
In one piece with the Hito Hito no mi model: super potential

18 year old boy had just graduated and decided to go on vacation and while on a remote island he found a weird looking fruit which he thought was a exotic fruit and he ate it and in a flash of light got sent to the world of one piece (just a short summary I'm not really good with synopsis)

Harem_God_Zero · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
4 Chs

Ch. 1 "prologue"

Congrats on graduation kenzo" a random person said 

Yeah congrats" another random person said 

Thanks, guys you all too" Kenzo said 

Kenzo was a pretty average guy with average looks with a few exotic features like his cobalt-blue eyes and jet-black hair but that was about it he was also relatively skinny with not much muscle. 

So what are you gonna do now?" one of his friends asked 

My parents suggested I go on vacation to celebrate they said it would also give me time to decide what to do with my life" Kenzo said 

I thought you already decided to be a manga creator." the same friend from before asked confused 

My parents say I won't make it" Kenzo said sadly 

They say I should get a diploma in business school" Kenzo said

Damn man that's tough" another one of his friends said 

But bro what about all those babes you could have drawn" a bald guy with glasses said 

Sorry man can't just go watch One Piece there are plenty of girls with big boobs there" Kenzo said as he imagined some of the girls in one piece. 

Yeah I guess" his bald friend said as he looked down sadly 

Don't worry man I will still probably draw some manga and post them online for some extra cash" Kenzo said 

His bald friend perked up 

You are the best!" his friend said as he hugged him

Gross man get off me" Kenzo said as he laughed 

I will be gone for a few months so I will see you guys my parents want to leave today" Kenzo said as he left towards his home to pack his things. 

Kenzo's home

Mom, Dad I'm home!" kenzo yelled as he entered through his front door. 

Oh Kenzo you back I already picked out some cute clothes for you and I got everything you need" Kenzo's mom said 

Mom I was going to do that myself you always pick out embarrassing clothes" Kenzo said with a sigh 

Kenzo are you talking back" his mom asked 

Mom, I'm 18, not a kid" Kenzo said but immediately regretted it

Kenzo! Shut up or you're staying here for another 4 years and I won't let you have a girlfriend for 7 more years not like you could get one with your ugly looks" his mom said in a sickly sweet tone with a hint of malice in her tone. 

Yes Mom" Kenzo said with a sad tone as he looked down

He went up to his room and sat on his bed since his "mom" had packed everything 

Why can't I ever have the freedom to do what I want? I get there are some things that I just can't do but all I've ever wanted is freedom I just want to decide what to do with my life and not let anyone else decide" Kenzo thought sadly but his thoughts were quickly interrupted. 

Kenzo it's time to go!" his dad yelled 

Kenzo got up and went to the car to drive to the airport. 

After they arrived at the airport they quickly got on a plane to go to a remote island used for vacation. 


They arrived at the island and checked in at a hotel

Kenzo before you start to have fun go get on the computer and look for colleges" Kenzo's dad said 

But dad" Kenzo said 

Kenzo! Did I ask a question" his father yelled

No dad bu-" Kenzo was about to finish before 


Kenzo's dad slapped him 

Kenzo do you want to be locked in the room for the rest of the day" his dad said his voice full of disgust

No sir" Kenzo said as he remembered the basement back at home 

You know you are an embarrassment you a failure I don't even want to call you a son and your mother stopped calling you that a while ago" his father said with a smirk. 

Kenzo said nothing as tears began leaking from his eyes he just opened the computer and started to look up colleges

His father still looked over him smirking like he had just gotten the sweetest lollypop he had ever had. 

Now me and your mother are going to go do some... activities stay here and look for colleges. 

Yes Father" Kenzo said 

His father left and he shut the computer 

Finally, he left...he really thought he won I still have my drive" Kenzo thought although he did think it was a bit cringe 

He got up and opened the front door and quickly found his way outside. 

Might as well just enjoy myself while I can" Kenzo thought 

He sat down and put his feet in the water and just started to chill free from all of his worries. 


His stomach started growling 

Damn, I'm hungry" Kenzo whispered to himself as he got up and started picking fruits off of trees until he spotted a fruit that looked strange. 

Huh this one kinda weird must be an exotic fruit" Kenzo said and in a moment of stupidity took a bite 

There was a flash of light and Kenzo disappeared