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS?! No, doesn't matter, DOMINION AUTHORITY! COME KILL THAT DEMON!" He screamed hysterically holding the summoning crystal up in the air with both of his arms.

*summoning noises*

As the big ass angel appeared in all his holy glory most of the small holy army fell on their knees and started praying. All while that bald guy was laughing...

"KILL HIMMMM!" He shouted for the tenth time.

"MwuahahahahahahaAHAHAHAHA! [Reality Slash]! Hehehehe!" I equipped my great sword, even if not needed, and used reality slash. A very strong 10th Tier spell that as it name says cuts realty itself. I could also just wave my hand to cast it but I like using my sword. Alone the swing of my greatsword sent a strong wind against the army.

And before the Dominion Authority could even move it was cleanly cut in half from head to toe and just exploded in particles.

And like that, hell broke loose among the soldiers.

"No, nonononoNOOOOO! THIS IS IMPOS-"


Before I have to hear him crying around like that again I rather end this fast and have my date with dear Albedo.

And like that I just vanished in the eyes of the soldiers and in the next moment the head of their captain just flew into the air and exploded.

Speeding around I hacked down soldiers left and right which resulted in heavy shockwaves being created and causing the nearby soldiers and their limbs to fly around.

"Kyaaaa! Go My Lord! Show them your power!" Albedo squealed as hot misty breath escaped her helmet.

She truly is a good waifu. Cheering for me like that.

After about fifteen seconds later all that was left was a mountain of severed limbs and crushed bodies.

To be honest, I don't feel anything with killing them all. I expected some sort of disgust or reluctance but there's nothing like that.

Guess that's the dragon taking over and adding my True Neutral Karma stat it would make some sense I guess.


Now that I finished them it's time for some favourite girl action...

Oh, and no I did not forget about those guys spying on me. It's all going as planned Hahahahah!

"Come on Albedo! Let's go have a date." I said as I walked away and Albedo following me with a small happy jump in her steps.


Finally done wirh the rewrite, if any of you have ANY suggestions as small as they may be tell me before I finish my next chap and you will be heard.

How do you like the chapter?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

An1xcreators' thoughts